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Inventarermittlung der F-Gase 2019/2020 - Daten von HF(C)KW, FKW, SF6, NF3, SF5CF3, H(C)FE und PFPMIE für die nationale Emissionsberichterstattung gemäß Klimarahmenkonvention für die Berichtsjahre 2019 und 2020

Das Projekt "Inventarermittlung der F-Gase 2019/2020 - Daten von HF(C)KW, FKW, SF6, NF3, SF5CF3, H(C)FE und PFPMIE für die nationale Emissionsberichterstattung gemäß Klimarahmenkonvention für die Berichtsjahre 2019 und 2020" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Recherche. Büro für Umweltforschung und -beratung GmbH durchgeführt. Der Bericht präsentiert die Emissionsdaten der fluorierten Treibhausgase HF(C)KW, FKW, SF6, NF3, SF5CF3, H(C)FE und PFPMIE (F-Gase) für die Jahre 1995-2020 für Deutschland. Seit 2005 bewegen sich die Emissionen fluorierter Treibhausgase (F-Gase) auf relativ konstantem Niveau. Der seit 2010 stattfindende leichte Anstieg der Emissionen war im Jahr 2018 erstmals rückläufig und sank auf 5.946 t, ausgedrückt in CO2-Äquivalenten 14,3 Mio. t. Dieser Abwärtstrend hat sich deutlich fortgesetzt, und so lagen die Emissionen im Jahr 2020 bei 5.281 t, was 12,1 t in CO2-Äquivalenten entspricht. Damit machen sie etwa 1,5 % an den Gesamtemissionen aller Treibhausgase in Deutschland aus, die 2020 bei etwa 793 Mio. t CO2-Äquivalenten lagen. Dieser Bericht ist entsprechend der Strukturierung des Nationalen Inventarberichts (NIR) aufgeteilt. In diesem alle Treibhausgase umfassenden Bericht werden die fluorierten Treibhausgase in den Sektor-Abschnitten 2.B, 2.C, 2.E, 2.F, 2.G und 2.H behandelt. Sektor 2.B befasst sich unter 2.B.9 mit den Emissionen aus der Produktion von halogenierten Kohlenwasserstoffen und SF6. Das folgende Kapitel 2.C behandelt die Metallproduktion. Hier werden unter 2.C.3 und 2.C.4 die Emissionen aus der Aluminium- und Magnesiumproduktion aufgeführt. Der Sektor 2.E beinhaltet die Emissionen aus der Elektronik-Industrie, der folgende Sektor 2.F diejenigen aus Anwendungen als ODS-Ersatz und der Sektor 2.G die â€ÌSonstige Produktherstellung und â€Ìverwendungâ€Ì. Unter dem Abschnitt 2.H werden vertrauliche Emissionen verschiedener Sektoren 1 aggregiert berichtet. Außerdem gibt es Informationen zu freiwillig berichteten fluorierten Treibhausgasen.

Soil aeration - the key factor of oak decline in Southwest Germany?

Das Projekt "Soil aeration - the key factor of oak decline in Southwest Germany?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Professur für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. Many research efforts to identify the key factors of oak decline in Europe conclude that it is a 'complex disease'. This result can hardly be falsified because of its fuzziness. A significant contribution of pathogene fungi is not without controversy, because the primary pathogenicity is not proven (Johnsson, 2004). Our starting point is the resarch of Gaertig et al. (2002) who found that on a spatial integration level of 28 oak stands in Baden-Wuerttemberg the symptoms of oak health are significantly correlated with soil aeration. Large-scale changes of soil structure in oak stands during the last decades can be attributed to the mechanization of logging (Vossbrink and Horn, 2004) as well as to a decrease of earthworm activity in acidified soils. In the proposed project we want to establish a relationship between roots and aeration-relevant parameters in a three-dimensional space. This laborious procedure is necessary because the soil-air access is highly heterogeneous and by this way forms a three-dimensional pattern. This makes one-dimensional models unefficient. By modelling the soil air access in a three-dimensional space we want to test the aeration hypothesis. Important indicators of rooting are clustering of fine roots, necrosis, or space discrimination. By assessing simultaneously soil-chemical and soil-physical parameters in the same spatial resolution, alternative hypotheses can be tested. As modelling tools point statistics, non parametric regression (GAM), and a three dimensional solution of the instationary gas-diffusion equation will be used.

