Description: At present, significant quantities of used electrical and electronic equipment (hereafter referred to as UEEE) are being exported from Germany. Notified exports (i.e. those with consent by au-thorities) of waste electrical and electronic equipment (hereafter referred to as WEEE) to coun-tries outside the European Union (EU) have not taken place in any appreciable volume in the past years. The condition and quality of the exported UEEE, however, give rise to the suspicion that a significant percentage of this equipment is not fully functional, or can only be used in the countries of destination as a source of spare parts, or has only a short remaining service life. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 22/2010.
Text { text_type: Publication, }
Origin: /Bund/UBA/Webseite
Tags: Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte ? Abfallverbringung ? Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte ? Europäische Union ?
License: other-closed
Language: Englisch/English
Issued: 2010-04-01
Time ranges: 2010-04-01 - 2010-04-01
Accessed 1 times.