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Research Objectives

Description: Research Objectives BASE engages in research activities in order to fulfil its official duties. The objective is to ascertain unresolved issues, to narrow the scope of existing gaps in knowledge and to guarantee the most up-to-date scientific and technological standards. The research strategy and research agenda provide a comprehensive overview of BASE's research activities. The general public plays an active role in guiding the direction of BASE's research activities. BASE disseminates the findings of its research widely. Why we do research BASE is a departmental research institute of the federal government and conducts research to fulfil its official duties. The main objectives of B ASE research are: Provide the state of the art in science and technology Identify open questions and fill knowledge gaps Communicate knowledge - Enable participation - Support participation Provide a broad knowledge base for informed policy advice Further develop national and international networking Build sustainable expertise BASE has established a research strategy, a research agenda and a research plan for the strategic orientation and development of its research. These are evaluated and updated at regular intervals. Research Strategy The research strategy sets out the overarching goals and long-term principles for a ten-year period. Research Agenda The BASE research agenda outlines the primary areas of research activity for the forthcoming years. It serves as the bridge between the overarching goals defined in the research strategy and the research projects set out in the annual research plan. Research Plan The annual research plan delineates the specific projects of BASE. Their identification is based on professional requirements and current priorities. In the interest of maximum transparency, BASE offers various formats to provide insight into research results. Public participation in strategy and agenda It is a fundamental objective of BASE research to disseminate the findings of its investigations to the wider public . It is only through transparent knowledge transfer and science communication that a productive exchange with experts and citizens can be achieved over the long term. BASE has been pursuing this successful participatory approach for several years. As early as the end of 2018, the research department published a research strategy and a research agenda for the first time as consultation versions, and initiated a discussion on these documents. The general public was engaged in the research planning process through two participatory formats, namely an online consultation and an expert workshop, the results of which constituted the basis for a fruitful exchange of ideas. In light of the findings obtained, the research strategy and agenda were subject to revision and published in November 2019. The 2024/2025 research agenda is also being developed in accordance with this principle. Research strategy Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 990KB, File meet accessibility standards) Forschungsagenda Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 752KB, File meet accessibility standards) Research Report BASE disseminates its research findings in a range of formats. One such format is the research report.The scienceBASEd research report provides an overview of BASE's research projects and results, and offers a more detailed examination of select projects. scienceBASEd Forschungsreport 2024 Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 24,403 KB, File meet accessibility standards) print version order Contact Dr. Kaufhold Annette , Head of Department F1, Research Management and Science Communication E-Mail annette.kaufhold@base.bund.de Research strategy Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 990KB, File meet accessibility standards) Forschungsagenda Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 752KB, File meet accessibility standards) scienceBASEd Forschungsreport 2024 Label: Brochure Download (PDF, 24,403 KB, File meet accessibility standards) print version order Contact Dr. Kaufhold Annette , Head of Department F1, Research Management and Science Communication E-Mail annette.kaufhold@base.bund.de


Origin: /Bund/BASE/Website

Tags: Main ? Bundesregierung ? Gewährleistung ? Politikberatung ? Stand der Technik ? Wissenstransfer ? Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung ? Wissenschaftsmanagement ? Citizen Science ? Forschungsprojekt ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gutachten ? Planungsverfahren ? Workshop ? Amtspflicht ?

License: all-rights-reserved

Language: Englisch/English



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