Aufkommen und Verwertung von Verpackungsabfällen in Deutschland im Jahr 2019

Das Projekt "Aufkommen und Verwertung von Verpackungsabfällen in Deutschland im Jahr 2019" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GVM Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung mbH durchgeführt. Nach der EU-Richtlinie 94/62/EG über Verpackungen und Verpackungsabfälle vom 20.12.1994 in Verbindung mit der Richtlinie 2018/852 vom 30. Mai 2018 sind die EU-Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet, jährlich über Verbrauch und Verwertung von Verpackungen zu berichten. Der Bericht hat auf der Grundlage der Entscheidung der Kommission vom 22.03.2005 zur Festlegung der Tabellenformate (2005/270/EG), zuletzt geändert durch den Durchführungsbeschluss (EU) 2019/665 vom 17. April 2019, zu erfolgen. Die Studie bestimmt die in Deutschland in Verkehr gebrachte Menge an Verpackungen (Verpackungsverbrauch) für die Materialgruppen Glas, Kunststoff, Papier / Karton, Aluminium, Eisenmetalle, Holz und Sonstige. Zur Verbrauchsberechnung wurden neben der in Deutschland eingesetzten Menge von Verpackungen auch die gefüllten Exporte und die gefüllten Importe ermittelt. Zur Bestimmung der Verwertungsmengen und Verwertungswege wurden die vorliegenden Daten von Verbänden, der Entsorgungswirtschaft und der Umweltstatistik systematisch zusammengetragen und dokumentiert. Der Verpackungsverbrauch zur Entsorgung stieg 2019 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 0,2 % bzw. um 47 kt auf 18,91 Mio. Tonnen an. Insgesamt 18,33 Mio. Tonnen Verpackungsabfälle wurden 2019 verwertet, 13,53 Mio. Tonnen stofflich und 4,8 Mio. Tonnen energetisch. Darüber hinaus dokumentiert der Bericht auch die Verbrauchs- und Recyclingmengen nach der Berechnungsmethode des Durchführungsbeschlusses (EU) 2019/665, die für die Meldung an die Europäische Kommission maßgebend sind. Der Verpackungsverbrauch ändert sich im Gesamtergebnis nicht. Die Recyclingmenge reduziert sich im Vergleich zur bisherigen Berechnungsmethode um 1,4 Mio. Tonnen auf 12,1 Mio. Tonnen. Die Menge der energetisch verwerteten Verpackungen erhöht sich um 1,2 Mio. Tonnen auf 6 Mio. Tonnen.

D 7: Research for improved fish nutrition and fish health in upland aquaculture systems in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Northern Vietnam

Das Projekt "D 7: Research for improved fish nutrition and fish health in upland aquaculture systems in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480), Fachgebiet Aquakultur-Systeme und Tierernährung in den Tropen und Subtropen (490i) durchgeführt. Background: Aquaculture significantly contributes to protein supply and cash income of Black Thai farmers in Yen Chau, Son La province, Northern Vietnam. Fish is produced for cash income (2/3rd) and subsistence (1/3rd) while self recruiting species (small fish, crustaceans and molluscs) provide additional protein for home consumption. The current aquaculture system is a polyculture of the macroherbivorous grass carp as main species together with 3-5 other non-herbivorous fish species like Common Carp, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, Mud Carp, Silver Barb and Nile Tilapia. With a rearing period of 21 months, the productivity of the aquaculture system amounts to 1.54 +- 0.33 t ha-1 a-1 and can be characterized as low. Nearly each household has at least one pond, which serves multiple purposes and is operated as a flow-through-system. The steady water flow is advantageous for the culture of grass carp, but causes a continuous loss of nutrients and high turbidity and thereby limits the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton which are natural food for non-herbivorous species. The farmers are using mainly green leaves (banana, bamboo, cassava, maize and grass) and crop residues (rice bran, rice husk, cassava root peel, distillery residue) as feed input, which is available to Grass Carp while non-herbivorous fish species are not fed specifically. Manure is used as fertilizer. The uneaten parts of fed plants are sometimes accumulating in the pond over several years, resulting in heavy loads of organic matter causing oxygen depletion. Anaerobic sediment and water layers limit the development of zoobenthos and may provide a habitat for anaerobe disease agents. Since 2003 an unknown disease condition has been threatening Grass Carp production and is having a major economic impact on the earnings from fish farming in Yen Chau region. Other fish in the same ponds are not affected. Especially in March-April and in September-October the disease is causing high morbidity and mortalities of Grass Carp in affected ponds and is thereby decreasing the dietary protein supply and income generation of Black Thai farmers. Little is known about the definition or aetiology of the disease condition.

