Das Projekt "Vorschlag 1067 Fortgeschrittene Untersuchung zur aktiven Schalldaemmung in Flugzeugen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dornier Luftfahrt durchgeführt. Objective: Initial assessments indicate that active noise control, the introduction of antinoise cancelling the original noise, has a promising potential for solving the critical low frequency interior noise problem of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft. The main goal of this project is to investigate this technique in greater detail and to identify feasible optimum active noise control systems for future practical applications. General Information: Following an evaluation of pertinent active noise control work, detailed theoretical and experimental research is performed. The research covers interior noise calculations and noise and vibration measurements in aircraft in flight and in a full scale fuselage test section on the ground. Laboratory tests and investigations on promising new noise control transducers are included. Also, extensive work is performed on the development of optimum prototype active noise control systems. In the later phase of the study, these systems will be evaluated by ground and flight testing. The study will advance the current technology in this field and provide a basis for improving the passenger comfort, important for the competitiveness of future European aircraft. In addition, a significant technology spin-off to other industrial branches can be expected. Achievements: The total project progressed extremely well. For the fixed wing aircraft group, for example, all laboratory and aircraft testing and all theoretical work could be performed as planned. In addition, the development of the two control units could be finished and finally very successfully flight tests as initially assumed. For the rotary wing aircraft group similar progress was made. Also in this group all experimental and theoretical work could be finished and successfully concluded in time. The established results of the project by far exceeded the expectation. They are documented in more then hundred reports and range from detailed theoretical results to practically oriented laboratory and full scale flight test data of all research sub-areas considered. For the future several scientific papers are planned to be published explaining more details of these research results. Two summary reports on the project with selected data have been published already.
Das Projekt "Identifikation von Kunststoffen und Polymeren im Hausmuell fuer Recyclingzwecke mittels Hochgeschwindigkeitslaser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik durchgeführt. General Information: For material recycling of plastics and polymers from domestic waste it is necessary to identify and sort the different parts to obtain pure material fractions. A rapid piece-by-piece method is possible by identification of the composition of each waste particle with laser using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. It is the aim of this project to investigate the technical feasibility of this technique for the recycling of plastics and polymers from domestic waste. The project activities comprise the beam guiding of the laser to the plastic and polymer parts, the detection of spectra, determination of spectral features for the identification of different materials and handling, sorting and further processing of the different fractions. Achievements: The sorting of waste bottles into pure polymers fractions of PE, PP, PET and PVC with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy has been investigated. Element and molecule structures were detected in spectra of laser-induced plasmas. Classification algorithms based on multivariate statistical analysis and neural networks were tested. The achievable identification accuracy depends on the kinds of polymers and their additives. Typical results on recycled and virgin polymer samples achieved under laboratory conditions are 90-95 per cent for PE and PP and largely 99 per cent for PET and PVC, where 20 per cent of all measured samples could not be identified and have been sorted out. For bottle pieces, about 95 per cent have been classified correctly. The measuring times are smaller100 us, the evaluation times in the order of milliseconds, enabling sorting rates of 10 per second and more. Autofocussing to the varying geometry of the bottles is a challenging problem. An autofocus system based on triangulation operates reliably with coloured samples, but not with transparent ones. Future work should aim to avoid the necessity of an autofocus system by proper handling of the bottles and usage of a focussing lens with a long focal length. A modular handling and sorting equipment for singularization, pressing to +/- 10 mm surface position range and sorting 3 bottles per second was constructed and put into operation. The handling and sorting equipment is successfully combined with a PC for laser triggering and generation of sorting signals. Singularization and transport of about 10 bottles/s is assessed as feasible. Nevertheless, in order to avoid two bottles arriving at the identification point at the same time, the handling device has to be carefully adjusted. In summary, after completion of the fundamental research project, the possibility of laser-based identification of plastics is realistic. Further work has to concentrate on technical oriented development.
