Description: Save the Date: 2nd Repository Search Forum in November 2023 News Stand: 2023.05.17 The second public Repository Search Forum will take place on 17 and 18 November. The interested public is invited to discuss the current issues of the search for a repository site either in Halle (Saale) or online. Discuss the current progress in the search for a final repository site for high-level radioactive waste in Germany, network with interested parties and stakeholders , help to shape the process, or simply find out about the current status: You can do all of this and more at the Repository Search Forum, a platform for exchange and dialogue on topics related to the search for a final repository site. The second such forum will take place in Halle (Saale) on 17 and 18 November 2023. There will also be a series of online events in the run-up to the forum. The forum days will give room for contributions, questions and perspectives from everyone interested. The focus of the first Repository Search Forum in May 2022 was on the question of how the delimitation of the sub-areas works methodically. The second Repository Search Forum will build up on this. The discussion will focus on the next steps of narrowing down the area in Germany to be further investigated as a site for a repository for high-level radioactive waste , as well as the difficulties that arise from the long duration of the procedure, and the possibilities for public participation . Make the forum your forum - the call for participation What questions do you have about the repository site search? Which aspects of the search process would you like to highlight in particular? The Repository Search Forum offers all interested parties the opportunity to actively participate in the programme. The invitation will follow in May, the call for participation can be found here (in German) . Background to the repository site search and the involvement of the public The federal company for radioactive waste disposal (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung ( BGE ) mbH ) is operationally responsible for the repository site search and for building the repository . The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management ( BASE ) supervises the procedure and organises public participation. The National Citizens’ Oversight Committee ( NBG ) follows the procedure as an independent mediator. BGE mbH published a first interim status of its work in 2020. According to this report, about half of the German territory showed favourable geological conditions for a repository site. To create transparency and clarity for further narrowing down this area, a process that will take several years, various groups from civil society, science and the municipalities have agreed on new participation opportunities together with BASE and BGE mbH . The Repository Search Forum takes place about once a year. The Forum is prepared by a team ( Repository Search Forum Planning Team) consisting of elected members of the various groups, in cooperation with the stakeholders of the site selection procedure. BGE mbH is currently working on identifying a few smaller regions where further in-depth exploration is planned. The so-called siting regions will be listed in a proposal that will be reviewed by BASE . The proposal will be accompanied by extensive participation opportunities for the affected regions. The German Bundestag will make the final decision on the siting regions. Further information on the repository search planning team (in German) Planungsteam Forum Endlagersuche Further information on the Repository Search Forum (in German) Forum Endlagersuche
Origin: /Bund/BASE/Website
Tags: Nukleare Entsorgung ? Endlager ? Endlagerung ? Lagerstätte ? Saale ? Baustelle ? In-Situ-Verfahren ? Interessenvertreter ? Standortwahl ? Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung ? Zivilgesellschaft ?
License: all-rights-reserved
Language: Englisch/English
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