Description: Das Projekt "B 2: Lateral water flow and transport of agrochemicals - Phase 1" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. The project aims at developing a model of the dynamics of agrochemicals (fertilisers, pesticides) and selected heavy metals on a regional scale as a function of cropping intensity in the highland areas of Northern Thailand. The model shall predict the effects of cropping intensity on mobility and leaching of agrochemicals in the agriculturally used system itself but also on the chemical status of neighbouring ecosystems including downstream areas. The methods for measuring and estimating the fluxes of agrochemicals in soils will be adapted to the conditions of the soils and sites in Northern Thailand. Fluxes of agrochemicals will be measured in fruit tree orchards on the experimental sites established together with projects B1, C1 and D1. Also, processes governing the dynamics of agrochemicals will be studied. The objectives for the first phase are as follows: - To identify suitable study sites - To establish the methods for measuring the fluxes of agrochemicals in the study sites - To adopt the analytical procedures for pesticides - To identify and parametrise the processes governing the mobility of agrochemicals - To identify the major chemical transformation processes for agrochemicals in the soils of the project area - To establish models of the fate of agrochemicals an the plot scale. Dynamics of agrochemicals include processes of mobilisation/immobilisation, degradation and transport. Both, experiments and field inventories are needed to elucidate the complex interaction of the various processes. Field measurements of the fluxes of nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu), pesticides and some heavy metals will be conducted at different regional scales (plot, agricultural system, small catchment, region). Laboratory and field experiments consider chemical, physicochemical and biological processes. Biological processes and degradation of pesticides will not be considered in the first phase of the project, however, they should be included later on. The project as a whole is broken down into three essential parts, which consecutively follow each other. The subproject is methods- and processes-orientated. Methods, which were developed in Hohenheim to quantify the fluxes of chemicals in soils have to be adapted to meet the requirements of the specific conditions in the study area. Recently, these methods are already under development in tropical environments (Vietnam, Costa Rica). After adaptation the methods will be used to yield flux data on the plot scale. These data are needed to help deciding which of the hypothesised processes are of major importance for modelling the dynamics of agrochemicals. The final outcome of this project phase are models of the fate of agrochemicals as a function of management intensity on the plot scale.
Origin: /Bund/UBA/UFORDAT
Tags: Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel ? Pestizid ? Obstbaum ? Obstwiese ? Costa Rica ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Düngemittel ? Nährstoff ? Zink ? Schwermetall ? Thailand ? Vietnam ? Kataster ? Chemischer Zustand ? Bodenkunde ? Chemische Analyse ? Pflanzenbestand ? Widerspruchsverfahren ? Ackerland ? Analyseverfahren ? Bewässerung ? Bodenqualität ? Chemikalien ? Daten ? Wasserströmung ? Management ? Messverfahren ? Standortwahl ? Studie ? Tropengebiet ? Wasser ? Hochgebirge ? Agrarraum ? Modellierung ? Bodenprozess ? Messung ? Landwirtschaft ? Bedarf ? Ökosystem ? Abbau ? Umwelt ? Chemische Reaktion ? Verkehr ? Gebiet ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Freilandversuch ? Verkehrsmobilität ? SONSTIG ? TEIL ? ERFORDERNIS ? VERBLEIB ? VERFRACHTUNG ? VERHAELTNIS ? FUNKTION ? GEBRAUCHT ? GEMISCHT ? SPEZIFISCH ? Biopharmazeutikum ( DE ) ? HOCHLAND ? METHODE ? STROMABWAERTS ? MOBILISATION ? MOBILISIERUNG ? NEU ? ANGEPASST ? NOERDLICH ? PROJEKT ? AUSGEWAEHLT ?
Region: Baden-Württemberg
Bounding boxes: 9° .. 9° x 48.5° .. 48.5°
License: cc-by-nc-nd/4.0
Language: Deutsch
Time ranges: 2000-01-01 - 2003-12-31
Webseite zum Förderprojekt (Webseite)Accessed 1 times.