Das Projekt "Asbestfreie Materialien fuer Dichtungen von verschraubten Flanschanschluessen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Staatliche Materialprüfungsanstalt durchgeführt. General Information: Bearing in mind rising standards of immission control and restrictions on the use of gasket materials containing asbestos, the proposed project plans to create the basis for a systematic and optimized development of new gasket materials and to provide realistic evidence of the strength and tightness of flanged joints. The main tasks of the project are: - to define and set the relevant gasket factors, - to work out, verify and set the test procedures for the determination of the above mentioned gasket factors, - to determine the gasket factors for asbestos free materials including the sealing and relaxation properties under realistic operation conditions (medium, temperature, time, pressure, changing loads), - to draft out European standards for defining gasket factors under testing procedures as well as specifications for gasket materials, - to create a data basis for a data bank. Apart from improved technological co-operation in Europe, there will be a positive effect on the competitiveness in many areas of industry and improvements in environmental protection and working conditions. Achievements: The main conclusions which can be drawn from the project are the following: - New gasket sheet materials were developed and tests were performed in laboratory conditions. Most of these new materials are distinctly improved in view of e.g. tightening capability, creep strength and load bearing capacity compared to reference materials available on the market at the beginning of the project. - Gasket factors were defined which realistically describe the behaviour of gasket materials and which allow a realistic assessment of the gasket's performance. A gasket factor data bank is prepared. - Optimized gasket testing techniques were developed and fixed which guarantee a realistic assessment and evaluation of gasket's performance in view of tightening capability, load bearing, creep resistance and long term behaviour under the influence of time, temperature and medium and therefore a targeted development of new gasket materials; the description of these testing procedures will be the basis for a CEN standard on gasket testing. These testing techniques were evaluated by comparison of the results received with those of real flanged joint tests. Fairly good agreement was shown between gasket testing and flanged joint tests, so that the testing procedures can be looked as verified. Figures of gasket factors - related to leak rate or tightness - are determined which allow combined with the new European calculation code pr EN 1591 a strength and tightness analysis of flanged joints. These results can be the basis for gasket factor classification in the CEN calculation code per EN 1591.
Das Projekt "Kuehlung und Fahrzeugklimasysteme unter Umweltgesichtspunkten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayerische Motorenwerke AG durchgeführt. General Information: The proposed research is directed at developing a refrigeration cycle for use in automotive air conditioning systems. The new cycle will use a naturally occurring gas as a refrigerant. Because of the new refrigerants properties and the common working conditions of an automotive a/c cycle it will be necessary to develop a completely new transcritical vapour compression system. Major tasks are: (I) Calculation of thermodynamic cycle and of components based on typical car specifications; (II) Development of components - compressor, heat exchangers, expansion device, control device, receiver and hoses; (III) Bench tests; (IV) Construction of prototypes; (V) Car tests in windtunnel and in-field; (VI) Safety and Acoustics evaluation. Successful completion will provide a long-term solution for an environmentally harmless refrigeration system. Achievements: A completely new refrigeration cycle for air-conditioning with carbon dioxide technology was developed. The main emphasis was placed on the thermodynamic calculation of the cycle and the components according to a revised specification, the development of the components such as compressor, heat exchangers, means for control and expansion, storage vessels and refrigerant hoses, test bench investigations, construction of two vehicles, vehicle tests in wind tunnels and road tests and the evaluation of safety and costs aspects. Following this, a direct comparison to a current serial air-conditioning system under commonly acknowledged conditions became possible. An automotive air-conditioning system is often operated above the critical temperature of CO(2) at 31.1 Degree of Celsius. Therefore a CO(2) system will mostly work in a transcritical cycle mostly. At supercritical conditions (critical pressure: 73.8 bar), pressure and temperature are independent of each other. The conditions in the evaporator remain subcritical. In this transcritical cycle the refrigeration capacity, the compressor work and thereby the cycle efficiency depend on the existing discharge pressure in accordance with the heat rejection temperature. The optimum discharge pressure is a function of the ambient temperature. The refrigeration circuit control should provide sufficient cooling capacity at high efficiency with satisfying passenger comfort, largely independent from the momentary driving and climate conditions. The vehicle refrigeration circuit consists of a compressor, gas cooler, expansion device, evaporator, accumulator and internal heat exchanger. The packaging shows only slight differences to series vehicles. The small cross-section of the refrigerant pipes makes it easier to find a route through the tight engine compartment. The refrigeration cycle with CO(2) operates at high pressure levels, but this does not represent an significantly increased risk with adapted components. Due to refrigerant properties the new developed components remain nearly comparable in respect of weight and dimensions.
