Description: The development and application of chemistry transport models has a long tradition in and outside Europe. RIVM and TNO have independently developed models to calculate the dispersion and chemical transformation of air pollutants in the lower troposphere over Europe. The two models are the TNO model LOTOS (Builtjes, 1992; Schaap et al., 2004a) and the RIVM model EUROS (de Leeuw and van Rheineck Leyssius, 1990; van Loon, 1994, 1995; Matthijsen et al., 2002). Veröffentlicht in Texte | 44/2011.
Text {
text_type: Publication,
Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite
License: other-closed
Language: Deutsch
Dr. Andreas Kerschbaumer (Verfasser*in)
Dr. Angela Schlutow (Verfasser*in)
Dr. Hans-Dieter Nagel (Verfasser*in)
Dr. Martijn Schaap (Verfasser*in)
Elise Hendriks (Verfasser*in)
Marielle Koenen (Verfasser*in)
Prof. Dr. Peter Builtjes (Verfasser*in)
Sabine Banzhaf (Verfasser*in)
Thomas Gauger (Verfasser*in)
Thomas Scheuschner (Verfasser*in)
Issued: 2011-07-01
Time ranges:
2011-07-01 - 2011-07-01
Quality score
- Overall: 0.69
Findability: 0.50
- Title: 0.41
- Description: 0.57
- Identifier: false
- Keywords: 1.00
- Spatial: NoRegion (0.00)
- Temporal: true
Accessibility: 1.00
- Landing page: Specific (1.00)
- Direct access: true
- Publicly accessible: true
Interoperability: 0.50
- Open file format: true
- Media type: true
- Machine-readable metadata: false
- Machine-readable data: false
Reusability: 0.78
- License: UnclearInformation (0.33)
- Contact info: true
- Publisher info: true
Accessed 1 times.