Das Projekt "Charakterisierung der mit Natriumpyrophosphat löslichen organischen Bodensusbstanz mittels FT-IR" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Institut für Bodenlandschaftsforschung durchgeführt. Zusammensetzung und Menge der organischen Bodensubstanz (OBS) werden durch die Landnutzungsform beeinflußt. Die OBS läßt sich nach ihrer Abbaubarkeit und nach ihrer Löslichkeit in verschiedene Pools einteilen. So kann die wasserlösliche organische Bodensubstanz (DOM) als Maßzahl für die abbaubare OBS herangezogen werden. Mit Natriumpyrophosphat-Lösung als Extraktionsmittel läßt sich ein weit größerer Anteil der OBS erfassen, da der stabilisierende Bindungsfaktor zwischen OBS und Bodenmineralen entfernt wird. Extrahiert man zuerst mit Wasser und anschließend mit Natriumpyrophosphat-Lösung, erhält man im letzten Schritt den schwer abbaubaren OBS-Anteil. Über die funktionelle Zusammensetzung der organischen Substanz dieser Pools und deren Abhängigkeit von Landnutzungsformen ist relativ wenig bekannt. Ziel der geplanten Untersuchung ist es, den Pool der löslichen abbaubaren und schwer abbaubaren OBS zu quantifizieren und deren funktionelle Zusammensetzung mittels FT-IR Spektroskopie zu erfassen. Die so gewonnenen Daten sollen der Validierung von Soil Organic Matter Turnover modellen (z.B. Roth 23.6) dienen und die im Modell berechneten Pools um einen qualitativen Term ergänzen. In Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Arbeitsgruppen sollen im DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1090: ;Böden als Quelle und Senke für CO2 die Pools der löslichen abbaubaren und schwer schwer löslichen, schwer abbaubaren organischen Bodensubstanz (OBS) quantifiziert, die funktionelle Zusammensetzung dieser Pools mittels FT-IR Spektroskopie erfasst und Abbaubarkeit der erhaltenen Extrakte überprüft werden, um Mechanismen, die zur Stabilisierung der OBS führen, aufzuklären.
Das Projekt "Impact of transgenic crops on fertility of soils with different management history" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland e.V. durchgeführt. What impact does transgenic maize have on soil fertility? Among the factors that determine soil fertility is the diversity of the bacteria living in it. This is in turn affected by the form of agriculture practiced on the land. What role do transgenic plants play in this interaction? Background Soil fertility is the product of the interactions between the parental geological material from which the soil originated, the climate and colonization by soil organisms. Soil organisms and their diversity play a major role in soil fertility, and these factors can be affected by the way the soil is managed. The type of farming, i.e. how fertilizers and pesticides are used, has a major impact on the fertility of the soil. It is known that the complex interaction of bacterial diversity and other soil properties regulates the efficacy of plant resistance. But little is known about how transgenic plants affect soil fertility. Objectives The project will investigate selected soil processes as indicators for how transgenic maize may possibly alter soil fertility. The intention is in particular to establish whether the soil is better able to cope with such effects if it contains a great diversity of soil bacteria. Methods Transgenic maize will be planted in climate chambers containing soils managed in different ways. The soil needed for these trials originates from open field trials that have been used for decades to compare various forms of organic and conventional farming. These soils differ, for example, in the way they have been treated with pesticides and fertilizers and thus also with respect to their diversity of bacteria. The trial with transgenic maize will measure various parameters: the number of soil bacteria and the diversity of their species, the quantity of a small number of selected nutrients and the decomposition of harvest residues. It will be possible to conclude from this work how transgenic plants affect soil fertility. Significance The project will create an important basis for developing risk assessments that incorporate the effects of transgenic plants on soil fertility.
