Gemeinsame Presseinformation mit dem Bundesumweltministerium Human-Biomonitoring ist wichtiges Instrument des gesundheitsbezogenen Umweltschutzes Das Human-Biomonitoring (HBM) des Umweltressorts liefert wichtige Daten zur Belastung der Bevölkerung mit Chemikalien. Auf einer Fachkonferenz sagte Bundesumweltminister Dr. Norbert Röttgen heute in Berlin: „Human-Biomonitoring ist ein hervorragendes Warnsystem, um problematische Schadstoffbelastungen der Bevölkerung frühzeitig zu erkennen. Es gibt uns die Möglichkeit, den Erfolg unserer Chemikalienpolitik zu kontrollieren und zu erkennen, wo Handlungsbedarf besteht.“ UBA-Präsident Jochen Flasbarth betonte: „Um die Belastung der menschlichen Gesundheit durch Umweltchemikalien vorsorgend und systematisch zu vermeiden, brauchen wir eine verstärkte internationale Zusammenarbeit zum Human-Biomonitoring. Viele Chemikalien werden heute weltweit eingesetzt; deshalb ist es wichtig, Belastungen bereits an der Quelle auszuschließen, indem problematische Stoffe gar nicht erst für Produkte zugelassen werden.“ Röttgen: „Die Belastung mit ,klassischen’ Chemikalien wie Blei, Cadmium, DDT und Dioxinen ist in Deutschland ganz maßgeblich zurück gegangen. Sorgen bereiten uns aber die hohen Belastungen von Kindern mit bestimmten Weichmachern, die in großem Umfang in der Kunststoffherstellung Verwendung finden.“ In HBM-Studien wird die Belastung der Bevölkerung mit Chemikalien und anderen gesundheitlich bedenklichen Umwelteinflüssen untersucht. HBM ist für den gesundheitsbezogenen Umweltschutz ein zentrales Informations- und Kontrollinstrument. Es liefert der Umweltpolitik wissenschaftlich fundierte Daten, ob und in welchem Ausmaß Stoffe vom menschlichen Körper aufgenommen werden, ob es in der Bevölkerung Gruppen mit besonders hohen Belastungen gibt und ob chemikalienrechtliche Regelungen zum gewünschten Rückgang von Belastungen geführt haben. Auf der von BMU und UBA gemeinsam organisierten, zweitägigen Konferenz „Human-Biomonitoring - Nutzen für die Politik - Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft“, an der Fachleute aus 36 Ländern teilnehmen, Sechs Fachforen diskutieren Erfahrungen aus langjährigen HBM-Programmen ebenso wie die Inhalte und Ziele neuer oder in Entstehung befindlicher HBM-Projekte weltweit. Zwei der Foren befassen sich mit der Bewertung der durch HBM gewonnenen Daten, um mögliche Gesundheitsrisiken und einen möglichen Handlungsbedarf zur Reduzierung der Belastung zu identifizieren. Zwei Podiumsdiskussionen thematisieren allgemeinpolitische Aspekte des HBM.
Der demografische Wandel verändert die Gesellschaft. Insbesondere periphere, strukturschwache Mittel- und Kleinstädte und ländliche Räumen sind langfristig durch einen Rückgang und Alterung der Bevölkerung gekennzeichnet. Teilweise bestehen erhebliche städtebauliche und siedlungsstrukturelle Herausforderungen und regionale Disparitäten nehmen zu. Dieses Vorhaben untersucht gute kommunale und interregionale integrierte Praktiken, die den Wandel als Chance begreifen und innovative Ansätze in die Umsetzung bringen. Der Fokus der Beispiele richtet sich auf die Schnittstelle der Siedlungsentwicklung zum Klima - und Umweltschutz mit den Themenschwerpunkten Energie, Mobilität, Abwasserentsorgung, Innenentwicklung und Rückbau. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
In Germany, as in most Western countries, the exposure to the population due to CT examinations has increased over the last twenty years, despite major technological progresses which might lead to the expectation that doses would decrease. The last survey organized in Germany showed that in 2014 the average dose per inhabitant due to CT was 1.0 mSv compared to 0.8 mSv in 2007. Thus, the use of CT is a major source of concern for Public Health Authorities such as the “Bundesamts für Stahlenchutz” in Germany. Among the ways to control the population exposure creeping upwards one should ensure that the principle of justification is correctly applied and that the radiological examination and intervention are optimized in terms of the balance of low dose against required image quality. In the context of optimization, the units used should work efficiently to ensure that there is no waste of radiation in the imaging process. The aim of this project is to propose a way to benchmark CT units, allowing the assessment of the efficiency of CT units using clinically relevant protocols. The project was made of four work-packages. The first work-package was a review of the literature dedicated to image quality assessment in CT imaging. During this work-package the clinically relevant protocols used for benchmarking were also defined. The second work-package was dedicated to the set-up of the methodology to be used when dealing with the benchmarking of CT units using two different concepts. The third work-package was the application of these concepts on eight CT units; including two models from each of four manufacturers. Finally, the fourth work-package consisted in the analysis of the data with the proposal of a strategy to establish a dose efficiency index (DEI) to quantify the CT unit performances.
