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Proposal for a Limit Value Reduction Scenario for Road Vehicles compatible with the German National Traffic Noise Prevention

Description: With COM(2011) 856 final from 09.12.2011 the EU Commission launched a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the sound level of motor vehicles. This proposal is related to motor vehicles having at least four wheels. Objective and aim are described as follows: “The objective of the proposal is to ensure a high level of health and environmental protection and to safeguard the Internal Market for motor vehicles as regards their sound level. The proposal aims at reducing environmental noise by introducing a new test method for measuring noise emissions, by lowering the noise limit values, by including additional sound emission provisions in the type-approval procedure……” Veröffentlicht in Texte | 11/2012.

Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite

Tags: Europäisches Parlament ? Geräuschemission ? Lärmemission ? Verkehrslärm ? Schalldruckpegel ? Schallemission ? Szenario ? Umgebungslärm ? Binnenmarkt ? Kraftfahrzeug ? Straßenfahrzeug ? Lärmgrenzwert ? Grenzwert ? Umweltschutz ?

License: other-closed

Language: Englisch/English



Issued: 2012-03-01

Time ranges: 2012-03-01 - 2012-03-01



Quality score

Accessed 1 times.