Das Projekt "AURORa - Investigation of the Radar Backscatter of Rain Impinging on the Ocean Surface" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. Over land, observations of rain rates are more or less operational. To obtain information about precipitation at the coastal zones, weather radars are used. However, over the oceans, especially away from the main shipping routes, no direct precipitation measurements are performed. In these regions, satellite data can provide information about precipitation events. Satellites deploying passive and active microwave sensors can operate independently of cloud cover and time of day. Passive microwave sensors give crude estimates of rain rates over large areas but cannot resolve small-scale rain events of short duration as are often observed in the tropics, for example. Active microwave sensors with high resolutions, such as synthetic aperture radars can provide more reliable information. Though the effect of rain on the atmosphere is a very topical area of research, the radar backscattering mechanisms at the water surface during rain events combined with wind are still not well understood. The purpose of this project is to investigate the radar backscattering from the water surface in the presence of rain and wind in order to interpret satellite radar data produced by active microwave sensors. Furthermore, the results should be embedded into models of the radar backscattering from the water surface to allow for estimating rain rates by using satellite data. Research topics: Rain impinging on a water surfaces generates splash products including crowns, cavities, stalks and secondary drops, which do not propagate, and ring waves and subsurface turbulence. We are investigating this phenomena at the wind-wave tank of the University of Hamburg. The tank is fitted with an artificial rain simulator of 2.3 m2 area mounted 4.5 m over the water surface. Rain drops of 2.1 and 2.9 mm in diameter with rain rates up to 100 mm/h have been produced. Wind with speeds 10 m/s and monomolecular slicks act on the water surface. The influence of the rain on the water surface is measured with a resistance type wire gauge, a two dimensional laser slope gauge and an coherent 9.8 GHz (x band) continuous wave scatterometer operating at VV-, HH- and HV-polarization. The influence of rain below the water surface is measured with colored raindrops which are observed with a video camera to investigate the turbulent motion and the depth of the mixed layer. At the North Sea Port of Buesum in Germany, a scatterometer operating at all polarizations and five frequencies will be mounted during summer of this year. The radar backscatter of the sea surface during rain events will be measured in combination with meteorological observations. With help of these measurements, existing radar backscatter models of the water surface will be improved for the presence of rain events. To validate the improved models, ERS-2 SAR-images will be compared with weather radar data.
Das Projekt "Developing a model for sustainable water and waste management for rural areas in Bulgaria" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. The Municipalities of Stara Zagora and Varna will be the targets for a 2,5 year project by WECF and its NGO partners from Bulgaria and the Netherlands; the Earth Forever Foundation, the Institute of Ecological Modernization and WASTE and IRC Netherlands. The project receives financial support from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs MATRA programme. The Institute of Wastewater Management (TUHH) is supporting this project with respect to the introduction of ecological sanitation and extensive wastewater treatment technologies like planted soil filters. Workshops are given and technical knowledge regarding the design, construction and operation of these facilities is provided. This will help to improve the current situation in the villages and will provide an example for further distribution of appropriate wastewater management in Bulgarian villages. Currently, only a very small part of the population is connected to a central sewer system, which discharges the wastewater without any further treatment into the environment. The remaining families are depending on outdoor pit latrines, soakaways and septic tanks which are very often subject to clogging. Thus, overflowing and discharging of wastewater onto streets is a very common problem.
Das Projekt "Product ban versus risk management by setting emission and technology requirements. The effect of different regulatory schemes taking the use of trichloroethylene in Sweden and Germany as an example" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Passau, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik durchgeführt. Vergleich der Ergebnisse der Umweltgesetzgebung in Schweden und Deutschland bezüglich der Emissionen in der Reinigung von Metalloberflächen.
Das Projekt "Mechanistic effect models for the ecological risk assessment of chemicals (CREAM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Ökologische Systemanalyse durchgeführt. There is widespread concern about how production and use of chemicals affect the environment. Yet food production and benefits of chemical products are vital for the functioning of European societies. In order to ensure sustainable use, EU regulations require extensive risk assessment before a chemical is approved for use. Current risk assessments focus on risk at the level of individual organisms, but according to EU directives the protection goal aims at achieving sustainable populations. Population-level effects depend not only on exposure and toxicity, but also on important ecological factors that are impossible to fully address empirically. Mechanistic effect models (MEMs) enable the integration of these factors, thus increasing the ecological relevance of risk assessments as well as providing vital understanding of how chemicals interact with ecosystems. Such understanding is crucial for improving risk mitigation strategies and ecosystem management. So far, however, regulators and industry have lacked understanding of the potential benefits that MEMs can deliver, and academics have been inconsistent in the approaches applied. This has led to scepticism about models, preventing a wider use of MEMs in risk assessment. Examples clearly demonstrating the power of MEMs for risk assessment are urgently needed, and industry, academia and regulatory authorities across Europe need scientists that are trained in both MEMs and regulatory risk assessment. CREAM will develop and experimentally validate a suite of MEMs for organisms relevant for chemical risk assessments. The consortium includes the main sectors involved (industry, academia, regulators) and will formulate Good Modelling Practice that will be followed in all individual projects, thus leading to consistency and transparency. CREAM will provide world class training for the next generation of ecological modellers, emphasizing transparency and rigorous model evaluation as core elements of the modelling process.