B 4.1: Land vulnerability and land suitability analysis in Northern Vietnam

Das Projekt "B 4.1: Land vulnerability and land suitability analysis in Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. As populations are steadily increasing in VN, farming land becomes scarce and new areas are opened up for cultivation, mainly in mountainous regions. On the fragile steep slopes deforestation and soil erosion are the well-known consequences. Land use in Yen Chau District, the study area in Son La, has significantly changed in the last decades. Until now, mainly soil degradation is reported on upland fields, but also soil erosion is increasing, both decreasing crop yields. In this project a database for topography, land use and soil properties within two subcatchments in Yen Chau will be created. The main goal of the project will be to carry out land suitability analysis and land vulnerability analysis, based on the data stored in the database, to provide tools for future sustainable land use planning. For this, a broad approach is intended by assessing land suitability for various crops, fruit trees and livestock production as well as to work out land vulnerability of the research area based on soil characteristics and topographic situation. The land suitability and vulnerability analysis will be carried out with the adopted SOTER (Soil and Terrain) approach. Normally used for a 1:500000 scale the SOTER technology will be developed for a 1:50.000 scale for two subcatchments. This is especially necessary because the closely cooperating projects C4.1 (Land use modelling), B5.1 (Water quality analysis) and G1.2 (Sustainability strategies) will rely on the spatial data of this scale. A totally new objective will be attempted by breaking down the SOTER technology to a scale of 1:5.000 for a village area in one of the selected subcatchments to regard the typical small-scale land use mosaic of a village area. Only with this scale the typical small scale land use mosaic of a village area can relatively precisely be mapped taking settlement areas, fish ponds, homegardens, fields, pastures, forests and scrubland as well as streams and creeks into account. With this approach it will be the first time possible to evaluate agricultural production on a village level using the SOTER technology. The SOTER database will be used with algorithms and soil transfer functions in order to derive soil suitability and soil vulnerability of certain areas. For the suitability analysis of different crops mainly the static approach for water regime, nutrient regime and potential root zone will be generated. As an important tool for decision making the erosion hazards due to water and especially gravity has to be visualized. As participatory soil mapping provides valuable additional information for land use evaluation and potential planning, this approach will be integrated on both the subcatchment and the village level in joint cooperation with A1.3 (Participatory Research). Finally, land use scenarios regarding different factors, e.g. change of cropping patterns, introduction of fruit trees, intensification of fish production or changes in market access, will be modelled.

Improvement of oil palm wood by bio resin application

Das Projekt "Improvement of oil palm wood by bio resin application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Fachrichtung Forstwissenschaften, Institut für Forstnutzung und Forsttechnik, Professur für Forstnutzung durchgeführt. Reinforcement of oil palm wood by using Bioresin to improve its physical, mechanical and machinery properties. Concerning the utilization of oil palm wood, which is available in large number throughout the year, especially when the mature plants has reached its economic life span (approx. 25 years). Normally, this mature plant should be replanting. According to the projection of oil palm plantation development in Indonesia, there are more than 16 million cubic meter of this bulky material starting 2010. This large amount of biomass, if no real effort, will become a serious problem. Unfortunately, the current replanting method (push-felled) sounds risky and in several companies follow by burning method, which is really not solve problem, but creating the other serious problem, such as air pollution. The oil palm wood characteristics as a monocotyledons species is naturally quite different compare to the common wood (dicotyledonous). Originally the oil palm tree has various densities along the trunk and its density decreased linearly with trunk height and towards the centre of the trunk. Green oil palm trunk is also very susceptible to fungal and insect attack due to the high sugar and starch content. Hence, the utilization of this material is not fully utilized yet and still poses a serious environmental problem. Yet, compared to the various intensive researches and the economically important of the oil palm, processing technology and diversification of palm oil based products mainly from CPO and PKO, the oil palm solid waste, particularly the oil palm wood, has received relatively little research attention. This might be due to lack or insufficient the scientific information and Know-How of this material and might be also due to the difficulties of using with the OPT. Although several investigations have already conducted in the field of OPT, but a sufficient knowledge shall be achieved in order to design and establish the new tailor-made wood products based on oil palm wood. Hence, this study was directed to focus the characteristics of OPT including anatomical, physical, mechanical and machinery properties, and in order to use the OPT for structural purposes, the wood properties of OPT were improved and reinforced with Bioresin through the development of wood modification techniques.

