Description: Preliminary safety analysis in the high- level radioactive waste site selection procedure in Germany Interdisciplinary research symposium on the safety of nuclear disposal practices 2021 Eva-Maria Hoyer, Phillip Kreye, Thomas Lohser, Wolfram Rühaak 10. – 12.11.2021, Berlin GZ: SG02301/11-2/4-2021#16 | Objekt-ID: 903235 Implementation of the German Site Selection Procedure Sub-areas Interim Report 28/09/2020 Decision on surface exploration (Section 15 StandAG) Phase I Phase II Step 1: Identification of sub- areas (Section 13 StandAG1) Step 2: Identification of regions for surface exploration (Section 14 StandAG) Surface exploration, analyses of socio- economic potential and proposal for subsurface exploration (Section 16 StandAG) Decision on subsurface exploration (Section 17 StandAG) Decision on repository site 2031 Phase III rvSU2 Subsurface exploration, Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Section 18 StandAG), Final site comparison and site recommendation (Section 19 StandAG) wvSU3 Application of exclusion criteria (Section 22 StandAG) Application of minimum requirements (Section 23 StandAG) Application of geoscientific weighing criteria (Section 24 StandAG) Preliminary safety analysis (Section 27 StandAG) Planning scientific weighing criteria (Section 25 StandAG) uvSU4 Source: BGE 1StandAG: Standortauswahlgesetz vom 5. Mai 2017 (BGBl. I S. 1074), das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom 7. Dezember 2020 (BGBl. I S. 2760) geändert worden ist 2rvSU: representative preliminary safety analysis, Section 14 StandAG 3wvSU: further developed preliminary safety analysis, Section 16 StandAG 2 SafeND | Hoyer, Kreye, Lohser, Rühaak GZ: SG02301/11-2/4-2021#16 | Objekt-ID: 903235 10.11.2021 4uvSU: comprehensive preliminary safety analysis, Section 18 StandAG Preliminary Safety Analysis Siting regions Exploration programs Preliminary Safety Analysis (Section 27 para. 1 and 2 StandAG ) planWK1 Section 25 StandAG Comparison between areas (1) Subject […] is the assessment of the extent to which safe containment of the radioactive waste can be expected by exploiting the geological conditions […] Application for each UR2 (2) The preliminary safety analyses […] shall consider the repository system in its entirety and assess its safety […] geoWK3 rvSU4 Sub-areas 1planWK: planning scientific weighing criteria 2UR: investigation area Source: BGE 3 SafeND | Hoyer, Kreye, Lohser, Rühaak GZ: SG02301/11-2/4-2021#16 | Objekt-ID: 903235 10.11.2021 3geoWK: geoscientific weighing criteria 4rvSU: representative preliminary safety analysis
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Origin: /Bund/BGE/Website
Tags: Wolfram ? Berlin ? Standortauswahlgesetz ? Containment ?
Region: Peine
Bounding boxes: 10.2352° .. 10.2352° x 52.31928° .. 52.31928°
License: other-closed
Language: Deutsch
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