Das Projekt "FUNSERVE - Selling a Function instead of a Product - Renting White Goods via Functional Service Contracts" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. In Kooperation mit dem Haushaltsgeräte-Hersteller Electrolux und mit Energieversorgern sowie mit Förderung durch die Europäische Kommission und der Bremer Energie-Konsens GmbH untersuchte dieses Projekt einen neuartigen Service, bei dem energieeffiziente Haushaltsgeräte vermietet und anschließend wieder verwendet werden. In der ersten Projektphase wurde das Konzept des neuen Service detailliert. Durch Befragungen von Kundinnen und Kunden sowie Gespräche mit dem Einzelhandel und Verbraucherverbänden wurden die Machbarkeit und Attraktivität des neuen Service getestet. Eine besondere ökologische Komponente des Konzepts ist, dass nach Ende der Mietdauer der Hersteller die Geräte zurücknimmt und entweder professionell aufarbeitet und erneut in den Verkehr bringt oder ökologisch weiterverwertet. Eine Hochrechnung des ökologischen und ökonomischen Nettoeffekts durch den neuen Service rundete die erste Projektphase ab. Wie die Analysen und Befragungen im Rahmen des Projekts gezeigt haben, könnte ein Functional Service für effiziente Haushaltsgeräte für bis zu 30 oder 40 Prozent der Haushalte attraktiv sein. Er würde die Nutzung von ökoeffizienten Haushaltsgeräten, einfacher, sicherer, umweltfreundlicher und mit zunehmendem Marktvolumen voraussichtlich auch insgesamt kostengünstiger machen. Eine wichtige Voraussetzung dafür wäre eine funktionierende Wiederaufarbeitung und -vermietung bzw. Weitervermarktung der aus der Miete zurückkommenden Geräte. Bei einer fairen Verteilung von Aufgaben, Ausgaben und Einnahmen zwischen Gerätehersteller, Einzelhandel und Energieunternehmen würden darüber hinaus auch alle diese Marktakteure mittelfristig von einem höheren Anteil ökoeffizienter Geräte profitieren, denn diese sind in der Regel auch höherwertige Geräte. In der zweiten Projektphase sollte der neue Service in Feldversuchen bei den Kundinnen und Kunden der beteiligten Energieversorger in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweden getestet und evaluiert werden. Obwohl die Ergebnisse der Konzeptphase einen positiven Effekt erwarten ließen, wurde der Functional Service nur in Schweden durch Electrolux am Beispiel von Waschmaschinen getestet. Aufgrund einer internen Reorganisation wurde der Feldversuch jedoch vorzeitig beendet und nicht evaluiert. In Deutschland und Österreich kam aus verschiedenen Gründen kein Feldversuch zustande. Der Abbruch der Planungen für den Feldversuch im Rahmen dieses Projekts und eines realisierten Feldversuchs von Bauknecht/Yello in Berlin im Jahr 2001 scheint jedoch zu zeigen, dass das Marktumfeld zumindest in Deutschland noch schwierig ist für diesen radikalen Wandel des Geschäfts mit Haushaltsgeräten - weg vom Verkaufen, hin zu Vermietung und Service. Dagegen bietet in Italien der Haushaltsgerätehersteller Merloni seit September 2001 gemeinsam mit dem Stromversorger ENEL das Mieten einer Waschmaschine auf 'pay per wash'-Basis an.
