We present the preparatory research for the German Climate Preparedness Portal (KLiVO-www.klivoportal.de) -a meta-portal of climate adaptation and climate information services initiated by the German Government. Our work focuses on user needs and expectations and we followed the four-step user integration process suggested by Swart et al. (2017), but added a fifth step, which involves continuing the exchange with users after implementation of the KLiVO Portal through developing a user-provider network. To analyze user needs we conducted two online surveys with a total of 972 participants and 55 qualitative interviews. The overarching research questions for our analysis were: What kind of adaptation services do users need? What are current deficits in addressing user needs? How can authoritative climate adaptation services be selected and presented on the KLiVO Portal? Even though 82% of the respondents deal with climate adaptation in their work, only a third were aware of the adaptation services presented and only one in ten had actually used them. Respondents reported that the services are difficult to find, not sufficiently specific, and of indeterminate quality. Demand, however, is high: half of the respondents reported a need for such adaptation services for assessing risks and for planning, assessing, and implementing adaptation measures. We used the results of our research to develop the KLiVO Portal and draw conclusions for climate adaptation services and meta-platforms in general: The landscape of climate adaptation services needs to be restructured; quality assurance would ensure reliability; communication between users and providers must be improved and must continue when services are on the market. We suggest further research on continuous user integration and an evaluation of climate adaptation services regarding their effectiveness. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
Das Projekt "Traffic Light Forecast 3.0 (TLF3)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation, Landesbetrieb Straßen, Brücken und Gewässer durchgeführt. Das Projektvorhaben TLF 3.0 baut auf den Zielen des Vorgängerprojektes auf: - diskriminierungsfreie Datenbereitstellung auf der Urban Data Platform Hamburg (UDP-HH) - Schaffung geringer Markteintrittsbarrieren - Förderung des Radverkehrs - Verringerung von Brems- und Beschleunigungsvorgängen Das Ziel des Projektvorhabens TLF 3.0 besteht darin, einen Roll-Out durchzuführen und die LSA-Daten für Hamburg flächendeckend zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dafür müssen für eine Vielzahl von Verkehrsknoten die MAP-Dateien erstellt werden, um diese dann zusammen mit den LSA-Prozessdaten auf der UDP-HH verfügbar zu machen. MAP-Dateien sind in diesem Zusammenhang als maschinenlesbare Knotentopologie zu verstehen. Diese MAP-Dateien enthalten Informationen zu Haltlinien und Fahrbeziehungen und sind unerlässlich, um sinnvoll mit den LSA-Prozessdaten arbeiten zu können. Da die Erstellung einer solchen MAP-Datei momentan noch sehr zeitaufwändig ist, wird zeitgleich ein Konzept für die Automatisierung von Arbeitsschritten zur MAP-Erstellung erarbeitet. Mit Hilfe dieses Konzeptes wird im weiteren Projektverlauf eine entsprechende Softwarelösung entwickelt und erprobt. Die Erstellung von MAP-Dateien ist zu beschleunigen, um möglichst schnell eine große Anzahl der rund 1.700 Hamburger Verkehrsknotendaten für die verschiedenen Services zur Verfügung stellen zu können. Außerdem wird in dem Projekt ein Konzept für die Pflege und Wartung des Systems erstellt werden. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf einem Update- und Änderungsmanagement. Die Aktualität der Daten muss für einen dauerhaften Einsatz des Systems, auch bei Baustellen und Umbaumaßnahmen, sichergestellt werden, um die aktuellen Daten auch zukünftig für Anwender bereitstellen zu können. a) Der Rollout des Gesamtsystems TLF und der damit verbundenen Erhöhung der Serviceverfügbarkeit. b) Die Automatisierung von Arbeitsschritten der MAP-Erstellung, um so den Rollout zu beschleunigen. c) Erstellung eines Betriebskonzeptes für das Gesamtsystem TLF.
Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).
Das Projekt "Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System (CAWSES-II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung (IEK), Stratosphäre (IEK-7) durchgeführt. The Scientific Need: We are poised on the brink of discovering the important processes that connect changes at the solar surface with features in the geospace environment and ultimately with climate variability. These connections are key to understanding complex planetary environments, and the general elements that enable planets to sustain life. Scientific breakthroughs in all these areas await advances in cyberinfrastructure that will allow the worldwide research community to access international data sets, distributed sensor networks, virtual observatories, advanced computational and visualization facilities, the most sophisticated Sun-to-Earth community models available, and to communicate with each other across discipline and national boundaries. No single organization is poised to make these breakthroughs, operate these instruments, construct these models, develop and maintain research support facilities. This is a worldwide endeavor with diverse participation and stakeholders. At issue is the ability to address the frontiers of system-level science. Why Now? The past decade has seen the creation of a remarkable new capability to observe conditions simultaneously in regions from Sun-to-Earth using combinations of worldwide space and ground-based observing platforms. Simultaneously, new models of the solar dynamo that enable physics-based predictions of solar magnetic variability, suites of cutting-edge Sun-to-Earth coupled models, and 'whole atmosphere' models that simulate tropospheric climate with linkages all the way to the upper atmosphere and space weather have become available along with the necessary advances in computer hardware and software. Open data policies and a developing system of virtual observatories are making diverse data sets widely available to the research community. The availability of data by itself, however, is not enough.
