Description: Das Projekt "PV-Jalousien - Statisches Konzentratormodul mit doppelseitigen Zellen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH durchgeführt. General Information: Objectives of the Project: The main goal of the proposed project is to reduce the cost of the photovoltaic electricity. The way to do so is based on two activity lines: One is to improve the efficiency of bifacial P.V. cells and the other activity line is to develop an stationary concentrator for these cells which takes the advantage of the bifaciality of the cells while keeping the installation and maintenance requirements of the module as simple as are the ones of a conventional module. Technical Approach: To get a high efficiency bifacial cell is a key of the project. That is why the two bifacial technologies available in Europe are going to be considered and the two laboratories where they were invented are partners in the project. The cell manufacturer partner, with also a huge experience in bifacial cells process and manufacturing, will choose one (or both) of this technologies for its industrial process. CZ Silicon material with reduced boron doping, concentration and hence increased resistivity (about 10 Ohm cm) must be used. Concentrator must use an optical system that illuminates both sides of the cell with the light in coming from the module front surface. Additionally, the optical system may concentrate the radiation on the cell and thus reduce the cell contribution to the module cost. Because the concentrator is static, irradiance gains will be small (close to 4) but it affects strongly to the total module cost. Expected Achievements: The objective of the project is to combine existing technologies in both activities (bifacial cells and static concentration) for achieving;, a PV static concentrator with the economic potential to penetrate into the market of building integrated PV modules, obtaining a PV module actin, as a 'Venetian Store' to be easily integrated in the buildings. The technological targets to be achieved are the following: Conversion efficiency 14 per cent on either face - (Tcell = 25 C). - Optical efficiency at normal incidence greater than 83 per cent. - Collection efficiency (yearly averaged power on the cell/power on the concentrator's aperture) greater than 70 per cent (this includes optical losses of any kind). - Concentration factor 24. - Concentrator aperture 40 to 60 mm - Concentrator depth less than 2 times the cell width - Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) less than 70 deg. Prime Contractor: ISOFOTON S.A.; Estepona (Malaga)/Spain.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Main ? Fossiler Brennstoff ? Silikon ? Photovoltaikanlage ? Beleuchtung ? Bor ? Silizium ? Solarzelle ? Leitungsverlust ? Alternative Energie ? Stromerzeugung ? Gebäude ? Kind ? Strahlung ? Gebäudetechnik ? Beleuchtungsstärke ? Erneuerbare Ressource ? Kostensenkung ? Modul ? Europa ? Physikalischer Vorgang ? Industrielles Verfahren ? Effizienzsteigerung ? Konzentrator ? other energy topics ? renewable sources of energy ?
Region: Niedersachsen
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 1998-08-01 - 2001-07-31
Accessed 1 times.