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Flooding, sediment and salt transport in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Improved quantitative understanding based on remote sensing and airborne geophysics

Description: Das Projekt "Flooding, sediment and salt transport in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Improved quantitative understanding based on remote sensing and airborne geophysics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Professur für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Institut für Umweltingenieurwissenschaften durchgeführt. The Okavango is a large African wetland of prime ecological importance. Its existence is in jeopardy due to upstream development and increasing water demand in combination with predicted climatic change. Less water means a reduction of the permanent and seasonal swamp areas. The project creates a computer model serving as a tool to predict the impact of upstream hydraulic measures, channel management and changes in climate on the availability of water in the delta and its spatial distribution. It also looks at the sediment transport. The availability of water e.g. expressed by the frequency of flooding at a location is essential for the type of habitat prevailing at that point. Changes of water availability will therefore also cause changes in the habitat composition of the delta. Management of channels by cutting of papyrus or dredging will change the distribution of flooded areas. The interaction of the channels of the Okavango Delta with the floodplains and the underlying groundwater is of crucial importance. Vegetation on the islands gets its water through infiltration from the river channels and the yearly flood propagates both in the channels and in the groundwater. Therefore the model couples the surface water flow - in channels and overland during flooding - with the groundwater flow. In a region with little infrastructure it is hard to find data for this modelling effort. However, nowadays many data can be found through remote sensing techniques both from satellite and airborne platforms. These include the topography (from the Shuttle Mission), the rainfall (from METOESAT 5), the evapotranspiration (from NOAA-AVHRR) and the extension of water surfaces in their temporal development (from radar satellites and others). The thickness of the groundwater body is evaluated from aeromagnetic records provided by the geological Survey of Botswana. The infiltration zones can be seen through another airborne geophysical technique, the TEM-method. This survey is financed by the Botswanan government and will take place in April 2007. All satellite and airborne information needs calibration and interpretation through ground truth which is obtained in yearly field campaigns. The water areas serve as data for the adjustment and verification of the model. The insight gained through the model will flow into the work of the Okavango River Commission (OKACOM) which has to negotiate the permissible water use in the upstream.


Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT

Tags: Computer ? Gerinne ? Vegetation ? Wasserstraße ? Seen ? Fluss ? Zürich ? Evapotranspiration ? Kalibrierung ? Ökologie ? Radar ? Rückhaltebecken ? Salz ? Hochwasser ? Überschwemmung ? Island ? Botsuana ? Wasserverfügbarkeit ? Baggerung ? Fernerkundungsdaten ? Feuchtgebiet ? Grundwasservorkommen ? Habitat ? Hydraulik ? Infiltration ? Satellit ? Topographie ? Flussaue ? Insel ? Geoelektrik ? Management ? Hochwasserrisikomanagement ? Geodäsie ? Geophysik ? Rechtsverfahren ? Grundwasserkörper ? Grundwasserströmung ? Hochwasserschutz ? Oberflächengewässer ? Regen ? Siedlungswasserwirtschaft ? Technik ? Wasserfläche ? Wassernutzung ? Sediment ? Grundwasser ? Ackerland ? Luftschadstoff ? Wasser ? Verbreitungsgebiet ? Modellierung ? Wertermittlung ? Wirkung ? Bewässerung ? Daten ? Satellitenfernerkundung ? Klimafolgen ? Sedimentdynamik ? Bedarf ? Sedimenttransport ? Gebiet ? Arbeit ? Niederschlag ? Finanzierung ? Wasseroberfläche ? Fernerkundung ? Maßnahme ? Wasserstand ? Infrastruktur ? Verkehr ? Ressource ? Klima ? Klimawandel ? Wasserbedarf ? Schadensregulierung ? VERFRACHTUNG ? Werkzeug ? OBERFLAECHE ? OBERIRDISCH ? SCHNEIDEN ? SONSTIG ? JAHRESZEITLICH ? PERMANENT ? ENTWICKLUNG ? STANDORT ? STROMAUFWAERTS ? METHODE ? Mittel ? BEREICH ? Muskelarbeit ? MISCHUNG ? Bahnsteig ? Fluss [Bewegung] ? PROJEKT ? VERFUEGBARKEIT ? VERTEILUNG ? INITIATIVE ? RAEUMLICHE VERTEILUNG ? Vermehrung ?

License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0

Language: Deutsch


Time ranges: 2007-04-01 - 2008-12-31



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