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Natural and anthropogenic mineral aerosols from ice and sediment Alpine records: Climatic, stratigraphic, and environmental implications.

Description: Das Projekt "Natural and anthropogenic mineral aerosols from ice and sediment Alpine records: Climatic, stratigraphic, and environmental implications." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Geneve, Institut F.-A. Forel durchgeführt. The investigation of sediment cores from two of the largest freshwater lakes from Western Europe (lakes Geneva and Lucerne) demonstrated that natural sources of trace elements dominated before the European industrial revolution. The heavy metal pollution (e.g. lead, mercury) highly increased following the industrialization of Switzerland after 1850. The implementation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the 1960s significantly decreased the metal pollution at the deepwater sites. By contrast, the Vidy Bay of Lake Geneva where are released the WWTP of the city of Lausanne since 1964 was highly contaminated by heavy metals due to the WWTP emissions. Lead isotopic composition furthermore highlighted the industrial pollution sources over the last 200 years. During the twentieth century, industrial releases multiplied by 10 times heavy metal fluxes to hydrological systems located on both sides of the Alps. The remote and small high altitude lake Meidsee (2661 m a.s.l. in the Southwestern Alps) revealed the strong increase in anthropogenic trace metal deposition during the Greek and Roman Empires (ca 300 BC to AD 400), the Late Middle Ages (ca AD 1400), and the Early Modern Europe (after ca AD 1600). The greatest increases in anthropogenic metal pollution were evidenced after the industrial revolution of ca AD 1850, especially in Lake Lucerne where industrial activities and the steamboat navigation released high amounts of fossil fuel combustion residues and heavy metals. The elemental and isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter from the high-altitude Lake Meidsee provided additional information about the high-altitude Alpine landscape evolution since the Late Pleistocene/Holocene deglaciation in the Swiss Southwestern Alps; and indicated the predominant deposition of algal-derived organic matter with limited input of terrestrial organic matter before the Holocene Climatic Optimum (between 7.0 and 5.5 years ago). This research also investigated faecal indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli and Enterococcus), multiple antibiotic resistant and antibiotic resistance genes, in sediment profiles from different parts of Lake Geneva (Switzerland) over the last decades. Results showed that the WWTP input constituted the main source of pollution for several contaminants, including heavy metals, antibiotics, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The Bay of Vidy of Lake Geneva can therefore be considered as a reservoir of bacteria multiple resistance genes. Hence, the human-induced eutrophication in the 1970s highly enhanced the sediment microbial activity, and therein the spreading of antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in this aquatic environment used to supply drinking water in a highly populated area.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Main ? Antibiotikum ? Besiedlung ? Fossiler Brennstoff ? Gen ? Bleikontamination ? Antibiotikaresistenz ? Eutrophierung ? Kolibakterien ? Seen ? Genf ? Lausanne ? Luzern ? Luzern ? Seensediment ? Resistenz ? Schadstoffbelastung ? Seenverunreinigung ? Umweltauswirkung ? Blei ? Schwermetall ? Quecksilber ? Schweiz ? Abwasserbehandlungsanlage ? Schmutzstoff ? Sedimentkern ? Gletscherschwund ? Spurenelement ? Organisches Material ? Topographie ? Verkeimung ? Bakterien ? Metall ? Bucht ? Industrieverschmutzung ? Industrialisierung ? Industrieemission ? Innenstadt ? Aerosol ? Mikroskopie ? Westeuropa ? Seenschichtung ? Mensch ? Navigation ? Aquatisches Ökosystem ? Abwasser ? Standortwahl ? Verbrennungsrückstand ? Bewässerung ? Versorgung ? Wasserversorgung ? Bioindikator ? Mikroorganismen ? Deposition ? Sediment ? Bohrkern ? Emission ? Stadt ? Wasser ? Hochgebirge ? Biologische Aktivität ? Evolution ? Alpen ? Europa ? Getränk ? Wasserspeicher ? Schadstoffquelle ? Schifffahrt ? Landschaft ? Anthropogener Einfluss ? Mineral ? Gebiet ? Verunreinigung ? Forschung ? Hydrologie ? Indikator ? Ablagerung ? WAND ? See [Binnengewässer] ? ABNAHME ? BETRAG ? INDUSTRIETAETIGKEIT ? KONTAMINIEREN ? EINGESCHRAENKT ? ERGEBNIS ? HOLOZAEN ? LIMNISCH ? INDUSTRIELL ? TEIL ? UNTERSUCHUNG ? NATUERLICH UND ANTHROPOGEN ? Vermehrung ? PLEISTOZAEN ? REVOLUTION ? SEDIMENTAER ? STARK ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2008-11-01 - 2011-10-31



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