E 4.1: Quality and food safety issues in markets for high-value products in Thailand and Vietnam

Das Projekt "E 4.1: Quality and food safety issues in markets for high-value products in Thailand and Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. The production and marketing of high-value agricultural commodities - such as fruits, vegetables, and livestock products - has been an important source of cash income for small-scale farmers in the northern mountainous regions of Thailand and Vietnam. However, against the background of recent free trade agreements and market liberalization, there is increasing national and international competition, partly leading to significant price decreases. Given structural disadvantages of farmers in northern Thailand and Vietnam, it will be very difficult for them to achieve and maintain a competitive position in markets for undifferentiated high-value products. Therefore, product differentiation - in terms of health attributes (e.g., low-pesticide residues, free from diseases and pathogens), taste (e.g., indigenous livestock breeds), time (e.g., off-season production), or processing characteristics (e.g., packaging, drying, canning) - could be a promising alternative. Quality and safety attributes play an increasing role in domestic and international food trade. The additional value generated could lead to sustainable income growth in the small farm sector, but this potential will only materialize when appropriate institutional mechanisms help reduce transaction costs and allow a fair distribution of benefits. This subproject seeks to analyze how the production and marketing of high-value agricultural products with quality and safety attributes can contribute to pro-poor development in northern Thailand and Vietnam. Quality and safety attributes can only generate value when they directly respond to consumer demand. Furthermore, since they are often credence attributes, the product identity has to be preserved from farm to fork. Therefore, the analysis will cover the whole supply chain, from agricultural production to final household consumption. Interview-based surveys of farmers, intermediate agents, and consumers will be carried out in Thailand, and to a limited extent also in Vietnam. The data will be analyzed econometrically with regard to the structure of high-value markets, trends and their determinants, and efficiency and equity implications of different institutional arrangements (e.g., contract agriculture, supermarket procurement). Since in northern Vietnam, the marketing of high-value products is a relatively recent activity, markets for more traditional crops will be analyzed as well, to better understand the linkages between different cash-earning activities in the semi-subsistent farm households. Apart from their direct policy relevance, the results will contribute to the broader research direction of the economics of high-value agricultural markets in developing countries. Moreover, they will generate useful information for other subprojects of the Uplands Program.

Impact of silviculture on species diversity in forests in Germany

Das Projekt "Impact of silviculture on species diversity in forests in Germany" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Objectives: Focus of investigations is in development of species and ecosystem diversity (alpha-, beta- and gamma-diversity) as well as on ecological and population biological processes on landscape and ecosystem levels. The project asks questions on the function of forest management and landscape units for dispersal and establishment of typical forest plants (herb, shrub and tree layer), in particular on the exchange of diaspores (dispersal units) and the recolonization of biocoenologically impoverished, partly fragmented forest ecosystems. We will also check to what extent species or species groups and habitat structures can be used as indicators for monitoring of biological diversity in forests on landscape level. Major questions are: (1) How to maintain or re-create a biological diversity that is typical and as large as possible for the respective forest ecosystem? (2) What spacious effects does forest management have for the biological diversity at landscape level? (3) Which role do wild animals (e.g. hoofed game, birds) play in the diaspore dispersal of vascular forest plants? (4) How can the biological diversity be monitored with simple methods? Results: - The comparison of the recent and the ancient forest cover shows in total an increasing forest area of 636 ha. On the soils of the ground and terminal moraines deforestation exceeds by far the reforestation (balance -544ha). On the sander the afforestation of former heathland, communal pasture and fields increases the forest area round about 1.198 ha. - The rare vascular plant species, selected on the basis of their frequency in the distribution atlas of the flora of Schleswig-Holstein, are mainly found on the nutrient rich and moist sites of the recent moraine, especially in the Alno-Ulmion and the Hordelymo-Fagetum. - A comparison of the presence of the rare vascular plant species with informations in the distribution atlas leads to the presumption of a decrease of the occurence of a lot of these species. The reasons for this are discussed. - The strict relationship of the rare forest vascular plant species to sites with continously forest cover is remarkable. Only 12 of the 72 sites with at least one rare plant species are clearly afforestated agricultaral area. - Hoofed game species transport numerous plant species - partially in large amounts - over relatively long distances, both by the faeces after gut passage (endozoochory) and by adhesion to the coats and hooves (epizoochory). Especially wild boar are of particular importance, as they may potentially disperse almost plant species.

