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Environmentally harmful subsidies in Germany

Description: For the German public, environmental protection is the most important problem in Germany after the labour market. People attach great importance to the quality of environmental assets - such as climate, water, soil or air. This is reflected by public and private expenditure on protection of the environment: in 2003 the state and industry spent a combined total of €34.1 billion on water conservation, waste management,  air quality control and noise abatement. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.

Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite

Tags: Luftqualitätsüberwachung ? Bodenwasser ? Lärmbekämpfung ? Umweltschädliche Subvention ? Abfallwirtschaft ? Arbeitsmarkt ? Bodenluft ? Wasserqualität ? Umweltqualität ? Umweltschutz ?

License: other-closed

Language: Englisch/English



Issued: 2010-01-01

Time ranges: 2010-01-01 - 2010-01-01



Quality score

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