Das Projekt "Engine LUBrication SYStem technologies (ELUBSYS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Techspace Aero SA durchgeführt. In aeronautics, gas turbine engines are equipped with lubrication systems whose function is to cool and lubricate the highly loaded rolling bearings and gearboxes. Current lubrication systems are based on architectures and technologies that have not much evolved for the last 30 years and that, despite advances made on components, have reached their technological limit. Future aero-engine requirements cannot be met neither by state-of-the-art lubrication systems nor by incremental improvement. ELUBSYS will design, develop and validate innovative technologies and architectures for aero-engine lubrication systems targeting increased efficiency and reduced cost, mass and engine Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC). The primary focus is around new brush seal technologies that offer the potential to improve engine propulsive efficiency by reducing bleed air losses whilst withstanding the aero-engine s harsh environment. ELUBSYS will investigate the performance and endurance of brush seals; assess their impact on the thermal efficiency of lubrication systems and their external components and on oil quality. A secondary focus is the wider lubrication system including vent, scavenge, bearing chamber modelling and oil behaviour. Main objectives of the project are to: - Reduce engine SFC and related CO2 emissions by reducing by 60Prozent the requirement for bleed air from the engine to seal the bearing chambers and by improving the thermal management of bearing chamber housings and ports - Reduce engine oil consumption by 60Prozent - Optimise the architecture and performance of lubrication systems and thereby reduce their complexity and mass - Develop solutions to improve monitoring of engine oil quality and prevent coking in the lubrication system. These goals will be achieved by a European consortium of Industry, Research centres, Academia and SMEs who will develop and validate these new lubrication technologies using modelling approaches and existing state-of-the-art test facilities. Prime Contractor: Techspace Aero SA; Milmort Herstal; Belgique.
Das Projekt "New Aero Engine Core Concepts (NEWAC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. NEWAC will provide a step change for low emission engines by introducing new innovative core configurations to strongly reduce CO2 and NOx emissions. This breakthrough will be achieved by developing and validating new core configurations using heat management (intercooler, cooling air cooler, recuperator), improved combustion, active systems and improved core components. NEWAC will design and manufacture these innovative components and perform model, rig and core tests to validate the critical technologies. The NEWAC core configurations include an Inter-cooled Recuperative Aero engine (IRA) operating at low overall pressure ratio (OPR), an inter-cooled core configuration operating at high OPR, an active core and a flow controlled core operating at medium OPR. NEWAC will complement past and existing EC projects in the field, e.g. EEFAE in FP5 and VITAL in FP6. The main result will be fully validated new technologies enabling a 6Prozent reduction in CO2 emissions and a further 16Prozent reduction in NOx relative to ICAO-LTO cycle. Most importantly, the project will address the challenges involved in delivering these benefits simultaneously. NEWAC will deliver together with EEFAE (-11Prozent CO2, -60Prozent NOx), national programs and expected results of VITAL, the overall CO2 reduction of 20Prozent and the NOx reduction close to 80Prozent at a technology readiness level of 5, contributing to the attainment of the ACARE targets. NEWAC will achieve this technology breakthrough by integrating 41 actors from the European leading engine manufacturers, the engine-industry supply chain, key European research institutes and SMEs with specific expertise. The advance and benefits that NEWAC will bring to Europe in terms of more efficient and environmental-friendly air transport will be disseminated widely to all stakeholders. Furthermore a training programme will ensure the transfer of expertise and knowledge to the wider research community and especially to the new member states of the EU.
