Description: Annual Report 2020 Title: Asse mine, Driving cavern section, 825 m level 3 Dear employees ... … the past business year was a special one in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic – it posed big and unfamiliar challenges to all of us, both professionally and personally. By pulling together organisationally and technically, we were able to respond quickly to this health-threatening situ- ation. The most important message is that all of our colleagues who caught the coronavirus have since recovered. The direct and indirect measures associated with this pandemic have, of course, also had a notice- able impact on our company’s success. Coming out of this crisis, we have to do all we can, in a joint effort, to make up for it. But we have already learned a lot. We have learnt to be considerate, to look after each other, and to stand up for each other; and we have learnt new ways of going about our business, with things like extensive mobile working, the introduction of air purifiers, or the installation of spit barriers. At the same time, BGE has made progress with its documentation: examples include publishing the Sub-Areas Interim Report or commencing the licensing process for retrieval of the waste in Asse. We know that it has taken great effort on your part to get through this situation under these conditions. We very much hope that we can soon put this pandemic behind us. But it is also clear to us that many of the changes we have made in the past months are going to stay with us as new work norms of the future. So, let’s use the positive experiences to make BGE better – and let’s look forward together! Thank you all for your commitment and loyalty. Glück auf! The management board Konrad mine: Looking towards the washing bay 2 3 Contents 4 6 8 10 14 18 20 22 24 Report of the supervisory board How BGE wants to communicate, or Transparency comes first Guidelines for communication Everything must be traceable and verifiable – data transparency in the site selection procedure Guest article by Dr. Jan-Hendrik Kamlage Transparency requirements for the participatory repository site search – between effective and full transparency. A democratic theory classification Asse mine – increasing acceptance of retrieval In dialogue – how direct communication works Matthias Ranft, Geologist Dialogue as a way of taking responsibility One cannot do without the other – how internal and external communication complement each other 26 28 30 44 46 46 50 54 54 62 65 68 Balance Profit and loss account Annex for the fiscal year 2020 Development of fixed assets Management report for the fiscal year 2020 Company basics Research and development Economic report Business development Earnings, financial position, and net assets Personnel and social report Forecast, opportunity and risk report
Text { text_type: Unspecified, }
Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website
Tags: Nehrung ? Luftreiniger ? Pflanzensamen ? Coronavirus ? Corona-Pandemie ? Bucht ? Kaverne ? Lagerstätte ? Pandemie ? Abfall ? Daten ? Neuanlage ? Standortwahl ? Zulassung ? Ökonomischer Gewinn ? Forschung und Entwicklung ? Klassifikation ? Risikomanagement ?
Region: Peine
Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°
License: other-closed
Language: Deutsch
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