In dieser Karte sind die Ergebnisse der Thermografiebefliegung des Osnabrücker Stadtgebietes in der Nacht vom 18. auf den 19. Februar 2015 dargestellt. Die aus etwa 2400 einzelnen Wärmebildern bestehende Karte kann Hinweise darauf geben, an welchen Gebäuden es Energiesparmöglichkeiten gibt. Dargestellt ist die Wärmeabstrahlung der Dächer, aber auch aller anderen aus der Luft sichtbaren Flächen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Dachfläche, die in tiefem Blau erscheint, zweifellos eine geringe Wärmeabgabe und eine Dachfläche in intensivem Rot eine hohe Wärmeabgabe aufweist. Allerdings ist die Höhe der Wärmeabstrahlung von Dächern nicht nur von der Innentemperatur und der Qualität der Dämmung abhängig, sondern von einer Vielzahl weiterer Faktoren.
Das Projekt "Modelling of the mass and energy balances of SOFC modules" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dornier Luftfahrt durchgeführt. Objective: Mass and energy balance, especially with respect to the transport of waste heat out of the system, represent a central question for the development of advanced sofc module concepts. The theoretical-numerical tools which will be developed within the project allow the assessment of the feasibility of different designs with respect to these problems of thermal controllability and of eventual limitations for scale-up. Additionally a basis for further more complex and detailed investigations of complete sofc plants will be established. General information: the generation of electrical energy by ceramic sofc modules is accompanied by the production of considerable amounts of heat which has to be taken out of the modules (mainly by the air flow acting as a coolant) in order to prevent superheating of the units. This seems to be of great importance, especially for highly integrated high power concepts discussed meanwhile for sofc application. By means of a theoretical-numerical modelling the mass and energy balance of typical module configurations will be determined. As far as possible values which were already realized in the laboratory, they will be used as input parameters (e g for electrical conductivities or polarization properties). Special emphasis will be laid upon the investigation of the mechanisms of heat transfer from the module constituents to each other and to the gases involved in the process by conduction abd especially radiation which is important due to the high temperature. Parameter variations will yield indications for preferable configurations and for adequate solutions for the cooling of the sofc-modules. Achievements: Modelling was performed in the following stages: the establishment of the analytical mass and energy balances for a local element in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) (micromodel); the enlargement and adaption of the balance equations (macromodel) according to the cell and module geometry under consideration (both cross flow monolithic design and tubular design); the writing of a computer code and optimisation of the code with respect to convergence. Calculations were carried out for the following cases: cross flow monolithic design with hydrogen as a fuel; cross flow monolithic design with internally reformed methane; tubular design with hydrogen as a fuel. The main conclusions which can be drawn from the results are: the temperatures of the gases involved coincide to within a few degrees with the temperatures of the cell components; reasonable fuel utilisations and efficiencies can be achieved with both designs; in the tubular design investigated (Westinghouse type) there are inherently large temperature gradients; temperature distributions of cross flow monolithic designs are significantly flatter than those of tubes; the kinetics of the steam reforming reaction occurring in cell operation with internal reforming of methane (natural gas) strongly affects the temperature distribution within a module.
Das Projekt "Rueckgewinnung von Konvertergas in der Stahlproduktion nach dem KMS-Verfahren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maximillianshuette durchgeführt. Objective: In converter steel plants operating in accordance with the KMS process (Kloeckner-Maximilianshütte-Stahl), the production of steel from hot metal and scrap results in waste gases with high CO contents, which have been flared through stacks to date. Three converter plants of the Maximilianshütte are to be equipped with a controlled gas suction and gas recovery system to permit the application of the usable converter gas for the production of process heat and steam by way of intermediate storage. It is to be expected that the annual energy saving at project level will be 6.500 TOE for the production of raw steel, as proposed in this project. General Information: The project is part of an extensive programme for the conservation of energy in the Sulzbach-Rosenberg works. The Maximilianshütte operates a KMS-steelworks there equipped with three converters, each having a capacity of 60 t. The converters are equipped with cleaning systems based on a wet cleaning process. These operate with the assistance of two Venturi stages. A controlled gas collection system is used for suction at the mouth of the converter to prevent combustion of the waste gases containing CO above the mouth. The most important components of this gas suction system, e.g. A controlled skirt which can be moved upwards and downwards, were installed during the construction of the steelworks. Within the scope of this project, the actual gas recovery and gas storage facility is to be developed, erected and tested. Gas recovery requires switch-over stations as well as diverse closed-loop control and control systems, which permit switch-over to gas recovery during the blowing process depending on the CO content of the converter gas (switch-over point at a CO content of about 40 per cent). Pneumatic drives are provided for all switch-over elements. The gas will probably be stored in a low pressure telescopic gasometer equipped with a special shell sealing. Gas storage serves to equalize the irregular gas production. In the first phase of the project, a measuring programme will be implemented following the installation of diverse measuring instruments. Its purpose is to determine the data on the temporal decrease in the amount of gas, the composition of the converter gas and the gas curves occurring behind the cleaning facility in the course of one heat. Such data are required to dimension and design the necessary facilities. These results will be used to determine the process course for the recovery of gas and to design and plan the facilities. Following the erection, the overall facility will be tested in the course of an 8 month demonstration period and final evaluation will be effected. Achievements: The 3 gas analysis systems were commissioned on march 3RD 1985. After this, measurements were carried out on the 3 converter plants during the month of July 1985. A description of the gas analysis system follows; the converter gas is taken via 2 gas sample probes which are ...