Der demografische Wandel verändert die Gesellschaft. Insbesondere periphere, strukturschwache Mittel- und Kleinstädte und ländliche Räumen sind trotz kurzfristiger Schwankungen langfristig durch einen Rückgang und Alterung der Bevölkerung gekennzeichnet. Teilweise bestehen erhebliche städtebauliche und siedlungsstrukturelle Herausforderungen und regionale Disparitäten nehmen zu. Hinzu kommen technologische Veränderungen, mit einem großen Einfluss auf Wirtschaftsprozesse, Arbeitsstrukturen und Konsummuster sowie die Energieerzeugung. Viele Kommunen und ganze Regionen stehen vor der Herausforderung, auch im demografischen Wandel für junge und ältere Menschen, für Familien und Unternehmen, für Ortsansässige wie für Neubürger attraktiv zu bleiben und die Daseinsvorsorge zu sichern. Dieses Vorhaben untersucht gute kommunale und interregionale integrierte Praktiken, die den Wandel als Chance begreifen und innovative Ansätze in die Umsetzung bringen. Der Fokus der Beispiele richtet sich auf integrierte Ansätze an der Schnittstelle der Siedlungsentwicklung zum Klima- und Umweltschutz, die im Schwerpunkt die Themen Energie, Mobilität, Abwasserentsor-gung sowie Innenentwicklung und Rückbau in den Blick nehmen. Die ausgewählten Praktiken zeigen sowohl bewährte als auch innovative Ansätze zur Abmilderung und Bewältigung der Folgen des demografischen Wandels auf. Aus der Zusammenschau wurden abschließend Handlungsoptionen und Handlungsempfehlungen für den Bund, die Länder und die Kommunen abgeleitet. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
Erstellung einer "Regionalstrategie Daseinsvorsorge" Für die Region Westmecklenburg wird in den Jahren 2012/2013 eine "Regionalstrategie Daseinsvorsorge" erstellt. Ziel ist es, innovative Wege zu finden, wie die Region sich den Gegebenheiten und Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels stellen kann. Unter Koordination durch den Regionalen Planungsverband werden gemeinsam mit Akteuren aus Politik, Verwaltung, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Lösungswege gesucht, um unsere Region zukunftsfähig zu machen. Projektlaufzeit 2012-2013 Mit dem Aktionsprogramm regionale Daseinsvorsorge unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung 21 Modellregionen in ländlichen Räumen – Landkreise, Gemeindeverbünde oder Regionale Verbünde – dabei, trotz Alterung und Rückgang der Bevölkerung die Versorgung mit den grundlegenden Angeboten der Daseinsvorsorge aufrecht zu erhalten, indem sie dazu nach einem bereits erprobten Verfahren eigenständig eine Regionalstrategie erarbeiten.
Field margins and meadows are valuable habitats for many species in agricultural landscapes but so far there are no comprehensive studies that address their value for land snails, which are an important part of terrestrial biodiversity.Even though the population trends of 74.6 % of the German land snail species that also should inhabit cultivatedland according to their ecological preferences are decreasing, it has never been investigated what value differentagricultural landscapeelements could have for this group. Therefore, we sampled and compared the land snail faunabetween field margins of different width and in-field areas of conventionally managed apple orchards, vineyards andcereal fields as well as between agricultural habitats and meadows to investigate their respective value for land snailbiodiversity in the agricultural landscape.In total we collected 20 different land snail species mostly typical of an open landscape representing ca. 16 % ofthe land snail fauna in Germany. In meadows species richness was higher than in all crop fields and margins exceptfor vineyard margins and wide cereal field margins and furthermore the typically occurring species differed considerablyfrom those in agricultural habitats. Our results did not indicate differences in land snail species richness,abundance or species composition between apple orchard in-field areas and field margins. In vineyardsand cerealfields, species richness was higher in margins than in-field and the red-list species Truncatellina cylindrica (Férussac,1807) was exclusively typical in wide margins of both crops. Land snail abundance and/or species richness increasedwith decreasing agricultural intensity.Quelle: Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv : unter Foerderung des Minist. fuer Unterricht und Kultus u. der Stadt Mainz in Verb. mit dem Inst. fuer Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Univ. Mainz - (2013), H. 50, S. 291-300.
