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Gründung des Clubs der Energiewende-Staaten

Am 1. Juni 2013 kam der "Club der Energiewende-Staaten" zu seinem Gründungstreffen in Berlin zusammen. Gründungsmitglieder sind China, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Indien, Marokko, Südafrika, Tonga, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, das Vereinigte Königreich sowie der Generaldirektor der IRENA, Adnan Amin. Gemeinsames Ziel ist, den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien weltweit voranzutreiben.

Ammonium (NH4-N) im Meerwasser 2024

Im Rahmen des gemeinsames Bund/Länder-Messprogramm für die Nord- und Ostsee + weitere Überwachungsprogramme wurde der Parameter "Ammonium (NH4-N) im Meerwasser" im Meerwasser bestimmt.

Röttgen eröffnet in Bonn Innovations- und Technologiezentrum für erneuerbare Energien

Am 7. Oktober 2011 wurde von Bundesumweltminister Dr. Norbert Röttgen und Adnan Z. Amin, der Generaldirektor der Internationalen Organisation für Erneuerbare Energien (IRENA),das Innovations- und Technologiezentrum (IITC) von IRENA in Bonn eröffnet. Die von der Bundesregierung geförderte Beratungseinrichtung soll wissenschaftliche Szenarien zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien erarbeiten und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem IRENA-Hauptsitz in Abu Dhabi zum weltweiten Umstieg auf Ressourcen schonende Technologien beitragen.

Markt für Epoxidharz, flüssig

technologyComment of epoxy resin production, liquid (RER): Commercial epoxy resin can be produced by reacting bisphenol-A and epichlorohydrin in presence of a base catalyst (here represented by sodium hydroxide) (Guichon Valves n.d. and Pham and Marks 2005). Epoxy resins are in liquid form if n is from 0 to 1. When n is larger than 1 the resin in solid (Licare and Swanson, 2011). As the product here representes epoxy resin in liquid form, n is set to 1. 2C15H16O2 + 3C3H5ClO + 3NaOH -> C39H44O7 + 3Na+ + 3Cl- + 3H2O Pham, H.Q. and Marks, M.J. 2005. Epoxy Resins. In Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Electronic Release, Vol.13, pp.155-244. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. Guichon Valves, n.d. Epoxy resins – Manufacturing process of Epoxy resins. Retrieved from: http://guichon-valves.com/faqs/epoxy-resins-manufacturing-process-of-epoxy-resins/, accessed 13th February 2017 For more information on the model please refer to the dedicate ecoinvent report, access it in the Report section of ecoQuery (http://www.ecoinvent.org/login-databases.html) The process is carried out in a reactor where a solution of sodium hydroxide is added (20 to 40% concentration). The product is brought to boiling temperature and a solvent is added. Solvents are not included in the inventory as it is assumed that solvents are closed-loop recycled. The unreacted epichlorohydrin is collected and recycled back into the system. The epoxy resin in then washed; this gives the final product in liquid form. Epoxy resin can also be produced in solid form. To do so, curing with, for example secondary amines, is necessary. Epoxy resins can have different characteristics, these depend on additional products that can be added to the liquid resin. The required characteristics depend on the final use of the product (Guichon Valves n.d.) This inventory representing production of a particular chemical compound is at least partially based on a generic model on the production of chemicals. The data generated by this model have been improved by compound-specific data when available. The model on production of chemicals is using specific industry or literature data wherever possible and more generic data on chemical production processes to fill compound-specific data gaps when necessary. The basic principles of the model have been published in literature (Hischier 2005, Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability). The model has been updated and extended with newly available data from the chemical industry. In the model, unreacted fractions are treated in a waste treatment process, and emissions reported are after a waste treatment process that is included in the scope of this dataset. For volatile reactants, a small level of evaporation is assumed. Solvents and catalysts are mostly recycled in closed-loop systems within the scope of the dataset and reported flows are for losses from this system. The main source of information for the values for heat, electricity, water (process and cooling), nitrogen, chemical factory is industry data from Gendorf. The values are a 5-year average of data (2011 - 2015) published by the Gendorf factory (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de), (Gendorf, 2015, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de), (Gendorf, 2014, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de). The Gendorf factory is based in Germany, it produces a wide range of chemical substances. The factory produced 1657400 tonnes of chemical substances in the year 2015 (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de) and 740000 tonnes of intermediate products. Reference(s): Hischier, R. (2005) Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability (9 pp). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 59–67. 10.1065/lca2004.10.181.7 Gendorf (2016) Umwelterklärung 2015, Werk Gendorf Industriepark, www.gendorf.de Licari, J.J. and Swanson, D.W. 2011. Chemistry, Formulation, and Properties of Adhesives. In Adhesives Technology for Electronic Applications (Second Edition), 2011

