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Explanation of the Call for Research and Development Project (PDF, 106 KB)

Description: Call for Research and Development Projects Explanation of the Call for Research and Development Project In the course of a call for research and development projects, project outlines for research topics can be submitted electronically by use of the e-mail address forschungsauftraege@bge.de. In case of collaborative projects, the project outlines must be submitted by the collaborative coordinator. The project outline, which should not exceed 15 pages (minimum font size Arial 10), must show the requirements concerning content and form for a research project pursuant to Section 116 of the Act against Restraints of Competition (Competition Act – „GWB“). The following information is required: •Short name, title (number of the call for expressions of interest), please do not use acronyms •For collaborative projects: details of the coordinator and contact person of the individual project partners •Detailed justification that this project is a research and development order and that the requirements of Section 116 of the GWB are fulfilled and that this justifies a direct commission •Presentation of the state of science and technology and the degree of innovation •Qualification and expertise of the applicant and, if applicable, of the project partners •Detailed description of the work on the issues and objectives of the project outlined in the call for expressions of interest, including the structure of the work with corresponding milestones, in case of collaborative projects, an additional description of the distribution of tasks and tasks of the project partners •Estimated total expenditure and presentation of full costs, broken down by personnel and material resources, in case of collaborative projects for the individual project partner in each case Research institutions are free to add further points which they consider relevant for an assessment of their proposal. As per 2021/12/08 www.bge.de Page 1 of 2 Call for Research and Development Projects Procedure of the Call for Research and Development Project The project outlines received will compete with each other for the corresponding call for research and development projects and will be evaluated according to the following criteria: •Fulfilment of the preconditions pursuant to Section 116 of the GWB for a direct commission, •Presentation of the expert work to achieve the issues and objectives of the project stated in the call for expressions of interest, •Qualification and Expertise of the applicants (among other things, completeness and complementarity of the consortium with regard to the achievement of the project objectives, number and quality of publications related to the research topic), •Work planning (resource planning, milestone planning/termination criteria, effort and time planning etc.), •Economic efficiency (adequacy of costs or expenditures) Based on the evaluation by the specialized division and the Materials Management Division of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE), the scientific questions stated in the call for expressions of interest are selected and commissioned accordingly. There is no legal entitlement to commissioning by the BGE. Implementation and Quality Assurance of a Research and Development Project The contractor shall carry out the project on the basis of the state of the art in science and technology and documents the results gained as a final report. The results gained and the final report are to be published basically in the name of the contractor and transmitted to the BGE. The expert and formal quality assurance is the responsibility of the contractor; in this context, the documents created are to be checked for sufficient processing depth and for formal requirements in terms of good scientific practice. Accordingly, the BGE basically reserves the right, after its own technical review, to endorse the results in whole or in part. The publication of the project results in open access journals, which are subject to scientific quality assurance within the framework of the peer review procedure, is explicitly desired on the part of the BGE. As per 2021/12/08 www.bge.de Page 2 of 2

Text {
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Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website

Tags: Weiterverwendung ? Endlagerung ? Materialwirtschaft ? Qualitätsmanagement ? Betriebskosten ? Gütekriterien ? Literaturauswertung ? Rahmenplanung ? Stand der Technik ? Technikfolgenabschätzung ? Werkstoffkunde ? Wirtschaftlichkeit ? Forschung und Entwicklung ? Peer-Review ? Forschungsprojekt ? Abschlussbericht ? Forschungseinrichtung ? Gutachten ? Ressource ? Ressourcenbewirtschaftung ? Rechte ?

Region: Peine

Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°

License: other-closed

Language: Deutsch




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