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Einfuehrung, Pruefung und Haertung eines neuen Produktionsprozesses fuer die Lackierung glatter Produkte der holzverabeitenden Industrie mit loesemittelfreiem Lack

Das Projekt "Einfuehrung, Pruefung und Haertung eines neuen Produktionsprozesses fuer die Lackierung glatter Produkte der holzverabeitenden Industrie mit loesemittelfreiem Lack" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Kraft Maschinenbau durchgeführt. Combination of UV-, IR- and electron beam curing and (combined with this) the merging of all advantages and elimination of all disadvantages of the three named processes. Because of the combination savings in the energy sector and the avoidance of solvent varnish will be possible. In addition, an improvement of the product quality will be expected. The G Kraft Maschinenbau GmbH plans to convert a new procedure for the curing of varnished wood pieces on a large scale. In this connection, a combination of UV-, IR- and electron beam curing will be realized for the first time. The Fraunhofer Institut fuer Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik (FEP) developed a low energy electron beam curing, which works by low acceleration voltage and consequently meets the special conditions of thin-coated varnish technology. This development comprises the creation of a new beam exit window, which can taken high power density, facilitates the penetration of 100 kV-electron with justifiable energy loss, meets a high transparency for the occured beam power as well as makes a minimal working distance of about 15 mm between window and varnish piece possible. Furthermore, the gas-shielded supply have been minimized.