Das Projekt "Forschung zum Aussenlaerm durch Hubschrauber und Schwenkrotorflugzeuge - AERO 1108" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eurocopter durchgeführt. Objective: To bring about substantial reduction of the noise emission of helicopters and future tilt-rotor aircraft, the corresponding noise prediction capabilities must be considerably improved to provide the European helicopter manufacturers with the necessary competitive edge. Towards this objective a joint European effort will be conducted to investigate the aero acoustic mechanisms of rotor noise generation by means of a comprehensive wind tunnel test programme. The unsteady pressure distribution on rotor blades is determined through a large number of pressure sensors embedded in the blade contour. By simultaneously measuring the radiated acoustic signals for a large variety of 'flight-conditions' (take-off, high speed, horizontal flight, landing approach, high-g turns), a comprehensive database will be obtained which allows the new advanced prediction codes and improvements to existing codes for helicopter external noise. General Information: The tests will be conducted in the best aero acoustic wind tunnel in existence, the DNW, using a high quality modular rotor test stand. The model rotor will be a large scale (40 per cent), to avoid scaling towards full size problems. The helicopter exterior noise prediction methods will be developed for high speed and blade/vortex interaction, impulsive noise and broadband noise. They will be based on the pressure distribution of the rotor blade surface, which is the source of the rotor noise radiation. The pressure distribution will be evaluated by advanced aerodynamic codes taking into account 3-dimensional, unsteady and compressibility effects. The wind tunnel tests will provide a validation of both the aerodynamic and the acoustic prediction results and thereby control and improve the codes. The prediction codes will permit consideration of noise constraints in the early design phase of a helicopter rotor system. Achievements/Theoretical results: The methods applied differ mainly with respect to the necessary computation effort and the physical effects addressed. Different levels of code complexity correspond to the different stages of the helicopter design process. For the first estimation, a rough and relative simple computation is needed, whereas for the final lay out, sophisticated theories are mandatory. So, the work of Bristol University leads to a saving of computer time by partial use of prescribed wake configuration. The approach of ECD and ALFAPI concentrates on blade vortex interaction under neglection of compressibility effects. The latter aspect is addressed by the work of Morino. The partners AGUSTA, CIRA, ALFAPI, IST and Bristol University established codes for the prediction of rotor noise created by different sources, viz thickness, loading, quadrupole and broadband noise. The theoretical approach was performed in the frequency and time domain. The procedures differed between the Farassat and the Lowson solution of the Ffowes Williams Hawkins (FWH) equation...
Das Projekt "Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. In a modern aero engine, up to 20Prozent of the main annulus flow is bled off to perform cooling and sealing functions. The vicinity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is characterised by complex unsteady swirling flows, which are not fully understood. Even the most up-to-date numerical tools have difficulties predicting the behaviour of the secondary flow system when interacting with the main annulus. The project addresses interactions between main gas path and secondary flow systems in commercial gas turbines in response to Research Activity AERO-2005- Concepts and technologies for improving engine thermal efficiency and reducing secondary air losses. Experiments are planned on turbine disc rim and compressor manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling air flow and their impact on turbine and compressor performance, as well as a reduction of secondary air losses. The experimental data will be used for better understanding of the complex flow phenomena and improvements of platform and cavity design. Furthermore, the industrial partners will validate their design tools with these test data and improve their prediction capability of secondary flow systems when interacting with the main gas path. The expected results are a reduction of cooling and sealing airflow rates, improvements of the turbine and compressor efficiency and increase of the safety margin of the engine components by better cooling. Expected technical results are: - Knowledge of the interaction phenomena and its effect on cavity heat transfer, spoiling and performance, - Experimental results for validation of improved numerical tools for secondary flow systems, - Optimised design methods and CFD best practice guidelines. The targeted outcome will contribute to the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions via reduced fuel burn of 2Prozent to improve the environment and strengthening the competitiveness of European gas turbine manufacturers.
