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Description: Radar Commission Report July 02, 2003 Radar Commission Report - Executive Summary - 1. Task Based on the possibility that their health could be jeopardised due to former activities at radar units, diseased – mostly former – soldiers of the Federal Armed Forces and the National People´s Army (NVA) and civilian employees filed applications for acknowledgement of a disease caused by practising their occupation. On request by the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag the Radar Commission was appointed by the Federal Ministry of Defence. Its objective was - to contribute to elucidate the former workplace conditions, taking into account the interim results already available - to submit a report on the exposure values taken as a basis in the Dienstbeschädigungsverfahren (procedures concerning injuries sustained in the course of one´s duties) - if required, to process additional and new findings on health effects in case of radiation exposure due to radar units and - to determine the scientific state-of-the-art regarding the possibility of damages to health due to ionising radiation and HF radiation and to investigate the medical aspects of radiation damages. Radar Commission Report 2. July 02, 2003 Working method of the Commission The Commission was constituted on 26th September 2002 under the chairmanship of Wolfram König, President of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection. The 17 members represent a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and opinions. The Commission did not perform independent research but concentrated on the evaluation of previous actions on the basis of the material available, of hearings and own measurements. This was particularly done under the aspects of -conformity of risk evaluation with the state-of-the-art of science and -the correctness or plausibility, respectively, of proceeding in view of the existing uncertainties in the reconstruction of exposures part of which having occurred already decades ago. To fulfil its objective the Radar Commission evaluated a multitude of data, documents and scientific publications. Furthermore the report of the task force Dr. Sommer “The Federal Armed Forces and their Dealing with Hazards and Hazardous Goods – Uranium Ammunition, Radar, Asbestos” was taken into account. The Radar Commission carried out a series of hearings – in detail of employees having participated in the Wehrdienstbeschädigungsverfahren in the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Defence, of soldiers and officers of the Federal Armed Forces and the NVA, of representatives of the Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security and of representatives of the trade associations and the TÜV Hannover/Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.. The Commission involved representatives of the Bund zur Unterstützung Radargeschädigter (Association for the Support of Radar Victims) in its investigation, in particular when visiting on site some important radar facilities still existing. 3.Results 3.1Exposures During the operation, maintenance and repair of radar units exposures to ionising radiation and high-frequency radiation (HF radiation) can occur. Furthermore radioactive substances can be incorporated when working with radioactive fluorescent paint. Radar Commission Report July 02, 2003 The ionising radiation mainly consists of X-rays of so-called stray radiation sources, i. e. component parts (electron tubes) emitting X-rays as an unwelcome side effect. External radiation exposure due to radioactive fluorescent paint is low. Incorporated radionuclides, however, can lead to a not inconsiderable dose. The weak radioactivity in some electron tubes is insignificant. With respect to HF radiation particularly the useful beam (Nutzstrahlung) in the area of antennas is relevant from the radiation point of view. Exposures to X-rays With regard to the reconstruction of exposure to X-rays at the Federal Armed Forces the Radar Commission considers it reasonable to differentiate unit-specifically three phases. These phases differ with respect to the possibility of determining radiation exposure retrospectively and to the implementation of radiation protection measures. Phase 1 is characterised by the fact that hardly any measurements of dose rates and no person-related dose values are available or can be reconstructed reliably. For Phase 1 a reliable, or even upper retrospective assessment of exposure to X-rays is not considered possible, as the data and information basis is insufficient. An application of the results of later measurements (carried out by the measuring centres of the Federal Armed Forces) and of current measured values to past exposure periods is not possible as a rule, since a multitude of influencing factors cannot be reconstructed any more. For the NVA units Phase 1 lasted until the end of the NVA, as for the NVA units sufficiently representative measurements of the dose rate and person-dosimetrical monitoring are not available according to the knowledge of the Federal Armed Forces. During the Transitional Phase 2 radiation protection measures were established and measurements of the dose rate at frequently used weapon systems were carried out. Two radiation measuring centres were established and both technical and organisational radiation protection measures were taken. This phase can be limited

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Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website

Tags: Röntgenstrahlung ? Wolfram ? Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen ? Gesundheitsschaden ? Ionisierende Strahlung ? Ministerium ? Nebenwirkung ? Radar ? Störstrahlung ? Strahlenschaden ? Uran ? Blei ? Anstrichmittel ? Munition ? Strahlung ? Asbest ? Strahlenexposition ? Strahlenschutz ? Strahlungsmessung ? Tagungsbericht ? U-Bahn ? Radionuklid ? Verbändeförderung ? Stand der Technik ? Daten ? Radioaktiver Stoff ? Arbeitsplatz ? Reparatur ? Expositionsanalyse ? Krankheit ? Militär ? Gefährliche Güter ? Aufbereitungstechnik ? Radioaktivität ? Soziale Sicherheit ? Risiko ?

Region: Peine

Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




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