The HPXX89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (X): Not assigned T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 66 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXE89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (E): 24 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 24 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXI89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (I): 48 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 48 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXL89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (L): 84 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 84 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXC89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (C): 12 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 12 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXW89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (W): Not assigned T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 54 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXA89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 00 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXQ89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (Q): 144 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 144 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXH89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (H): 42 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 42 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)
The HPXD89 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HP): Pressure A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (D): 18 hours forecast T1ii (H89): Any parameter reduced to sea level (eg MSLP) (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 18 (GLOBAL MODEL) MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE)