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INSPIRE Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units / Übersichtskarte zu Baubeschränkungsgebieten BB und Bergbauberechtigungen BB gemäß Bundesberggesetz

Der interoperable INSPIRE-Datensatz beinhaltet Daten vom LBGR über die Baubeschränkungsgebiete Brandenburg und Bergbauberechtigungen Brandenburg gemäß Bundesberggesetz, transformiert in das INSPIRE-Zielschema Bewirtschaftungsgebiete/Schutzgebiete/geregelte Gebiete und Berichterstattungseinheiten. Der Datensatz wird über je einen interoperablen Darstellungs- und Downloaddienst bereitgestellt. --- The compliant INSPIRE data set contains data about the building restrictions and mining permits in the State of Brandenburg from the LBGR, transformed into the INSPIRE annex schema Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units. The data set is provided via compliant view and download services.

On the home straight

As work progresses on the Konrad repository, a key building block of the National Waste Management Programme for radioactive waste is becoming a reality. The repository will allow the safe final disposal of waste that is currently stored overground in interim storage facilities at over 30 locations in Germany or that continues to arise during the dismantling of nuclear power plants. The Konrad repository therefore represents a significant contribution to the phase-out of nuclear power. Construction of the Konrad repository has reached an advanced stage. All of the new buildings at Konrad Shaft 1 have been built, and the underground spaces needed to operate the repository are almost complete. The buildings that will later be used to handle the radioactive waste are being built step by step at the Konrad 2 site. Preparing the Konrad 2 emplacement shaft is a vital step towards the site’s completion. In a reassessment of outstanding building work, the BGE has reached the conclusion that, as of summer 2023, work on Shaft 2 is running about two years behind schedule. Through intensive dialogue, the aim is now to look for ways of speeding up the work. However, it will no longer be possible to complete it by 2027 – as envisaged by the BGE. View press release of 13 June 2023 View "State of completion of Konrad repository" (PDF, 3,7 MB, German only) (PDF, 3,7MB) More time needed for completion There are various reasons for the delayed completion of the Konrad repository. The three main reasons are summarised below: 1.    It took the BGE longer to restructure contractual relationships with the general planners than was expected when the BGE was founded. The general planners are drawing up the plans for the buildings and installations at Konrad 2 on behalf of the BGE. 2.    Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, improvements were made to the safety requirements for nuclear facilities in Germany, as well as to the safety requirements aimed at protecting against earthquakes. The BGE underestimated the task of incorporating these improved safety requirements into the implementation plans for all buildings, which is proving to be particularly demanding for all parties involved. 3.    All of the buildings’ implementation plans are made on the basis of the Konrad repository licence. In many cases, the plans are accompanied by approval procedures under nuclear law. In practice, it has become clear that these procedures cannot be carried out within the time frames that were assumed during scheduling. Chemnitzer Str. 27 38226 Salzgitter phone: +49 5341 4016050 Email: info-konrad(at)bge.de Opening times Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00 a. m. – 5:00 p. m. and by appointment Despite the scheduling challenges, many subprojects are still running according to the original schedule. Many of them are now complete: In recent years, numerous buildings have been completed at Konrad Shaft 1. Most recently, construction work has been completed on the guardhouse, the central heating plant and the workshop. The administration and staff building was completed in 2020. All buildings on the Konrad 1 site have therefore been implemented as new constructions. Work is still outstanding on replacing the guide frame in Konrad Shaft 1 and on building a conveyor and loading system to transport rock during emplacement operations. Underground, all of the mine excavations needed for operation have been created. Special expansion measures are needed in the vicinity of the future control area – an area in which radioactive materials are handled during repository operations. This work, most of which is almost complete, will be followed by the technical installations, systems and components – for example, the necessary radiation protection facilities in the future control area, the washing station facilities, the concrete plant installations for sealing the emplacement chambers, and the technology for ventilating the mine. So far, at the Konrad 2 site, work has been completed on the building and service yard as well as on a mine water transfer station. The latter is the first building to be constructed according to nuclear regulations. Work is yet to be completed on the central buildings for handling radioactive waste, which must be planned and built according to strict specifications under nuclear law. These buildings include the reloading hall, in which radioactive waste arrives and is reloaded, as well as the winding tower, which is used to transport the waste underground. The deadline-critical project is the conversion of Konrad Shaft 2 and the construction of the new winding tower. As well as work on the surface installations and inside the mine, it is necessary to plan and build vehicles for operating the Konrad repository. These include the flatbed truck that will transport the radioactive waste within the operational control area as well as various stacking trucks for handling the waste packages and the straddle carrier – a container crane for transferring waste packages at the pit bottom, where the containers are moved out of the shaft and into the transport galleries. Status: 13 June 2023