Das Projekt "Nutzung der Abwaerme von Fahrzeugmotoren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Mercedes-Benz Group AG durchgeführt. General Information: Between 60 per cent and 80 per cent of the applied fuel energy in heat engines is lost to the ambient environment as waste exhaust heat. Suitable equipment could turn some of that heat into useful mechanical energy, e.g. an exhaust gas turbine, a Stirling engine or a steam-driven system. Daimler-Benz AG carried out a feasibility study of the possible application of a diesel engine coupled with a rankine bottoming cycle. It is shown that a 38 t heavy-duty truck of 206 kw on a long haul (Rotterdam-Verona) can reduce its fuel consumption for the same output by 10.5 per cent (using the working fluid fluorinol-50). According to rough estimates this corresponds to approx. 90,000 t of diesel fuel per year on fuel savings in the federal republic of Germany (based on the figures for 1980). The payback time of this system is however too long under the present technical and economic conditions. The unrealistic limit case of the adiabatic diesel engine (no heat exchange between gas and wall) with bottoming cycle was also included in the calculations as the theoretical limit and the results indicated fuel savings of 25 per cent. If we consider a trend to higher energy prices, the insulated diesel engine (reduced heat exchange between gas and wall) operating at higher temperatures and efficiency together with a rankine bottoming cycle may have a chance in future even from an economic point of view.
Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur gewaesseroekologischen Bedeutung der Abwaermeeinleitungen im bremischen Bereich der Unterelbe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 2 Biologie,Chemie durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Bure-Hauptprojekt - Beteiligung am Forschungsprogramm der ANDRA im Untertagelabor Bure" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH - Fachbereich Endlagersicherheitsforschung durchgeführt. Zur Vorbereitung der Errichtung eines Endlagers für radioaktive Abfälle in einer Tonsteinformation hat die französische Endlagerorganisation ANDRA im Sommer 2000 mit der Errichtung eines Untertagelabors in der Callovo-Oxfordian Tonsteinformation am Standort Meuse/Haute Marne im Pariser Becken begonnen. In diesem Untertagelabor wird seit Ende 2004 ein Forschungsprogramm durchgeführt, um Kenntnisse über die Tonsteinformation zu gewinnen und ihre Eignung als Wirtsgestein für Endlagerung hochradioaktiver Abfälle nachzuweisen. Eine vorläufige Standortbewertung muss dem französischen Parlament bereits im Jahr 2006 vorgelegt werden. Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsvertrages zwischen ANDRA/CEA und BMWA besteht die Möglichkeit, sich an diesem Forschungsprogramm zu beteiligen und eigenes Know-how zur Endlagerung gefährlicher Abfallstoffe in geologischen Tonformationen aufzubauen. Das Ziel der Beteiligung besteht in der Gewinnung von Messdaten zur Bewertung der Barrierewirkung des Tonsteins während der Hohlraumerstellung und der Wärmefreisetzung hochradioaktiver Abfälle. Die Daten werden zur Kalibrierung der in Langzeitsicherheitsanalysen verwendeten Stoffmodelle benötigt.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 6 |
Land | 1 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 5 |
unbekannt | 1 |
License | Count |
offen | 6 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 6 |
Englisch | 3 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 4 |
Webseite | 2 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 4 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 5 |
Luft | 4 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 6 |
Wasser | 3 |
Weitere | 6 |