Description: Das Projekt "Optimierung des Kompostierungsprozesses, um die gesundheitsschaedlichen Pathogenen zu beseitigen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Faculte des Sciences, Institut de Botanique, Laboratoire de Microbiologie durchgeführt. The main objectives of the research are to simultaneously optimise the thermogenic phase of the composting process, in order to maximise the hygienization (elimination of allergenic and pathogenic micro-organisms) and to improve the efficiency of the thermophilic microorganism association and its diversity. This will ensure an efficient degradation and maturation, avoiding the phytotoxicity hazards. It should enable to give guidelines to collectivities, industries and privates for the establishment of composting places, for the choice of the composting system, and for its management, in order to warrant a good composting process with a high hygienic security. The knowledge about specific compost bacteria can be useful to optimize composting of industrial wastes, bioremediation (co-composting of contaminated soils), degradation of xenobiotics, and utilization of thermostable enzymes for agroalimentary and other industrial applications.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Gesundheitsgefährdung ? Abfallbehandlung ? Kompostierung ? Temperaturabhängigkeit ? Biologische Abfallbehandlung ? Bodendegradation ? Bodenverunreinigung ? Enzym ? Industrieabfall ? Phytotoxizität ? Bakterien ? Management ? Schadstoffabbau ? Pathogenität ? Xenobiotikum ? Mikroorganismen ? Bioremediation ? Hygienisierung ? Krankheitserreger ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Thermophile-Mikroorganismen ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1997-01-01 - 2001-12-31
Accessed 1 times.