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Code of conduct (PDF, 1,64 MB)

Description: BGE CODE OF CONDUCT Last updated: 30 June 2023 BGE CODE OF CONDUCT 1 Contents Publisher: BGE’s compliance officer Telephone: +49 (0) 5171 - 43 1031 E-Mail: compliance@bge.de Preface2 Acting in accordance with the rules4 Responsibility of managers for behaviour in accordance with the rules6 Reports of compliance violations7 Conflicts of interest8 Gifts and entertainment10 Issuing of orders14 Occupational safety and health15 Human rights and social standards15 Employee representation16 Public events16 Behaviour towards office-holders and political representatives17 Handling of company and federal property17 Confidentiality and information security18 Compliance with tax and social security regulations19 Records and documentation20 2 BGE CODE OF CONDUCT BGE CODE OF CONDUCT Preface The BGE is responsible for closing, decommissioning, building and op- erating repositories for radioactive waste. This includes searching for a site for a repository for high-level waste that ensures the best pos- sible safety for a million years. By fulfilling this mandate, we facilitate the safe final disposal of radioactive waste and make a vital contribution to the protection of humans and the environment. BGE TEC supports this challenging task by providing services relating to the disposal of radioactive waste and spent fuel elements, as well as other related fields. This range of responsibilities and the high level of public attention that the BGE receives necessitate a high level of responsibility towards employees, partners and the general public on our part. We are conscious of this responsibility. The Management Board and the Central Works Council of the BGE have therefore adopted the following Code of Conduct for all divisions of the BGE and BGE TEC (hereinafter simply ”the BGE”). The Code of RESPECT Conduct expresses the overarching commitment and obligation to com- ply with all legal requirements and internal guidelines. This obligation is seen as a matter of course. The Code of Conduct is intended to help raise awareness of legal risks and avoid infringements of the law. The Code of Conduct must therefore be accompanied and practised by role models – that is, including by managers and managing directors. It will only fulfil its purpose if all managers set an example of legally impeccable conduct and integrity and ensure that all employees are aware of, understand and practise the Code of Conduct and the require- ments described therein. In our mission statement, we commit ourselves to the shared values of the BGE. This includes placing value on trust in collaboration and leadership, being prepared to assume respon- sibility, and treating one another politely and with respect. We want to be reliable and to learn from mistakes. This Code of Conduct is a concrete expression of these QUALITY COLLABORATION IMPROVEMENT TRUST Stronger together RELIABILITY ACCOUNTABILITY APPRECIATION EMPOWERMENT values and of this self-conception. We therefore ask that you please read the Code of Conduct carefully and apply it as a mandatory bench- mark for your actions. INNOVATION Peine, June 2023 BGE Management Board BGE TEC Management Board Central Works Council 3

Text {
    text_type: Unspecified,

Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website

Tags: Beton ? Seen ? Menschenrechte ? Radioaktiver Abfall ? Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle ? Endlager ? Gebäude ? Lagerstätte ? Toxin ? Steuer ? Abfall ? Arbeitsschutz ? Rechtswidrigkeit ? Risikobewusstsein ? Öffentlichkeitsinformation ? Stilllegung ? Soziale Sicherheit ?

Region: Peine

Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




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