Description: Das Projekt "Verfahren zur Empfehlung der optimalen nachhaltigen Planung von Verkehrsnetzen fuer europaeische Staedte" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik durchgeführt. Objective: Procedures for Recommending Optimal Sustainable Planning of European City Transport Systems. Problems to be solved: Project PROSPECTS is designed to help city authorities meet the challenges set in 'The Common Transport Policy' which advocates the achievement of sustainable mobility. Sustainability in that sense is currently jeopardised by the growth in car ownership and use, the parallel dominance of road vehicles in freight transport, and the decentralisation of urban land use. The resulting problems include congestion, which is extending over longer period and larges areas; increased pollutants, noise and visual intrusion; higher levels of fuel consumption, and hence carbon dioxide emissions, adversely affecting the global environment; higher numbers of road accidents; reduced accessibility by public transport and lower quality journeys on foot and by cycle, thus aggravating problems of social exclusion; and, though all of these, a deterioration in quality of life and in the efficiency of the urban economy. City authorities have available an increasing range of policy measures to tackle these problems and are actively seeking integrated solutions. However, it is often difficult to identify that combination of measures which will achieve the optimal strategy for a particular city. Moreover, there are several barriers to implementing optimal strategies, including practical problems, lack of legislation, division of responsibilities, lack of finance and, above all, lack of public acceptance. Scientific objectives and approach: The principal objective of PROSPECTS is to provide cities with the guidance which they need in order to generate optimal land use and transport strategies to meet the challenge of sustainability in their particular circumstances. The sub-objectives, each of which is associated with a separate technical Work Package, are: To identify the decision making needs of cities. To assess and enhance evaluation tools to aid decision making. To assess and enhance forecasting and analysis tools for the land use/transport system. To publish a Decision-Makers' Guidebook and supporting Methodological and Policy Guidebooks. To disseminate the results and exploit the three Guidebooks and the enhanced tools. The first Work Package involves defining cities' policy objectives, underlying trends and future scenarios, policy options, decision making processes and barriers to implementation. These are identified initially with the Core Cities and then tested through the wider survey. The second Work Package focuses on the tools necessary for evaluating strategies against the specified objectives, identifying optimal strategies in terms of these objectives, and presenting information to decision makers and the public in an easily interpreted form. Prime Contractor: University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies; Leeds.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Stadtstraße ? Optisch bedrängende Wirkung ? Schadstoffgehalt ? Lack ? Wien ? Kraftstoffverbrauch ? Nachhaltigkeitsziel ? Anfechtung ? Innenstadt ? Lärmpegel ? Lebensqualität ? Stadtplanung ? Stadtverkehr ? Szenario ? Verkehrspolitik ? Öffentlicher Verkehr ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Lärmbelastung ? Straßenfahrzeug ? Studie ? Systemanalyse ? Flächennutzung ? Verkehrsnetz ? Verkehrsplanung ? Öffentliche Finanzierung ? Stadt ? Güterverkehr ? Europa ? Bohrkern ? Nachhaltige Mobilität ? Verkehrsemission ? Soziale Aspekte ? Verkehrssystem ? Verkehrstechnik ? Verpackung ? Wirtschaftliche Aspekte ? Verkehr ? Räumliche Mobilität ? Umweltschutz ? Fahrzeug ? Nachhaltigkeitsprinzip ? Entscheidungshilfe ? Akzeptanz ?
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-01-02 - 2003-01-31
Accessed 1 times.