Description: Das Projekt "Waste treatment plant for the treatment of slurry and liquid brewey wastes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eisenmann Maschinenbau KG durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims at demonstrating that slurry-type wastes originating from the food industry - and a brewery is selected as a typical example - constitute a substantial energy resource. These wastes should therefore not be destroyed by an aerobic, energy-demanding process, but on the contrary be treated in such a way as to recover the energy. Biomethanation is an appropriate process for this, provided innovative adequate pretreatments, namely pretreatments with enzymes, make it possible for methane archae-bacteria to transform the organic matter into methane. Besides, the biogas can be utilized by the industry itself and the pollution abatement constitutes an important fringe benefit. General Information: The innovative treatment system consists of 4 consecutive steps. The slurry-type brewery waste will be enzymatically hydrolyzed to monomeric compounds, simultaneously fermented to organic acids and separately biomethanized. Preceeding these two steps is a buffer step to cope with the discontinuous fonctionning of the brewery, namely over the week-end. Following these two steps, is a step of physico-chemically-assisted thickening yielding a filtrate to be recycled in the 3rd step and a sludge to be composted. The first step, buffering, takes place in 5 m3 tank where yeast and marc are mixed and heated at 70 degree of Celsius In this step, the Kieselgur filter aid is specifically removed by fast sedimentation, an essential part or the process. In the second step, 220 l portions of the previous step are mixed with O.O1 per cent enzyme, heated at 70 degree of Celsius and introduced in the first anaerobic reactor of next step. The third step consists of 2 step biomethanation system: acidogenesis and methanogenesis. Acidogenesis is conducted in a 3step cascade mode with part of the sludge recycled, the excess sludge being led to step 4. The gas produced in the acidogenic step passes through the methanogenic reactor. The mixed liquor of the methanogenic step passes through an ultrafiltration device. The liquid portion is of good quality enough to be discharged in the sewer. The more solid portion is fed into step 4. The biogas is stored in a 15 m3 gasholder at low pressure and subsequently at 15 bar in a high pressure container of 67 m3 capacity, in order to allow for a 3 times a week use, at peak-demand times of energy in the brewery. The fourth step collects the excess sludge, thickens it in a filterpress, recycles the filtrate in the third step and yields and easily compostable solid cake. The waste to be treated amounts to 800 m3 y-1, containing 55,300 kg of TOC (total organic carbon).With an expected global conversion of 70 per cent, the biogas yield is 72,000 Nm3 y-1,equivalent to 42.6 toe. Total costs are 920,020 DM, all of it being eligible. EC contribution is 367.850 DM. Total investment cost is 678,020 DM. Maintenance and operation costs amount to 20,000 DM yearly. Per unit thermal kWh produced, this is equal respectively...
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Biogas ? Absetzbecken ? Brauerei ? Recycling ? Kieselgur ? Methangärung ? Schlammbehandlung ? Abfallbehandlung ? Abfallverwertung ? Anaerobe Bedingungen ? Biogasanlage ? Industrieschlamm ? Kompostierung ? Lebensmittelindustrie ? Methanbakterien ? Ultrafiltration ? Gasförmiger Stoff ? Gesamter organischer Kohlenstoff ? Enzym ? Fermentation ? Filter ? Hefe ? Anaerober Abbau ? Methan ? Abfallbehandlungsanlage ? Bioreaktor ? Organische Säure ? Schlamm ? Organisches Material ? Chemolyse ? Abwasserleitung ? pH-Wert ? Energieeinsparung ? Reaktor ? Biotechnologie ? Abfall ? Maschinenbau ? Säure ? Flüssiggut ? Biologische Behandlung ? Hydrolyse ? Energie ? Energieressourcen ? Trester ? Investitionskosten ? Chemisch-physikalische Behandlung ? Schadstoffminderung ? Sedimentation ? Stofftrennung ? Druckbehälter ? Gaserzeugung ? Nachnutzung ? Filtrat ? Vorbehandlung ? renewable sources of energy ? Filterpresse ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1986-10-01 - 1989-08-31
Accessed 1 times.