Description: Environmental aspects have so far only partially been addressed in the discussion of antimicrobial resistance. To bring this issue into focus, UBA compiled background information and data on the topic 'Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the environment'. The results show that previously considered requirements for reduction, from the perspective of UBA, are insufficient to adequately protect health and the environment. UBA sees urgent need for improvement and proposes possible options for action. Veröffentlicht in Hintergrundpapier.
Text {
text_type: Publication,
Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite
License: other-closed
Language: Englisch/English
A. Hein (Verfasser*in)
A. Küster (Verfasser*in)
A. Roskosch (Verfasser*in)
B. Krause (Verfasser*in)
C. Otto (Verfasser*in)
F. Balzer (Verfasser*in)
F. Brauer (Verfasser*in)
F. Hilliges (Verfasser*in)
H.-C. Selinka (Verfasser*in)
I. Chorus (Verfasser*in)
I. Ebert (Verfasser*in)
I. Kirst (Verfasser*in)
J. Heidemeier (Verfasser*in)
J. Klasen (Verfasser*in)
J. Schönfeld (Verfasser*in)
K. Blondzik (Verfasser*in)
K. Westphal-Settele (Verfasser*in)
M. Helmecke (Verfasser*in)
N. Adler (Verfasser*in)
R. Szewzyk (Verfasser*in)
S. Konradi (Verfasser*in)
T. Fiedler (Verfasser*in)
T. Grummt (Verfasser*in)
U. Pirntke (Verfasser*in)
W. Straff (Verfasser*in)
Issued: 2018-11-01
Time ranges:
2018-11-01 - 2018-11-01
Quality score
- Overall: 0.68
Findability: 0.43
- Title: 0.23
- Description: 0.38
- Identifier: false
- Keywords: 1.00
- Spatial: NoRegion (0.00)
- Temporal: true
Accessibility: 1.00
- Landing page: Specific (1.00)
- Direct access: true
- Publicly accessible: true
Interoperability: 0.50
- Open file format: true
- Media type: true
- Machine-readable metadata: false
- Machine-readable data: false
Reusability: 0.78
- License: UnclearInformation (0.33)
- Contact info: true
- Publisher info: true
Accessed 1 times.