Das Projekt "Asessing the potential of various instruments for sutainable consumption practises and greening of the market (ASCEE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) GmbH durchgeführt. The main objectives are : - to identify, structure and assess instruments addressing and promoting sustainable consumption and greening of the market; - to identify and evaluate best practice examples; - to develop policy strategies for transferring best practices; - to carry out a workshop; - to finalise insights by preparing a guideline for policy makers; - to prepare a scientific report and a summary. After a prephase connected with an internal kick-off meeting, the first phase analyses policy instruments, measures and actions and the gained experiences in WP 2 ' Basic instrumental overview . The instrumental overview is intended to be of a broader nature to collect insights into existing, but also discussed, proposed and/or rejected tools which have lead or could lead to a greening of the markets by addressing supply and/or demand. We will concentrate on promising tools and actions. The gained and collected information will be assessed along certain criteria developed beforehand in WP 3 'Assessment . WP 4 'Best practises and market transformation patterns will bring together the most instructive findings and consider what could be learned from them. The key question behind that approach is to look for the patterns behind successful greening strategies. The second phase is dedicated to the potentials for transferring of the results and their dissemination. WP 5 'Extension and transfer strategies picks up the results of the preceding work. It considers the findings and prepares strategies for the transfer of promising approaches. Results and proposals will be documented and discussed at a one-day workshop (WP 6 'Workshop ) which will collect insights, opinions and experiences of a broader auditorium. The discussion and results of the workshop will be documented and will contribute to the update of the preliminary findings. WP 7 'Dissemination brings together all findings and insights. Here we will prepare guidelines, a report, including a summary. Prime Contractor: Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung GgmbH; Berlin; Germany.
Das Projekt "Logistics best practice (BESTLOG)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Technologie und Management, Fachgebiet Logistik durchgeführt. Objective: The decoupling of economic growth and the growth of transport represents a major objective within the European transport policy. The major contributor to transport growth has to be seen in the increased transport intensity of value creation. On the supply side, the non-optimal utilisation of transport capacities and modes contributes to the growth of transport, for example in the lack of acceptance of inter-modal transport. This has been a major issue for policy makers for many years. In order to get a better understanding of the interrelation between logistics decisions and transport demand, the EC supported a number of research projects, such as SULOGTRA, EUTRALOG and PROTRANS. As a result, substantial scientific evidence has been produced. However, to achieve the Commission objectives, these findings must be translated into the daily operations of shippers and logistics service providers.
Das Projekt "Architecturally integrated, grid-connected photovoltaic roof lights for the Jaguar/Escort engine plant of Ford UK" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ford-Werke GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is to demonstrate 26 architecturally integrated PV and natural lighting on the Ford manufacturing plant located in Bridgend (South Wales), 97 kWp of power generated for the electrical system within the manufacturing plant. This will be the first example of a large scale PV system to be integrated into a manufacturing environment in Europe, and the largest PV system in the UK to date. It will stimulate continued interest in this technology and provide high experience in developing techniques for future integration into buildings. The Ford Motor Company have a corporate manufacturing environmental strategy to improve social acceptability of their manufacturing plants and this project will act as a catalyst for future projects in their endeavours to design a Factory for the Future. General Information: Large area laminates will be used incorporating the highest efficiency solar cells currently available and purpose-designed plug-in DC connections to minimise the installation tome. A separate inverter will be used for each string of laminates so the DC connections are kept to a minimum and the majority of cabling is AC. Wiring will thus be familiar to electricians who have not had previous experience with PV systems. The roof lights will provide natural day-lighting to the assembly area below, improving the working environment, enhancing productivity and reducing the electrical load of the plant. Within this project it is also proposed to investigate the effects on system performance of connecting multiple inverters into the 3-phase electrical supply used within the manufacturing plant. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Reduced emissions from displaced electricity generators from PV and natural light and heating. Achievements: In addition to generating 105,000 kWhrs of emission free electricity per year, saving at least 3150 tonnes of carbon dioxide in the anticipated lifetime, the roof lights will also provide natural lighting to the work areas below, improving the benefits of the overall system. Prime Contractor: Ford Motor Company; Köln; Germany.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 106 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 106 |
License | Count |
offen | 106 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 106 |
Englisch | 97 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 86 |
Webseite | 20 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 95 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 103 |
Luft | 78 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 106 |
Wasser | 82 |
Weitere | 106 |