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Description: Application for type approval pursuant to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) Administrative details The personal data provided (such as name, adress, email adress) are processed by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection as part of the processing of your application. Further information, in particular regarding to your rights associated with the use of this data, is included in the Privacy Statement at www.bfs.de. To be submitted in single copy to: Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Bauartzulassungen, Postfach 10 01 49, 38201 Salzgitter, Germany (contact: bauartzulassung@bfs.de) 1. 1.1 Applicant Company, address, contact person (including email and phone number)  Manufacturer  Distributor 1.2 References Actual excerpt from the commercial register (register of companies)  has been submitted to BfS in a former procedure file number / reference number: __________________________________  Copy enclosed registered company number / local court / date of the copy: _________________________________ or license for handling radioactive substances  has been submitted to BfS in a former procedure file number / reference number: __________________________________  Copy enclosed license number / authority / date of the copy: _________________________________ Applicant´s representative (e.g. managing director / holder of a commercial power of attorney): Last name, first name ________________________________ date of birth ______________ Certificate of good conduct to be presented to public authorities pursuant to Article 30 para. 5 of the Federal Central Register Act:  has been submitted to BfS in a former procedure (must not be older than 2 years) file number / reference number: _______________________________________  will be applied for at the competent authority after the procedure has been initiated 2. 2.1 Manufacturer of the apparatus Company, address (if different from applicant) 1/3 - Administrative details required for type approval procedures pursuant to StrlSchV – 2.2 Person in charge of technical management of production Last name, first name __________________________ date of birth ____________ References of knowledge and technical expertise (area of responsibility / qualification):  Copies enclosed 3.Quality control pursuant to Article 27 para. 1 no. 2 StrlSchV 3.1Appointment of qualified experts for supervising quality control 1. Last name, first name ______________________________ date of birth _________________ 2. Last name, first name ______________________________ date of birth _________________ (Please delete where inapplicable) Above designated person / persons will perform the task as a  qualified expert on the equipment manufacturer´s premises  qualified expert on the distributor´s premises  independent qualified expert on behalf of the applicant (holder of type approval) References of knowledge: technical expertise educational background, professional experience and areas of responsibility, attendance of radiation protection training  Copies enclosed Declaration of the applicant: The recommended expert/s to be appointed by BfS who will be responsible for supervising quality control has/have sufficient technical knowledge and professional expertise to embrace the responsibility assigned to him/her. We hereby confirm that he/she will be independent and free of instructions from superiors when acting as a qualified expert. 3.2 Quality control concept  Manufacturer of the appliance holds ISO 9001 certificate, valid until ___________________________  Copy enclosed. Submission of a quality control concept describing the control measures used to ensure compliance with the radiation protection-relevant features of the appliance.  Concept and documents (e.g. corresponding extract from the quality management manual) are enclosed Further information: 2/3 - Administrative details required for type approval procedures pursuant to StrlSchV – 4. Take-back scheme after the end of use Details on the take-back concept:  Concept enclosed ______________________ Date ______________________________________________ Signature and company stamp 3/3

Text {
    text_type: Unspecified,

Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website

Tags: Salzgitter ? Weiterverwendung ? Bauartzulassung ? Strahlenschutzverordnung ? Altgerät ? Behörde ? Strahlenschutz ? Strahlung ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Gebühr ? Daten ? Leitfähigkeit ? Management ? Radioaktiver Stoff ? Unternehmensform ? Gutachten ? Rechte ?

Region: Peine

Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




Quality score

Accessed 1 times.