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Flusslandschaft des Jahres 2010/2011 ist die Emscher

2010 und 2011 ist die Emscher, ein Fluss in Nordrhein-Westfalen, die Flusslandschaft des Jahres der NaturFreunde Deutschlands und des Deutschen Anglerverbandes. Die Emscher galt lange Zeit als schmutzigster Fluss Deutschlands. Der etwa 83 Kilometer lange Fluss wurde seit der Industrialisierung für Abwasser (Kloake), Grubenwasser der Bergwerke und Industrieabwasser der großen Stahlwerke missbraucht. Mit dem Strukturwandel im Ruhrgebiet und dem gestiegenen Umweltbewusstsein wurde aber auch die Emscher wieder sauberer.

INSPIRE-WFS SL Mineralische Bodenschätze - Bergwerk - OGC WFS Interface

Dieser Dienst stellt für das INSPIRE-Thema Mineralische Bodenschätze aus dem Geofachdaten umgesetzte Daten bereit.:Ein Abbau zur Gewinnung von mineralischen Rohstoffen.

INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000)

The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in five INSPIRE-compliant GML files: BSK1000_Mine.gml contains important mines as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_point_Energy_resources_and_mineral_raw_materials.gml contains small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Distribution_of_salt.gml contains the distribution of salt as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains large-scale energy resources as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Mineral_raw_materials.gml contains large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (BSK1000-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK2000 Lagerstätten)

The GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specifications on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the map is stored in three INSPIRE-compliant GML files: GK2000_Lagerstaetten_Mine.gml contains mines as points. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains energy resources as polygons. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _GeologicUnit.gml contains the greatly simplified geology of Germany. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (GK2000_ Lagerstaetten -INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

Teilbebauungsplan TB 664 Hamburg

Bezirk: Harburg, Stadtteil: Hausbruch, Ortsteil: 717 Planbezirk: Beim Bergwerk, Wulmstal


Baumaßnahmen in Bereichen bergbaulicher Anlagen können zu erheblichen Gefahren führen. Dazu ist eine Karte zu führen, in die die bekannten Gefahrenbereiche einzutragen sind. Diese sind den Bauämtern der Landkreise auf Anfrage zur Verfügung zu stellen. In diesen Gebieten ist bei Baugenehmigungen eine Beteiligung der Bergbehörde unabdingbar.

Beeinflussungsbereiche (WMS Dienst)

Baumaßnahmen in Bereichen bergbaulicher Anlagen können zu erheblichen Gefahren führen. Dazu ist eine Karte zu führen, in die die bekannten Gefahrenbereiche einzutragen sind. Diese sind den Bauämtern der Landkreise auf Anfrage zur Verfügung zu stellen. In diesen Gebieten ist bei Baugenehmigungen eine Beteiligung der Bergbehörde unabdingbar.

INSPIRE-WMS SL Mineralische Bodenschätze - Minen

Dieser Dienst stellt für das INSPIRE-Thema Mineralische Bodenschätze aus dem Geofachdaten umgesetzte Daten bereit.:Dieser Layer visualisiert die saarländischen Bergwerke. Die Datengrundlage erfüllt die INSPIRE Datenspezifikation.

INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000) (WMS)

The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) contains five layers: MR.Mine displays important mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point.EnergyResourcesAndMineralRawMaterials displays small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.DistributionOfSalt displays the distribution of salt. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays large-scale energy resources as polygons. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.MineralRawMaterials displays large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The user obtains detailed information on the mineral raw materials, energy resources and mines via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The colouring of the large- and small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as well as of the mines corresponds largely to the colouring of the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE). In addition, the gas and oil polygons are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal polygons are displayed in their original colour grey. Also the colours of the mine symbols correspond largely to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. Only the salt and potash mine symbols have their original colour. All mine symbols are BGR symbols. The distribution areas of the Triassic and Zechstein salt show the corresponding geochronological INSPIRE colours (see Data Specification on Geology D2.8.II.4_v3.0). The distribution area of salt diapirism is displayed in a BGR colour.

INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK2000 Lagerstätten) (WMS)

The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) contains the following layers: MR.Mine displays mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays energy resources as polygons. GE.GeologicUnits provides the greatly simplified geology of Germany. For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Precambrian - Cenozoic, the portrayal is defined by the colour of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The user obtains detailed information on the deposits, mines and geology via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The gas and oil provinces as well as the corresponding mines are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal fields are displayed in their original colour grey. The colouring of the brown coal fields correspond to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. All mine symbols and commodity abbrevations are BGR symbols and abbrevations.

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