Markt für Ameisensäure

Production mix technologyComment of decarboxylative cyclization of adipic acid (RER): decarboxylative cyclization of adipic acid technologyComment of formic acid production, methyl formate route (RER): The worldwide installed capacity for producing formic acid was about 330 000 t/a in 1988. Synthesis of formic acid by hydrolysis of methyl formate is based on a two-stage process: in the first stage, methanol is carbonylated with carbon monoxide; in the second stage, methyl formate is hydrolyzed to formic acid and methanol. The methanol is returned to the first stage. Although the carbonylation of methanol is relatively problem-free and has been carried out industrially for a long time, only recently has the hydrolysis of methyl formate been developed into an economically feasible process. The main problems are associated with work-up of the hydrolysis mixture. Because of the unfavorable position of the equilibrium, reesterification of methanol and formic acid to methyl formate occurs rapidly during the separation of unreacted methyl formate. Problems also arise in the selection of sufficiently corrosion-resistant materials Carbonylation of Methanol In the two processes mentioned, the first stage involves carbonylation of methanol in the liquid phase with carbon monoxide, in the presence of a basic catalyst: imageUrlTagReplacea0ec6e15-92c8-4d44-82bb-84e90e58b171 As a rule, the catalyst is sodium methoxide. Potassium methoxide has also been proposed as a catalyst; it is more soluble in methyl formate and gives a higher reaction rate. Although fairly high pressures were initially preferred, carbonylation is carried out in new plants at lower pressure. Under these conditions, reaction temperature and catalyst concentration must be increased to achieve acceptable conversion. According to published data, ca. 4.5 MPa, 80 °C, and 2.5 wt % sodium methoxide are employed. About 95 % carbon monoxide, but only about 30 % methanol, is converted under these circumstances. Nearly quantitative conversion of methanol to methyl formate can, nevertheless, be achieved by recycling the unreacted methanol. The carbonylation of methanol is an equilibrium reaction. The reaction rate can be raised by increasing the temperature, the carbon monoxide partial pressure, the catalyst concentration, and the interface between gas and liquid. To synthesize methyl formate, gas mixtures with a low proportion of carbon monoxide must first be concentrated. In a side reaction, sodium methoxide reacts with methyl formate to form sodium formate and dimethyl ether, and becomes inactivated. The substances used must be anhydrous; otherwise, sodium formate is precipitated to an increasing extent. Sodium formate is considerably less soluble in methyl formate than in methanol. The risk of encrustation and blockage due to precipitation of sodium formate can be reduced by adding poly(ethylene glycol). The carbon monoxide used must contain only a small amount of carbon dioxide; otherwise, the catalytically inactive carbonate is precipitated. Basic catalysts may reverse the reaction, and methyl formate decomposes into methanol and carbon monoxide. Therefore, undecomposed sodium methoxide in the methyl formate must be neutralized. Hydrolysis of Methyl Formate In the second stage, the methyl formate obtained is hydrolyzed: imageUrlTagReplace2ddc19c0-905f-42c3-b14c-e68332befec9 The equilibrium constant for methyl formate hydrolysis depends on the water: ester ratio. With a molar ratio of 1, the constant is 0.14, but with a water: methyl formate molar ratio of 15, it is 0.24. Because of the unfavorable position of this equilibrium, a large excess of either water or methyl formate must be used to obtain an economically worthwhile methyl formate conversion. If methyl formate and water are used in a molar ratio of 1 : 1, the conversion is only 30 %, but if the molar ratio of water to methyl formate is increased to 5 – 6, the conversion of methyl formate rises to 60 %. However, a dilute aqueous solution of formic acid is obtained this way, and excess water must be removed from the formic acid with the expenditure of as little energy as possible. Another way to overcome the unfavorable position of the equilibrium is to hydrolyze methyl formate in the presence of a tertiary amine, e.g., 1-(n-pentyl)imidazole. The base forms a salt-like compound with formic acid; therefore, the concentration of free formic acid decreases and the hydrolysis equilibrium is shifted in the direction of products. In a subsequent step formic acid can be distilled from the base without decomposition. A two-stage hydrolysis has been suggested, in which a water-soluble formamide is used in the second stage; this forms a salt-like compound with formic acid. It also shifts the equilibrium in the direction of formic acid. To keep undesirable reesterification as low as possible, the time of direct contact between methanol and formic acid must be as short as possible, and separation must be carried out at the lowest possible temperature. Introduction of methyl formate into the lower part of the column in which lower boiling methyl formate and methanol are separated from water and formic acid, has also been suggested. This largely prevents reesterification because of the excess methyl formate present in the critical region of the column. Dehydration of the Hydrolysis Mixture Formic acid is marketed in concentrations exceeding 85 wt %; therefore, dehydration of the hydrolysis mixture is an important step in the production of formic acid from methyl formate. For dehydration, the azeotropic point must be overcome. The concentration of formic acid in the azeotropic mixture increases if distillation is carried out under pressure, but the higher boiling point at high pressure also increases the decomposition rate of formic acid. At the same time, the selection of sufficiently corrosion-resistant materials presents considerable problems. A number of entrainers have been proposed for azeotropic distillation. Reference: Gräfje, H., Körnig, W., Weitz, H.-M., Reiß, W.: Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol, Chapter 1. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Sev-enth Edition, 2004 Electronic Release (ed. Fiedler E., Grossmann G., Kersebohm D., Weiss G. and Witte C.). 7 th Electronic Release Edition. WileyInterScience, New York, Online-Version under: http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ueic/articles/a04_455/frame.html technologyComment of oxidation of butane (RER): The liquid-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons is an important process to produce acetic acid, formic acid or methyl acetate. About 43 kg of formic acid is produced per ton of acetic acid. Unreacted hydrocarbons, volatile neutral constituents, and water are separated first from the oxidation product. Formic acid is separated in the next column; azeotropic distillation is generally used for this purpose. The formic acid contains about 2 wt % acetic acid, 5 wt % water, and 3 wt % benzene. Formic acid with a content of about 98 wt % can be produced by further distillation. Reference: Gräfje, H., Körnig, W., Weitz, H.-M., Reiß, W.: Butanediols, Butenediol, and Butynediol, Chapter 1. In: Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Sev-enth Edition, 2004 Electronic Release (ed. Fiedler E., Grossmann G., Kersebohm D., Weiss G. and Witte C.). 7 th Electronic Release Edition. WileyInterScience, New York, Online-Version under: http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ueic/articles/a04_455/frame.html

