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Reduction of environmental risks from the use of biocides: Environmental sound use of disinfectants, masonry preservatives and rodenticides

Description: In November 2009 a framework action plan for achieving a sustainable use of pesticides was established by Directive 2009/128/EC on the basis of the corresponding Thematic Strategy. It aims at minimising hazards and risks for human health and the environment. This is accomplished by improving the controls of pesticide application, their distribution and by encouraging cultivation methods with limited use of pesticides. This shall be achieved by supporting „good practices” and by integrated pest management as well as by use restrictions in sensitive areas. Up to now the sustainable use of pesticides Directive (SUD) has focused on plant protection products. However, the possibility for extending the Directive to biocides is kept open. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 53/2015.

Text {
    text_type: Publication,

Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite

Tags: Konservierungsmittel ? Desinfektionsmittel ? Pflanzenschutzmittel ? Rodentizid ? Biozid ? Richtlinie 2009/128/EG ? Schallminderung ? Mauerwerk ? Pflanzenschutzmittelanwendung ? Nachhaltiger Konsum ? Sude ? Biozideinsatz ? Nutzungsbeschränkung ? Integrierter Pflanzenschutz ? Umweltgefährdung ? Menschliche Gesundheit ? Aktionsplan ? Risiko ?

License: other-closed

Language: Englisch/English



Issued: 2015-07-01

Time ranges: 2015-07-01 - 2015-07-01



Quality score

Accessed 1 times.