Description: Thoughtful and low- radiation gifts The BfS advises to pay attention to SAR values when buying mobile phones Year of issue 2021 Date 2021.12.10 Popular gifts Source: Anna/ A new smart phone is at the top of many Christmas wish lists. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection ( BfS ) advises people to pay attention not only to the technical performance but also to information on the radiation protection when considering a new smart phone. A low SAR value provides some guidance here. The BfS regularly updates its online overview of SAR values of common smart phone models. The BfS has maintained this SAR value list since 2002. It currently contains around 3,800 entries. "Especially parents who want to buy a suitable device for their children can find out in advance whether manufacturers also consider aspects of radiation protection in their products", says Inge Paulini, President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection ( BfS ). Inge Paulini, President of the BfS According to the current state of scientific knowledge, the established limit values protect against negative health effects. This also applies to children and adolescents. With simple measures, which the BfS describes on its website, personal radiation exposure from mobile phone use can be further minimised. This is also where the SAR value list comes in. "A query via the search function lets you know quickly whether a model is low- radiation ", says Paulini. Green symbols as a decision-making aid Mobile end devices use high- frequency electromagnetic fields to transmit information. When using the smart phone, part of the energy of these fields is absorbed by the body tissue and thereby locally converted into heat. For example, in the head when a mobile phone is held to the ear to make a call. In order to minimise the negative health-relevant effects of the electromagnetic fields, the energy absorption in the body should not exceed defined maximum values when the phone is being used. This absorption is measured in form of the specific absorption rate ( SAR ). It is expressed in watts per kilogram ( W/kg ). According to international guidelines, the specific absorption rate should be limited to 2 W/kg . All models currently on the market fall below this SAR value. Strict requirements for the "Blue Angel" eco-label A smart phone must comply with even stricter requirements if it bears the "Blue Angel" eco-label. The specific absorption rate of the device must not be greater than 0.5 W/kg when the phone is used near the head. In the SAR value list of the BfS , such mobile phones are marked with a green symbol. State of 2021.12.10
Origin: /Bund/BfS/Website
Tags: Blauer Engel ? Smartphone ? Mobiltelefon ? Bär ? Elektromagnetisches Feld ? Weiterverwendung ? Heizenergie ? Altgerät ? Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen ? Kind ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlenschutz ? Toxin ? Wärme ? Strahlung ? Jugendlicher ? Strahlungsmodell ? Spezifische Absorptionsrate ? Grenzwert ?
License: all-rights-reserved
Language: Deutsch
Issued: 2021-12-10
Time ranges: 2021-12-10 - 2021-12-10
Accessed 1 times.