Markt für Trimethylamin

technologyComment of trimethylamine production (RER): Production from vaporised methanol and ammonia with a process yield of 95%. After the process reaction excess ammonia and amine is recycled amine and trimethylamine is recovered in a distilling column. The inventory bases on stoechiometric calculations. The emissions to air (0.2 wt.% of raw material input) and water were estimated using mass balance. Treatment of the waste water in a internal waste water treatment plant assumed (elimination efficiency of 90% for C, 70% for NH4-N and 50% for N-tot). The used reaction catalysts in the process (aluminium silicate or phosphate) were neglected.

The impact of water released from boehmite nanoparticles during curing in epoxy-based nanocomposites

The enhancing effect on mechanical properties of boehmite (y-AlOOH)nanoparticles (BNP) in epoxy-based nanocomposites on the macroscopic scaleencouraged recent research to investigate the micro- and nanoscopic proper-ties. Several studies presented different aspects relatable to an alteration of theepoxy polymer network formation by the BNP with need for further experi-ments to identify the mode of action. With FTIR-spectroscopic methods thisstudy identifies interactions of the BNP with the epoxy polymer matrix duringthe curing process as well as in the cured nanocomposite. The data reveals thatnot the BNP themselves, but the water released from them strongly influencesthe curing process by hydrolysis of the anhydride hardener or protonation ofthe amine accelerator. The changes of the curing processes are discussed indetail. The changes of the curing processes enable new explanation for thechanged material properties by BNP discussed in recent research like alowered glass transition temperature region (Tg) and an interphase formation. © Authors

Bekanntgabe nach § 5 (2) UVPG über die Feststellung der UVP-Pflicht für ein Vorhaben der Kao Chemicals GmbH in Emmerich

Die Kao Chemicals GmbH hat mit Datum vom 10.02.2021 einen Antrag auf Genehmigung nach § 16 des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (BImSchG) vom 17.05.2013 in der zurzeit geltenden Fassung zur wesentlichen Änderung der Anlage zur Herstellung Tertiärer Amine (TAP-Anlage) durch Errichtung und Betrieb einer dritten Produktionsanlage TAP 3 zur Herstellung eines neuen Produkttyps M2 sowie Änderungen in den Produktionsanlagen auf dem Betriebsgelände an der Kupferstr. 1 in 46446 Emmerich gestellt.

Metabolomic profiling reveals correlations between spermiogram parameters and the metabolites present in human spermatozoa and seminal plasma

In 50% of all infertility cases, the male is subfertile or infertile, however, the underlying mechanisms are often unknown. Even when assisted reproductive procedures such as in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are performed, the causes of male factor infertility frequently remain elusive. Since the overall activity of cells is closely linked to their metabolic capacity, we analyzed a panel of 180 metabolites in human sperm and seminal plasma and elucidated their associations with spermiogram parameters. Therefore, metabolites from a group of 20 healthy donors were investigated using a targeted LC-MS/MS approach. The correlation analyses of the amino acids, biogenic amines, acylcarnitines, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins and sugars from sperm and seminal plasma with standard spermiogram parameters revealed that metabolites in sperm are closely related to sperm motility, whereas those in seminal plasma are closely related to sperm concentration and morphology. This study provides essential insights into the metabolome of human sperm and seminal plasma and its associations with sperm functions. This metabolomics technique could be a promising screening tool to detect the factors of male infertility in cases where the cause of infertility is unclear. Quelle: https://journals.plos.org

Umstellung des Kernherstellungsverfahrens in der Handformerei der Fa. Gienanth, Eisenberg, wesentliche Änderung nach § 16 BimSchG

Umstellung des Kernherstellungsverfahrens in der Handformerei von Beta-Set auf Cold Box. Die Umstellung beinhaltet außerdem die Aufstellung von zwei Aminwäschern mit vorgeschaltetem Filter sowie eine Umrüstung an den Kernschießmaschinen. Beim Cold Box-Verfahren wird für die Begasung Amin, statt wie beim bisherigen Beta-Set-Verfahren Methylformiat, verwendet.

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