Teilprojekt 5

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 5" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deukum GmbH durchgeführt. Auf Grund des global ansteigenden Wasserbedarfs und den sinkenden zur Verfügung stehenden Süßwasserressourcen, besteht ein weltweites Interesse an effizienten Entsalzungsverfahren. Süßwasser, das vom Meer oder von geogenen Salzvorkommen beeinflusst wird, weist u. a. oft erhöhte Konzentrationen an Natrium und Chlorid auf. Hohe Nitrat- und Sulfatkonzentrationen resultieren hingegen meist aus landwirtschaftlichem Einfluss. Eine vollständige Entsalzung der Wässer ist nicht sinnvoll, sondern lediglich nur eine Verminderung der monovalenten Ionen nötig. Das Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist die Entwicklung eines energieeffizienten, selektiven, membranbasierten Entsalzungsverfahrens zur gezielten Entfernung monovalenter Ionen aus salzhaltigem Grund- und Oberflächenwasser sowie die Überprüfung potenzieller Anwendungen und Einsatzgebiete unter Berücksichtigung wasserchemischer, ökonomischer und ökologischer Aspekte. Es werden selektive Membranen für einen spezifischen Rückhalt monovalenter Salze entwickelt und in neukonstruierten Modulen für den Einsatz in einem elektrochemischen Verfahren in Labor- und Pilotanlagen verbaut. Mit den Anlagen werden Untersuchungen zur Identifikation optimierter Prozess- und Anlagenparameter in Abhängigkeit unterschiedlicher Rohwasserqualitäten und Aufbereitungsziele durchgeführt. Es wird geprüft, welche resultierenden Effekte und Herausforderungen bei der Grundwasseranreicherung und der Trinkwasseraufbereitung gegeben sind. Die entwickelte Technologie wird anhand einer ganzheitlichen ökonomisch-ökologischen Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung internationalen Zielgrößen wie den Nachhaltigkeitszielen gegenübergestellt, um Handlungsempfehlungen abzuleiten. Durch die Wahl der Partner aus Industrie, Wissenschaft und Praxis ist das Konsortium in der Lage, Anlagen zu bauen und die innovative Technologie bei Praxispartnern vor Ort zu testen und zu bewerten. Die Ergebnisse tragen somit maßgeblich zur Sicherung der Wasserressourcen, national wie international, bei.

The fate of phosphorus in forest and treeline ecosystems in Ecuador

Das Projekt "The fate of phosphorus in forest and treeline ecosystems in Ecuador" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Forschungsbereich Geographie durchgeführt. Even remote areas such as tropical montane forests suffer from continuously high atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition. In studies on ecosystem responses to atmospheric nutrient deposition, P cycling has played an underrated role compared to N, although P is thought to limit organism growth in main parts of the Tropics. Furthermore, the responses of tropical montane forests to atmospheric nutrient deposition might depend on the predicted climate change i.e., shifts in temperature and precipitation. Altitudinal gradients represent an ideal means to study environmental changes in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador, because climate scenarios and unpublished trends in longer-term climate data predict increasing temperatures and decreased moisture which parallels the altitudinal gradient from 4000 m to 1000 m asl.Previous experiments, including the NUMEX experiment in Ecuador, showed that the main proportion of P added to forests to simulate atmospheric deposition was retained in soil. While total P pools in soil respond slowly to low P addition rates, the biological and geochemical processes underlying retention in the organic layer or in soil are expected to react faster. Our overarching objective is to assess the fate of fertilized P in the organic layer and in mineral soil and to elucidate the processes involved in P cycling in soil (immobilization and release rates by microorganisms, sorption/desorption, precipitation/dissolution) along the NUMEX-X altitudinal gradient (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000m; the latter including a Polylepis and a Páramo ecosystem). We will assess P fractions in soil and use a combination of 33P tracer studies and incubation experiments to disentangle biological and geochemical processes controlling P retention. The mechanistic understanding gathered by this proposal is crucial for predictions of ecosystems responses to the continuously high atmospheric N (and P) deposition, because single mechanisms might respond differently (and oppositionally) in the long run. Because the processes involved in P cycling are expected to respond faster to environmental changes than e.g., P pools in soil, these different responses are an essential basis to evaluate effects of environmental change and finally, to develop early-warning ecosystem indicators for environmental change.

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