Employment effects and needs for vocational training and qualification in the field of energy-saving building refurbishment

The buildings sector accounts for about 40% of final energy consumption in Germany, and by far the largest part of this is due to old buildings. In total, more than 80% of the final energy consumed in households is used for space heating and hot water (Federal Statistical Office 2010). Implementing the economically worthwhile measures for reducing energy consumption in the buildings sector would permit at least a 20 percent reduction in Germany‟s total emissions by 2020 (McKinsey 2007). Veröffentlicht in Umwelt, Innovation, Beschäftigung | 02/2011.

Energiesparendes Rauchgasentschwefelungsverfahren

Das Projekt "Energiesparendes Rauchgasentschwefelungsverfahren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Walther & Cie AG durchgeführt. Objective: The development and construction of a Walther flue gas desulphurization demonstration plant to prove that this process permits the reheating of cleaned gas as well as the spray drying of the ammonium sulphate solution produced during the scrubbing sequence. By the reheating of scrubbed flue gases using a regenerative heat exchanger, +/- 1,800 Kg/h of fuel oil is saved under full load operation. General Information: The flue gas desulphurization plant consists of the following systems and/or main components: - ammonia storage and evaporator station; - flue gas scrubbing and reheating; - oxidization and spray drying; - product treatment. The system has other important advantages apart from those already noted: - no waste water; - production of the marketable nitrogen fertilizer ammonium sulphate. The Walther desulphurisation system is connected to a new 475 Mwe coal fired plant for combined heat/ electricity production, and is located in the Grosskraftwerk (Mannheim). The system is designed for a flue gas SO2 content of 150-200mg/m3 and for demonstration, 50 per cent of one boiler's flue gas (750,000m3/h) will be desulphurized. The system consists of a rotating regenerative heat exchanger, two SO2 washing towers, oxidization tank, spray dryer and equipment for treatment of the fertilizer end-product. The heat exchanger serves both to cool and to reheat flue gas entering and leaving the FGD plant. When ammonia is added to the flue gas before entry into the heat exchanger, a reaction occurs in the first washing tower producing ammonium-sulphate-bisulphate. The flue gases are then subjected to another fresh water wash in the second tower to eliminate salt solution particles and any ammonia remaining. Concentrated washing liquid is extracted from the washing circuit of the first washing tower, pumped to an oxidization tank where the ammonium-sulphite and bisulphite are converted to ammonium sulphate. This is then pulverised in a spray dryer by hot flue gases extracted from the boiler off-gas in front of the air heater, and collected in a tank. The product is then sent to a granulator. It is then transferred to a moving-bed dryer, and subsequently sieved, milled and stored in a tank prior to transportation. Achievements: Difficulties were almost exclusively in the conventional part of the plant and related to the 'flowability' of the ammonium sulphate powder. The rubber coated steel scrubbing system consists of two scrubbers arranged in series. In the upper part, the scrubbing solution containing ammonia is injected into the flue gas in order to absorb SO2, which is absorbed in the first scrubber. The second serves to bind the ammonia gas still contained in the flue gas, thus preventing exhaust of gaseous ammonia from the plant. Scrubbing solution PH value in scrubber 1 is 5.6-6.2 and between 4-4.5 in scrubber 2. The scrubbing process is such that SO2/ammonia ratio is over-stoichiometric up stream of the last scrubber so that, due to ...

Entwicklung und Erprobung einer kathodischen Nano-Filtrationsmembran für die reduktive Behandlung und Filtration von wasserunlöslichen Farbstoffen und Farbpigmenten zur Aufbereitung von Textilabwasser mit dem Ziel der Wasserkreislaufführung sowie...

