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Description: Special Envoys to the President for the Strategic Development of the BfS President‘s Department PB N. N. Dr. Thomas Jung 030|18333-2100 President Dr. Inge Paulini 030|18333-1100 Dr. Klaus Gehrcke 030|18333-4100 Staff Unit St-RK Risk Communication Dr. Michael Thieme 030|18333-2500 Vice President Norbert Nimbach 030|18333-1110 Central Office Division Z Martina Hagemann (Commissioner for Finance) 030|18333 - 1200 Unit PB 1 President‘s Office N. N. 030|18333-1121 Unit PB 2 Public Relations Achim Neuhäuser 030|18333-4120 Unit PB 3 National and International Cooperation, Reporting Annemarie Schmitt-Hannig 030|18333-2110 Staff Unit St-QC QM, Compliance, Prevention of Corruption / Internal Revision Heike Hartmann 030|18333-1300 Department SW Radiation Protection and Environment Dr. Klaus Gehrcke 030|18333-4100Department SG Radiation Protection and Health Dr. Thomas Jung 030|18333-2100Division RN Emergency Preparedness & Response Dr. Matthias Zähringer 030|18333-6710Division UR Environmental Radioactivity PD Dr. Frank Wissmann 030|18333-4200Division WR Effects and Risks of Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation PD Dr. Michaela Kreuzer 030|18333-2200Unit Z 1 Organisational and Personnel Development Dr. Dirk Daiber 030|18333-1310Section RN 1 Coordination of Emergency Response Systems Christian Höbler 030|18333-6720Section UR 1 Radon Metrology Dr. Joachim Döring 030|18333-4260Section WR 1 Radiation Biology N. N.Unit Z 2 Human Resources Management Meike Winkelhaus (m.d.W.d.G.b.) 030|18333-1229Section RN 2 Emergency Response Centre – Situation Assessment Dr. Florian Gering 030|18333-2570Section UR 2 Radon and NORM Dr. Bernd Hoffmann 030|18333-4210Section WR 2 Biological Dosimetry Dr. Ulrike Kulka 030|18333-2210Section MB 2 Medical Reports on Radiation Hygiene Issues and in Approval Procedures Vladimir Minkov (m.d.W.d.G.b.) 030|18333-2311 Unit Z 3 Finance / Purchasing N. N. 030|18333-1272Section RN 3 Operation of the Emergency Response Centre Bianka Denstorf 030|18333-4110Section UR 3 Emissions / Immissions Air Dr. Christopher Strobl 030|18333-2510Section WR 3 Radiation Epidemiology and Risk Assessment Dr. Nora Fenske 030|18333-2250Section MB 3 External und Internal Dosimetry, Biokinetics Dr. Augusto Giussani 030|18333-2330 Unit Z 4 Coordination und Administration of Research Projects Dr. Michael J. Warning 030|18333-1528Section RN 4 IMIS Measuring Tasks Dr. Ulrich Stöhlker 030|18333-6730Section UR 4 Discharges / Immissions Water Dr. Christiane Wittwer 030|18333-4330Section WR 4 Optical Radiation (UV Radiation, Light, Infrared) Dr. Daniela Weiskopf 030|18333-2140Section MB 4 Occupational Radiation Protection, Radiation Protection Register Dr. Uwe Oeh 030|18333-2410 Unit Z 5 Legal Affairs, Notification and Approval Procedures Adina Inan 030|18333-1410Section RN 5 IMIS Management Dr. Werner Preuße 030|18333-4410Section UR 5 Dosimetry and Spectrometry N. N.Section WR 5 Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields Dr. Gunde Ziegelberger 030|18333-2142Section MB 5 Incorporation Monitoring Dr. Udo Gerstmann 030|18333-2430 Unit Z 6 Information Technology N. N. 030|18333-1460Section RN 6 Atmospheric Radioactivity and Trace Analysis Dr. Andreas Bollhöfer 030|18333-6770Section UR 6 Radioecology Dr. Martin Steiner 030|18333-2540Competence Centre EMF N. N.Section MB 6 Safety of Radiation Sources, Radiological Incidents, Type Approval Renate Czarwinski 030|18333-4510 Unit Z 7 Properties and Internal Service Hans-Thomas Damm 030|18333-1320 Secretary of the Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK) Monika