Description: Das Projekt "Development of ceramic oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for power" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Objective: Design concept and development of a large surfaced sofc consisting of a yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte with electrodes on both sides and a corrugated structured bipolar plate. Because of using a metallic bipolar plate (which has to ensure besides the cells connection also the transport and distribution of gases) the cell operating temperature should be 900-950 celsius degree. The electrode material will also be suited to this temperature range. General information: within the contract en3e-0180-uk managed by imperial college and entitled 'fabrication and evaluation of small (100w) sofc reactors', sofc stocks will be built up and tested. The main differences (cell construction operating temperature, material of bipolar plate, test conditions) between the Siemens and the IC. Contracts are well defined. This work programme includes the development of a new corrugated structured sofc from the concept up to the test of one single or several cells. Main points are the preparation of thin, solid and mechanic stable electrolyte foils, the optimization of electrodes with respect to conductivity and pore structure (adaptation to the relative low temperature range of 900 - 950 celsius degrees) and the development of a bipolar plate, which ensures the mechanical stability of the electrolyte and the gas distribution. A wide-spread technical knowledge in the field of electro ceramics, bonding technique and electrochemics is available at Siemens. In addition all essential equipment and tools for preparation of defined porous structures etc. And for the analysis and characterization of materials are existing. Achievements: Siemens is proposing a new planar concept with metal separator plate for the ceramic oxide fuel cell (SOFC) reactor. Main goal of the preparation phase was the development of single SOFC cells with internationally comparable power data. The development of the ceramic compounds and the metal separator plate for the planar Siemens SOFC concept can be summarized as follows: manufacture of electrolyte bulk material by the mixed oxide process as well as from chemically prepared YSZ materials (FSZ and PSZ); physicochemical characterization of these electrolyte specimens; sintering studies with various tape casted electrolyte materials; development of a sintering process for a flat plate electrolyte with dimensions 100 x 100 x 0.15 mm(3); manufacture of cathode bulk material in the system La(1-u)Sr(u)Mn(1-x)Co(x)Mn03 by the mixed oxide process; physicochemical characterization of these cathode specimens; manufacture of anode bulk material of 10 to 100 per cent nickel content by the mixed oxide process; physicochemical characterization of these anode specimens; development of a screen printing technique for electrodes; manufacture of ceramic trilayers by tape casting screen printing; design and construction of a bench cell testing facility; bench cell testing of ceramic trilayers with various anode compositions; selection of ...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Keramik ? Main ? Festoxid-Brennstoffzelle ? Schwermetallgehalt ? Sinterung ? Anorganischer Werkstoff ? Tierhaltungsanlage ? Blech ? Kobalt ? Mangan ? Nickel ? Nickelverbindung ? Strontium ? Wohnung ? Zirkonium ? Mischoxid ? Oxid ? Elektrolyt ? Gasversorgung ? Temperaturverteilung ? Lanthanoide ? Yttrium ? Metalloxid ? Brennstoffzelle ? Contracting ? Temperaturentwicklung ? Elektrochemie ? Anlagenoptimierung ? Verfahrensparameter ? Zellstruktur ? Brunnenbau ? Metall ? Materialprüfung ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Stromerzeugung ? Reaktor ? Prüfverfahren ? Reaktionstemperatur ? Chemisches Verfahren ? Stoffgemisch ? Studie ? Systemtechnik ? Daten ? Vertrag ? Werkstoffkunde ? Energie ? Leitfähigkeit ? Nassverfahren ? Schüttgut ? Bautechnik ? Stofftransport ? Anlagenbau ? Chemisch-physikalische Behandlung ? Produktdesign ? Elektrode ? Anode ? YSZ-Material ? bipolar-plate ? electro-ceramic ? electrolyte-foil ? metal-separator-plate ? screen-printing-technique ? small-(100w)-sofc-reactor ? solid-oxide-fuel-cell ? Katode ? La(1-u)Sr(u)Mn(1-x)Co(x)Mn03 ? SOFC ?
Region: Bayern
Bounding boxes: 12.53381° .. 12.53381° x 47.795° .. 47.795°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1988-07-01 - 1990-06-30
Accessed 1 times.