Das Projekt "Entwicklung und Erprobung einer kathodischen Nano-Filtrationsmembran für die reduktive Behandlung und Filtration von wasserunlöslichen Farbstoffen und Farbpigmenten zur Aufbereitung von Textilabwasser mit dem Ziel der Wasserkreislaufführung sowie..." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Wuppertal, Fachgruppe Chemie und Biologie, Arbeitsgruppe Analytische Chemie durchgeführt. Mit einem neuartigen Verfahren sollen im Abwasser der Färberei und Druckerei enthaltene Farbmittel, lösliche wie dispergierbare oder unlösliche Farbmittel in zwei unmittelbar aufeinanderfolgenden Schritten zunächst reduktiv und dann oxidativ behandelt werden. Zu diesem Zweck soll eine Anlage entwickelt werden, die aus einer Elektrolysezelle und einer anschließenden Oxidationskammer besteht. In der Elektrolysezelle werden die Farbstoffe kathodisch reduziert. Die Reduktion hat das Ziel Azofarbstoffe, Anthrachinonfarbstoffe und Pigmente in eine wasserlösliche Form zu überführen. Infolge der Spaltung der Azofarbstoffe entstehen Produkte mit kleinerem Molekulargewicht. Vermutlich werden aromatische Amine gebildet, deren Hydrophilie im Vergleich zum Dispersionsfarbstoff deutlich größer ist.Die erhöhte Wasserlöslichkeit der Produkte ist entscheidend für die Wirksamkeit bzw. Wirtschaftlichkeit der anschließenden oxidativen Behandlung, die in homogener Phase weitaus effektiver abläuft. Der selektive Transfer der löslichen Produkte in die Oxidationskammer soll über einen Filtrationsprozess mit einer Ultra- bzw. Nanofiltrationsmembran erfolgen. Die Membran hält die dispers gelösten Farbstoffpartikel zurück. Zur Optimierung des Filtrationsprozesses und der Elektrolyse soll die Elektrolyse direkt an der Membran stattfinden. Zu diesem Zweck muss eine elektrisch leitende Membran entwickelt werden, an der gleichzeitig die kathodische Reduktion und der Filtrationsprozess ablaufen können. Bei dem Filtrationsprozess kommt es zu einer Anreicherung der Farbstoffpartikel an der Membran bzw. der Kathodenoberfläche. Auf diese Weise gelangt der Farbstoff in unmittelbaren Kontakt mit der Kathode, so dass der Elektronenübertrag auf das Substrat erleichtert wird.Bei der Entwicklung der Membran muss berücksichtigt werden, dass diese bei einem dauerhaften Einsatz in einer Abwasserbehandlungsanlage stabil gegenüber den elektrochemischen Vorgängen, höheren Drücken und der Katholytzusammensetzung ist.Ein weiteres Projektziel ist die Strukturaufklärung der Reduktions- und Oxidationsprodukte. Dazu werden im wesentlichem zwei Analysensysteme verwendet. Mit dem schon im Projekt OXITEX erfolgreich eingesetzten LC-QTOF können höhermolekulare bzw, wasserlösliche Produkte anhand der gemessenen Präzisionsmassehinsichtlich ihrer Summenformel und ggfs. Struktur chara.kterisiert werden. Kleinere unpolare Verbindungen werden mittels GCxGC-(TOF)MS erfasst. Hier ist eine Identifizierung der über Elektronenstoßionisierten Analyten mit umfangreichen Datenbanken bzw. Vergleichssubstanzen möglich. Die ermittelten Strukturen sollen Aufschluss über den Reaktionsverlauf geben. So soll z.B. die Frage geklärt werden, ob die Reduktion in höheren Konzentrationen Zwischenprodukte liefert, oder ob ein weitergehender bzw.unspezifischer Abbau vorliegt. Auch die Annahme, dass infolge der Reduktion aus Azoverbindungen vorwiegend aromatische Amine entstehen, soll untersucht werden.

Energy saving in the manufacture of ethanol with simultaneous reduction of pollution

