Description: Research at the BfE: asking questions and finding answers The BfE discusses the major areas of research for future nuclear safety with academics at a public workshop press release Stand: 2019.01.29 Asking questions about safety and your own procedures too – with this in mind, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management ( BfE ) is inviting representatives from universities, specialist institutes and interested members of the general public to a workshop entitled “Research for nuclear safety”. “The research agenda we wish to discuss covers topic areas that are relevant to nuclear safety. It not only includes our main priorities, but also our need to tackle the tasks assigned to the BfE in an interdisciplinary manner,” says Wolfram König, President of the BfE. “This process of discussing the major fields of research at an early stage is almost unique in the research world,” König adds. “I’m all the more delighted at the huge response reflected in the number of people registering,” he comments. The aim of the event is to identify comments, suggestions and needs expressed by the invited experts about the BfE’s research agenda. More than 80 experts from different organisations and institutes registered for the workshop in Berlin on 30 January. The BfE had published two pamphlets on its self-concept and the planned topic areas – its research strategy and its research agenda – in November 2018. Feedback has already been received via an online consultation process. “As we abandon the use of nuclear energy, interdisciplinary research is particularly important so that we can assess the safety of nuclear disposal procedures and any remaining nuclear facilities in Germany and abroad,” König says. The public-sector authority is gearing its research consistently to safety issues. “Particularly when providing safe custody and storage for high-level radioactive waste, we need a well-founded and expanding knowledge base for the future too.” This will not only involve technical and scientific issues, but also sociological studies – on involving the general public, for example. The BfE is the regulatory body for nuclear disposal and supports the supervisory body, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The BfE is overseeing the search for a disposal site for high-level radioactive waste and is organising public participation in this process. It is also responsible for supervising the search for disposal sites and is advising the German government on questions of nuclear safety. The BfE is performing research in all fields of its work, is commissioning specialist organisations and is bringing together the skills. Its research assignment is based in German law.
Origin: /Bund/BASE/Website
Tags: Main ? Wolfram ? Berlin ? Bundesregierung ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Flugtriebwerk ? Nukleare Entsorgung ? Deponie ? Getriebe ? Kernenergie ? Kerntechnische Anlage ? Pressemitteilung ? Soziologische Untersuchung ? Zukunftsforschung ? Interdisziplinarität ? Rechtsnachfolge ? Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung ? Nukleare Sicherheit ? Workshop ?
License: all-rights-reserved
Language: Englisch/English
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