After agriculture in Germany has become more intensive over the past decades, many populations of farmland birds and mammals are in an unfavourable conservation status. For 27 farmland bird species and 22 farmland mammal species we compile trends, habitat (crop) selection, threats and risk management measures. There is scientific-based evidence for indirect effects of pesticides at the population level of four European farmland bird species and several mammal species outside Europe. Data on diet and on habitat selection suggest that indirect effects of pesticides may affect many more species. We develop an index of pesticide sensitivity for farmland birds and mammals in Germany. According to expert opinion pesticides are among the major causes for population declines of farmland birds and we provide supporting evidence for this view. We analyze risk management measures with respect to efficiency and acceptance by farmers and authorities. At present agri-environmental schemes aiming to compensate for the negative effects of modern agriculture cover only about 0.5 % of the arable land in Germany. We develop a scheme of umbrella species to simplify risk management. We outline different strategies for implementing an effective risk management and we calculate associated costs. A levy on PPPs targeted to the implementation of a region-specific risk management would be practicable at relatively low costs. <BR>Quelle:<BR>
Human Biomonitoring (HBM) of emerging chemicals gained increasing attention within the EU in recent years. After evaluating the metabolism, we established a new HBM method for ethoxyquin (EQ), a feed additive, which was banned in 2017 due to concerns regarding the possible exposure of the general population to it and its highly toxic precursor p-phenetidine. The method was applied to 250 urine samples from the Environmental Specimen Bank collected between 2000 and 2021. The major metabolite EQI was quantified in the majority of the study samples illustrating the ubiquitous exposure of the non-occupationally exposed population. A rather constant exposure was observed until 2016 with a significant decline from 2016 to 2021. This drop falls within the EU wide ban of the chemical as a feed additive from June 2017 which led to a gradual removal until its complete suspension in June 2020. The daily intake (DI) was evaluated with respect to the reported derived no-effect level (DNEL) to estimate the potential health risks from EQ exposure. The median DI of 0.0181 Ìg/kg bw/d corresponds to only 0.01 % of the DNEL. Even the observed maxima up to 13.1 Ìg/kg bw/d only accounted for 10 % of the DNEL. Nevertheless, the values suggest a general exposure with the risk of higher burden in a low fraction of the population. In regard to the EQ associated intake of the carcinogen and suspected mutagen p-phenetidine, this level of exposure cannot be evaluated as safe. The recent decrease and the broad exposure substantiate the need for future HBM campaigns in population representative studies to further investigate the observed reductions, potentially find highly exposed subgroups and clarify the impact of the ban as feed additive on EQ exposure. © 2023 The Author(s)
Here we review contaminant exposure and related health effects in six selected Baltic key species. Sentinel species included are common eider, white-tailed eagle, harbour porpoise, harbour seal, ringed seal and grey seal. The review represents the first attempt of summarizing available information and baseline data for these biomonitoring key species exposed to industrial hazardous substances focusing on anthropogenic persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There was only limited information available for white-tailed eagles and common eider while extensive information exist on POP exposure and health effects in the four marine mammal species. Here we report organ-tissue endpoints (pathologies) and multiple biomarkers used to evaluate health and exposure of key species to POPs, respectively, over the past several decades during which episodes of significant population declines have been reported. Our review shows that POP exposure affects the reproductive system and survival through immune suppression and endocrine disruption, which have led to population-level effects on seals and white-tailed eagles in the Baltic. It is notable that many legacy contaminants, which have been banned for decades, still appear to affect Baltic wildlife. With respect to common eiders, changes in food composition, quality and contaminant exposure seem to have population effects which need to be investigated further, especially during the incubation period where the birds fast. Since new industrial contaminants continuously leak into the environment, we recommend continued monitoring of them in sentinel species in the Baltic, identifying possible effects linked to climate change, and modelling of population level effects of contaminants and climate change. © 2020 The Authors
Wildlife exposures to pest controlling substances have resulted in population declines of many predatory species during the past decades. Many pesticides were subsequently classifed as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) and banned on national or global scales. However, despite their risks for non-target vertebrate wildlife, PBT substances such as anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) are still permitted for use in Europe and have shown to threaten raptors. Whereas risks of ARs are known, much less information is available on emerging agrochemicals such as currently used PPPs and medicinal products (MPs) in higher trophic level species. We expect that currently used PPPs are relatively mobile (vs. lipophilic) as a consequence of the PBT criteria and thus more likely to be present in aqueous matrices. We therefore analyzed blood of 204 raptor nestlings of three terrestrial (red kite, common buzzard, Montagu's harrier) and two aquatic species (white-tailed sea eagle, osprey) from Germany. In total, we detected ARs in 22.6% of the red kites and 8.6% of the buzzards, whereas no Montagu's harriers or aquatic species were exposed prior to sampling. Sigma AR concentration tended to be higher in North Rhine-Westphalia (vs. North-Eastern Germany) where population density is higher and intense livestock farming more frequent. Among the 90 targeted and currently used PPPs, we detected six substances from which bromoxynil (14.2%) was most frequent. Especially Montagu's harrier (31%) and red kites (22.6%) were exposed and concentrations were higher in North Rhine-Westphalia as well. Among seven MPs, we detected ciprofoxacin (3.4%), which indicates that risk mitigation measures may be needed as resistance genes were already detected in wildlife from Germany. Taken together, our study demonstrates that raptors are exposed to various chemicals during an early life stage depending on their sampling location and underpins that red kites are at particular risk for multiple pesticide exposures in Germany. © The Author(s) 2022
Origin | Count |
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Land | 27 |
Zivilgesellschaft | 9 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 103 |
Text | 38 |
Umweltprüfung | 1 |
unbekannt | 13 |
License | Count |
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offen | 103 |
unbekannt | 3 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 148 |
Englisch | 37 |
unbekannt | 1 |
Resource type | Count |
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Topic | Count |
Boden | 88 |
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Mensch & Umwelt | 155 |
Wasser | 68 |
Weitere | 150 |