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Ortsveraenderungen als Gelegenheit zur Aenderung des Selbst

Das Projekt "Ortsveraenderungen als Gelegenheit zur Aenderung des Selbst" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Psychologisches Institut durchgeführt. An ecological approach to stability and change in the self-concept is presented. The self-concept develops and changes in an ecology consisting of objects, others and environments which serve as reflections, symbols, and conditions for self-relevant activities and interactions. It is stable as long as this ecology is stable. For instance, the network of others is stabilized through social commitment to a central role that also difines other relationships. Social commitments are entered or left on the basis of an evaluation by oneself and by a significant other, questioning or reinforcing the existing self-concept. Differential patterns of adjustment were found on self-relevant behaviours. Current research studies the restructuring of the ecology of the self after relocation. Methods for assessment of the ecology of the self were developed.