Das Projekt "Energy saving in the manufacture of ethanol with simultaneous reduction of pollution" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hans-Egon Frangmeier durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is to include two innovative unit operations in an ethanol from biomass total system plant so as first to reduce the energy demand of the plant which becomes more energy self sufficient and, secondly, to improve its economics. The two unit operations are the pervaporation of the dilute ethanol-containing fractions originating from the distillation unit and the electrophoresis of the effluent from the biogas digesters treating the spent liquor after distillation. The yearly expected energy saving is slightly below 3 GWh for a production of about 8 x 1000 hl ethanol and the treatment of about 28 x 1000 m3 effluent. The payback is 3.5 years on average for the two innovative unit operations, by comparison with a similar total system plant without the two improved unit operations. General Information: The pervaporation process uses synthetic membranes to separate water from a dilute ethanol-containing solution in order to concentrate the ethanol in the latter. The membrane consists of an inactive porous backing-layer and an active pore-free layer, a few micrometre tick, consisting of cross-linked and specially treated polyvinylalcohol. The electrophoresis plant consists of a semi permeable filter which separates two chambers. The lower chamber contains a moving brine (NaCl) solution and the positive electrode. The upper chamber (floating on top of the brine) contains the effluent to be treated and the negative electrode. The pervaporation unit is linked with the distillation treating the dilute plant ethanol-containing mash originating from the fermentation plant and the electrophoresis unit is linked to treat the effluent from methane digesters treating anaerobically the spent liquor from the distillation unit before final disposal. The dilute ethanol-containing stream is heated and introduced in a fractionation distillation tower. Anhydrous ethanol is removed at one particular height of the tower. High ethanol-containing condensates are recycled. Low ethanol-containing condensates pass through the pervaporation plant before being recycled. Energy and mass balances as well as pressures and temperatures will be continuously monitored for the pervaporator as a function of quantitative and qualitative changes in membrane modules. Achievements: The project had to be abandoned in 1992 for two main reasons: - the permit for building the digester next to the factory was not granted by the Municipality and no agreement had been reached so far concerning another site. Consequently, it was no possible to implement the electrophoresis unit; - there was a lack of techno-economic success prospect for the pervaporation step. 2 pervaporation units of different makes were tested. None of them were able to reach the initial specifications, i.e. 2,000 l/d ethanol at 99.8 vol per cent on a stable basis. One of the 2 units succeeded in reaching the specified concentration. However, with the time, the flow rate and concentration were

Passive Nachruestung von Buerogebaeuden zur Verbesserung ihrer Energiebilanz und der Arbeitsbedingungen in ihnen

Das Projekt "Passive Nachruestung von Buerogebaeuden zur Verbesserung ihrer Energiebilanz und der Arbeitsbedingungen in ihnen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Institut de Technique du batiment, Laboratoire d'energie solaire et de physique du batiment durchgeführt. General Information: Objectives The program aims to develop retrofitting strategies, tools and design guidelines in order to promote successful, cost effective implementation of passive solar and energy efficiency measures to offices. These are addressed through the following objectives: 1) To combine scientific and technical knowledge with best practice architecture and energy engineering to prepare global retrofitting strategies for office buildings involving the use of passive solar and energy efficiency technologies. 2) To develop performance criteria, tools and rating methodologies to help designers integrate recent research results on passive and energy efficiency technologies. 3) To contribute through monitoring actions towards a better knowledge of the specific energy consumption characteristics and a more complete understanding of the qualitative problems of the offices in Europe. 4) To integrate all the results into a design and assessment methodology for retrofitting office buildings in Europe. Technical Approach The project is based on specific monitoring actions in order to collect the necessary data to evaluate the existing situation in office buildings. Based on various criteria, ten office buildings will be selected for which detailed architectural and engineering retrofitting studies will be prepared and quantified. The collected data as well as the overall analysis will permit the development of design guidelines, performance criteria and methodologies for best practice giving credit for renewable energy sources incorporated into office buildings presented in the form of a Handbook. The specific analysis of the results will permit the development of a rating methodology for office buildings based on the energy performance of the building, the environmental impact and CO2 production, and the indoor thermal and visual comfort. Finally, an Atlas on the energy potential of the various retrofitting scenarios for office buildings will be prepared. Expected Achievements and Exploitation The final products of the OFFICE project are the following: 1. Ten case studies of high quality examples of representative retrofit office buildings in various part of Europe. 2. A rating methodology classifying office buildings according to their energy consumption, CO2 production and indoor thermal and visual parameters. 3. Design guidelines, performance criteria and methodologies for best practice giving credit for renewable energy sources incorporated into office buildings. The guidelines will be presented under the form of a Handbook. 4. An Atlas describing the potential for energy conservation of selected retrofitting scenarios for defined types of office buildings located in North European coastal, Mid European coastal, Continental and Southern Mediterranean climatic zones of Europe. Prime Contractor: National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Department of Applied Physics, Laboratory of Meteorology; Zographos/Greece.