The HRXL70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HR): Relative humidity A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) RELATIVE HUMIDITY 700 HPA)
The HHXX70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HH): Height A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (X): Not assigned T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 66 (GLOBAL MODEL) HEIGHT 700 HPA)
The HHXL70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HH): Height A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) HEIGHT 700 HPA)
The HHXO70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HH): Height A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (O): 120 hours forecast (5 days) T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 120 (GLOBAL MODEL) HEIGHT 700 HPA)
The HVXX70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (X): Not assigned T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 66 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 700 HPA)
The HUXL70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HU): Eastward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 700 HPA)
The HVXL70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 700 HPA)
The HVXC70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (C): 12 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 12 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 700 HPA)
The HVXI70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (I): 48 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 48 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 700 HPA)
The HTXL70 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HT): Temperature A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H70): 700 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) TEMPERATURE 700 HPA)
Origin | Count |
Bund | 195 |
Land | 195 |
Type | Count |
unbekannt | 195 |
License | Count |
unbekannt | 195 |
Language | Count |
Englisch | 195 |
Resource type | Count |
Webseite | 195 |
Topic | Count |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 21 |
Luft | 184 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 195 |
Weitere | 195 |