Das Projekt "Sub project: Monsoonal impact on the Maldives carbonate platform (ODP Site 716)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Institut für Meereskunde, Leitstelle Deutsche Forschungsschiffe durchgeführt. The goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that the Middle Miocene to Recent stratigraphy of the Maldives carbonate platform was controlled by the monsoon. Monsoon-related currents, upwelling, and nutrition injection into the shallow water triggered partial platform drowning during the late Miocene and early Pliocene. Since the Miocene, strong bottom currents accumulate drift bodies and induce erosion along the atolls flanks. The working program comprises an interdisciplinary analysis of ODP Site 716, which involves sedimentological, geophysical, micropaleontological, and geochemical methods. Sedimentary cyclicity at ODP Site 716, its relation to fluctuations in monsoonal intensity as preserved in the succession, and variations of periodicities through time will be demonstrated. This will be achieved by in-depth sedimentological redescription of ODP Site 716 cores, measurements of grain size and carbonate content, analysis of the planktic foraminifer associations, as well as X-ray diffractometry. Resulting time series will be analyzed for variations in periodicities. Sedimentological data will be merged with digital sediment echosounder and high-resolution seismic data acquired in 2007 in order to link sedimentological variations to breaks and changes in the stratigraphic architecture.
Das Projekt "Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Informatik durchgeführt. Summary of Goals: Computational mathematics has become a key technology in the design of predictive climate models. It is essential for the quality and also for the calibration and robust evaluation of predictive climate models. However, a vivid and systematic flow of methods from modern mathematics and computer science to climate modelling is still missing. As a first step to bridge this interdisciplinary gap, this proposal will apply modern computational mathematics to the calibration, assessment, and simulation of the marine ecosystem components to be coupled into the excellence cluster s climate model, with particular emphasis on better understanding the ocean carbon cycle. The proposal links platform P1 (Numerical Simulation) with A3 (Ocean CO2-Uptake). It further provides the foundation for coupling realistic representations of the marine carbon cycle to atmosphere-ocean climate models in A4 (Ocean Circulation) and for studying the role of ocean carbon in A1 (Ocean Acidification) and A5 (CO2- Sequestration).
Das Projekt "Research project to study the safe handling of nanomaterials" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Institut für Toxikologie und Genetik durchgeführt. Ensure that nanoparticles, i.e. atom- or molecule-sized particles, pose no risk to humans and the environment when used in chemical materials. Provide an information platform for all interested societal groups on the opportunities and risks associate.
Das Projekt "Competence platform on energy crop and Agroforestry systems for arid and semi-arid ecosystems - Africa (COMPETE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von WIP, Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "EcoFair Trade Dialogue: New Directions for Agricultural Trade Rules" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Die Gestaltung des Regelsystems für den internationalen Handel mit landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnissen ist aus sozialen und ökologischen Gesichtspunkten von hoher Relevanz. Die aktuellen Regeln des Weltagrarhandels gefährden die Existenz eines großen Teils der ländlichen Bevölkerung in den Entwicklungsländern und begünstigen ein industrielles, nicht-nachhaltiges Landwirtschaftsmodell sowie einen massiven Verfall der Preise für landwirtschaftliche Produkte. Die stockenden Agrarverhandlungen in der WTO reflektieren die Bedeutung der Landwirtschaft für viele Länder und die vorhandenen Interessenskonflikte, die kaum lösbar erscheinen. Vor diesem Hintergrund unternimmt das Projekt 'EcoFair Trade Dialogue' den Versuch, einen konkreten und kohärenten Vorschlag für eine Reform des Weltagrarhandelssystems zu entwickeln, der den globalen sozialen und ökologischen Herausforderungen der Landwirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert Rechnung trägt. Die politische und zivilgesellschaftliche Debatte um die Reform des Agrarhandelssystems soll um Leitlinien und Instrumente bereichert werden, die von den Begriffen der 'Ernährungssouveränität' und der 'Agrarwende' ausgehen. Der Reformvorschlag wird durch einen internationalen Dialog entwickelt. Eine Gruppe von 11 renommierten Experten aus den verschiedenen Weltregionen, moderiert durch Mitarbeiter des Wuppertal Instituts, wird den Anstoß für den breit angelegten Dialog geben. Darauf folgend werden eine Reihe regionaler Stakeholder-Dialoge durchgeführt, bevor der Reformvorschlag schließlich politischen Entscheidungsträger vorgelegt wird.
Das Projekt "New Multi-HAzard and MulTi-RIsK Assessment MethodS for Europe (MATRIX)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Objective: Across Europe, people suffer losses not just from single hazards, but also from multiple events in combination. In both their occurrence and their consequences, different hazards are often causally related. Classes of interactions include triggered events, cascade effects, and rapid increases of vulnerability during successive hazards. Effective and efficient risk reduction, therefore, often needs to rest on a place-based synoptic view. MATRIX will tackle multiple natural hazards and risks in a common theoretical framework. It will integrate new methods for multi-type assessment, accounting for risk comparability, cascading hazards, and time-dependent vulnerability. MATRIX will identify the conditions under which the synoptic view provides significantly different and better results or potentially worse results than established methods for single-type hazard and risk analysis. Three test cases (Naples, Cologne and the French West Indies), and a virtual city will provide MATRIX with all characteristic multi-hazard and multi-risk scenarios. The MATRIX IT-architecture for performing, analysing and visualising relevant scenarios will generate tools to support cost-effective mitigation and adaptation in multi-risk environments. MATRIX will build extensively on the most recent research on single hazard and risk methodologies carried out (or ongoing) in many national and international research projects, particularly those supported by DG Research of the European Commission. The MATRIX consortium draws together a wide range of expertise related to many of the most important hazards for Europe (earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, wildfires, winter storms, and both fluvial and coastal floods), as well as expertise on risk governance and decision-making. With ten leading research institutions (nine European and one Canadian), we also include end-user partners: from industry, and from the European National Platforms for Disaster Reduction.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 289 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 288 |
unbekannt | 1 |
License | Count |
geschlossen | 1 |
offen | 288 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 288 |
Englisch | 184 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 204 |
Webseite | 85 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 227 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 257 |
Luft | 203 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 289 |
Wasser | 182 |
Weitere | 289 |