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Found 122 results.

Adaptation to climate change for peace and stability

The main objective of the project is to outline the potential contribution of adaptation measures to avoid crisis and conflicts caused or exacerbated by water scarcity, food shortages or extreme weather events. As discussed in the conceptual chapter of the report, adaptation can contribute to peace and stability even in conflict-prone areas given that a conflict-sensitive approach is applied. On the basis of a comprehensive regional analysis, we show that adaptation is not yet a prominent element of regional cooperation. To address this gap, we design three regional adaptation roadmaps for the Andes region, Central and South Asia based on desk review of regional processes and programs as well as expert consultations. To ensure that the results of the projects can be considered in national and international policy processes and to strengthen international governance for adaptation we close with a Memorandum for action outlining major principles to support processes for adaptation and peace. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 18/2013.

Rain for Peru and Ecuador (RAIN4PE)


3D rheological model of the Southern Central Andes


Chemical (EPMA) and boron isotope (SIMS) analyses on tourmaline breccias from the Río Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry copper district, Chile


3D thermal model of the southern Central Andes


BASD-CMIP6-PE: bias-adjusted and statistically downscaled CMIP6 projections over Peru and Ecuador


Seismic Velocity Model of Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Central Andes


Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 1 igenous rocks


Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 2 sedimentary rocks


Radiometric Dates from the South American Andes and Adjacent Areas: A Compilation - part 3 metamorphic rocks


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