Das Projekt "Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. The modern gas turbine is a complex machine, the design and development of which takes many months and costs Millions. The European gas turbine manufacturing industry is under pressure to minimise the resources required to bring a new design to market, due to global competitive pressure and increasing customer expectations. Accurate design and prediction tools are keys to success in this process. The PREMECCY project identifies the field of rotor blade Combined Cycle Fatigue (CCF) as an area where there are shortcomings in the existing industry standard design and prediction tools and thus where significant benefits can be achieved. Rotor blade CCF accounts for up to 40Prozent of the total number of issues that arise during an engine development programme and a similar proportion of in-service problems. These issues cost the industry Millions in both maintenance and redesign costs. The primary objective of the PREMECCY project is to develop new and improved CCF prediction methods for use in the design process. These will halve the number of development and in-service CCF problems thereby reducing the time and cost required to develop a new engine and reducing the operating costs once in service. They will also enable the design of lighter, more efficient blades, reducing engine sfc. In order to develop the new prediction methods the project will first generate high quality material test data. Advanced specimens and testing mechanically, geometrically and environmentally representative of operating conditions will be used to verify the enhanced methodology. All industrial partners are in a position to exploit the resulting methodologies within their existing design processes. The 15 strong consortium includes 9 major European gas turbine manufacturers, 1 specialist SME and 5 world-class research facilities. The complimentary expertise and experience of the consortium represents an optimised resource with which to achieve the project's challenging objectives. Prime Contractor: Rolls-Royce Plc; London; United Kongdom.
Das Projekt "Fortgeschrittene Untersuchung zur aktiven Schalldaemmung in Flugzeugen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dornier Luftfahrt durchgeführt. Achievements: The applications of piezo ceramic patches on the primary structure have demonstrated that this approach can be a potential alternative to the classical passive dynamic vibration absorbers and to the loudspeakers. The research in advanced actuator design showed promising results for the piezo-ceramic based actuators and electrodynamic shakers. Flight test with the Dornier 328 as well as the ground tests in the Saab 340 ground test section in combination with loudspeakers showed very good results. However, for future applications of these approaches the actuators need more power. The results obtained using speaking panels in real flight are very encouraging. Additional works are needed to overcome the two phenomena high driving voltage and some non-linear behaviour in order to raise this technology to an industrial state. Neural network and genetic algorithm modelling has provided good locations of sensors and actuators at lower computation costs than others analytical algorithms. Extensive testing and detailed F.E-modelling was performed in order to construct accurate vibro-acoustic models of the structural and acoustical responses. The results obtained during Saab 340 ground test section showed excellent reductions and the feasibility of this approach. During the study 4 control algorithms were designed and selected for ground and flight tests: The robust vibration control algorithm exhibited good convergence characteristics both for rectified frame element and in the ATR42 mock-up tests. The twin-reference algorithm has proven to be valuable even in flight conditions with the synchrophaser turned off. The results of Saab 340 mock-up tests showed the need of multiple reference algorithms for real applications. The remote microphone algorithm, capable of reducing noise at positions well away from the error microphones, reaches noise reductions very close to those achieved with a LMS algorithm. The robust acoustic control algorithm was able to reduce the noise field significantly even during fast changes in RPM and during flight with different propellor RPM. In total three different full scale test campaigns were conducted at the end of the project, successfully verifying various different advanced developments in the field of active noise control.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 34 |
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Förderprogramm | 34 |
License | Count |
offen | 34 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 34 |
Englisch | 31 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 32 |
Webseite | 2 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 28 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 27 |
Luft | 31 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 34 |
Wasser | 24 |
Weitere | 34 |