Müller-Neumann 030|18305-3730 Division MB Medical and Occupational Radiation Protection Professor Dr. Gunnar Brix 030|18333-2300 Section MB 1 Determination and Assessment of Patients’s Radiation Exposures in Diagnostics and Therapy Dr. Jürgen Griebel 030|18333-2320 Section RN 7 Response to Nuclear Security Events Dr. Britta Lange 030|18333-4142 Section MB 7 Evaluation of Significant Radiological Incidents in Medicine and Medical Emergency Management N. N. Data Protection Adina Inan Information Security Dr. Michael J. Warning 030|18333-1410Equal Opportunities Regina Gartung030|18333-1188 030|18333-1528IT Security Heimfried Kriegel030|18333-1151 Organisational chart of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection The structure of the laboratories operated in divisions SG and SW is depicted as an additional organisational chart on the BfS website in the section ‘Organisational structure of BfS’. Adresses Willy-Brandt-Straße 5 38226 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Ingolstädter Landstraße 1 85764 Oberschleißheim-Neuherberg Köpenicker Alle 120-130 10318 Berlin-Karlshorst Rosastraße 9 79089 Freiburg im Breisgau Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Graf-von-Stauffenberg-Straße 13 24768 Rendsburg Contact Phone: (+49) 030|18333-0 Internet: www.bfs.de E-Mail: epost@bfs.de WHO Collaborating Centre for Ionising and Non- Ionising Radiation and Health contact: Annemarie Schmitt-Hannig 030|18333-2110 Coordinators Standardisation: N.N. Officer of Research N. N. Employer‘s Officer for Severely Disabled People Heimfried Kriegel 030|18333-1151 General Counsellor for Severely Disabled People N.N. Local Counsellors for Severely Disabled People Salzgitter: Stephan Pinkert 030|18333-1618 Neuherberg: Nathalie Zander 030|18333-2577 Berlin: Detlef Gärtner 030|18333-4603 General Staff Council (Presidency) Michael Thomas030|18333-2517 Local Staff Councils (Presidency) Salzgitter: Saskia Ender Neuherberg: Lydia Heide Berlin: Martin Neumann Freiburg: Bernhard Prommer Bonn: Maria Volkert Rendsburg: Anna Schuster030|18333-1239 030|18333-2588 030|18333-4423 030|18333-6733 030|18305-3761 04331|13-2229 Radiation Protection Representatives Berlin: Dr. Klaus Gehrcke 030|18333-4100 Neuherberg: Prof. Dr. Gunnar Brix 030|18333-2300 Freiburg, Bonn, Rendsburg: Dr. Matthias Zähringer 030|18333-6710 Gz.: Z 1 – 04131/2018 As at: 2018-07-06

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    text_type: Unspecified,

Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website

Tags: Bonn ? Freiburg ? Salzgitter ? Radon ? Strahlenbiologie ? Elektromagnetisches Feld ? Berlin ? Biopharmazeutikum ? Arzneimittel ? Dosimetrie ? Emissionskataster ? Gartenbau ? Ionisierende Strahlung ? Nichtionisierende Strahlung ? Emissionsspektralanalyse ? UV-Strahlung ? Optische Strahlung ? Radioaktivitätsüberwachung ? Außenpolitik ? Immissionsüberwachung ? Lichtemission ? Lufthygiene ? Messtechnik ? Regenwasser ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlenschutz ? Therapie ? Risikokommunikation ? Radioaktivitätsmessung ? Arbeitsschutz ? Internationale Zusammenarbeit ? Biologische Sicherheit ? Gefahrenabwehr ? Heidelandschaft ? Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ? Umwelthygiene ? Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik ? Katastrophenvorsorge ? Korruption ? Beschäftigungsstruktur ? Forschungsprojekt ? Digitale Technologien ? Warnsystem ? Ressourcenbewirtschaftung ? Standardisierung ? Risikobewertung ?

Region: Peine

Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




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