Der Datensatz enthält Karten als Ergebnis geostatistischer Auswertungen der Moos-Monitoring-Ergebnisse. Die Erhebungen wurden von 1990 bis 2005 im 5-Jahresrhytmus sowie 2015-16 durchgeführten. Weiterhin sind Ergebnisse statistischer Auswertungen als Diagramme und sämtliche Abschlussberichte der Forschungsvorhaben hinterlegt, in denen das Moos-Monitoring koordiniert und durchgeführt wurde sowie eine Liste von Veröffentlichungen im inhaltlichen Kontext.
The European Water Framework Directive requires monitoring of bioaccumulative contaminants in fish to assess risks to human health by fish consumption and wildlife by secondary poisoning of predators. The list of priority substances for which environmental quality standards (EQSs) have been derived covers also perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). No EQSs have yet been set for other per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that are frequently detected in fish and of which some have a non-negligible risk potential compared to PFOS. As a case study, burdens for a set of PFAS were investigated for different fish species from five German freshwater sites and a Baltic Sea lagoon. PFAS concentrations were determined for composite samples of both, fillet and whole fish. On average, sum concentrations of C9-C14 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids, which will be banned in the European Union in 2023, reached 87% and 82% of the PFOS burdens in fillet and whole fish, respectively. The potential risk of several PFAS other than PFOS was assessed using a previously suggested relative potency factor approach, which is also applied for a proposed EQS revision. Only five of 36 fillet samples (mostly perch) exceeded the current EQS for PFOS alone. By contrast, all fillet samples exceeded the newly proposed draft EQS, which considers potential effects of further PFAS but also a lower tolerable intake value. Additionally, the dataset was used to derive fillet-to-whole fish conversion factors, which can be applied to assess human health risks by consumption of fillet if only whole fish concentrations are available. © 2021 The Authors
Seals and whales are at the end of the food chain and are thus exposed to a high bioaccumulation of pollutants. The aim of the project under the German HELCOM Chairmanship 2020 - 2022 was to screen for potentially hazardous novel contaminants in marine mammals from the Baltic Sea using state-of-the-art analytical methods for wide-scope target and suspect screening. For this purpose, 11 pooled liver samples and one non-pooled muscle sample from 11 marine mammals (harbour porpoise ( Phocoena phocoena ), common dolphin ( Delphinus delphis ), grey seal ( Halichoerus grypus ), harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina )) were provided by HELCOM contracting parties from Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Poland and analysed for the presence of 65,690 substances. A simplified risk assessment was carried out for the detected pollutants, they are published in the NORMAN database system, and are available for the development of a marine mammal indicator and for the development of a Baltic Sea-wide and possibly European action plan on hazardous substances in the sea. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 36/2022.
Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) have been derived in a variety of different aquatic eco-systems worldwide to investigate accumulation patterns of environmentally relevant chemicals. Not only is the TMF interesting for chemicals’ risk assessment related questions, but also for monitoring aspects under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This study is the first TMF study con-ducted in a German freshwater ecosystem, that is, Lake Templin near Potsdam. Aim of the study was to investigate the food web magnification following existing guidance to derive reliable TMFs that could be used for regulatory purposes. A sampling campaign yielded 15 biota samples covering about three trophic levels, which have been processed and cryo-preserved following standardized protocols of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). The samples remain available for future analysis and, thus, form a “food web on ice”. These large-scale food web samples are ready-to-use for a broad variety of analyses. In a first step, a plausibility check was performed. Different persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are known to magnify in food webs and are not readily metabolized, serve as benchmarks. It could be shown that for nearly all of the POPs analyzed, the TMFs are significantly above 1. In a few cases, an enrichment is also seen, but not statistically relevant. Since not only POPs with lipophilic accumulation properties were analyzed, it could be concluded that the food web on ice samples from Lake Templin can be used to characterize the trophic magnification potential of further substances with less investigated bioaccumulation properties present in the samples. To this end, several PFAS , pharmaceuticals, pesticides and methyl siloxanes were investigated in the samples to derive their TMFs. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 137/2022.
The report provides an overview of potential inputs of hazardous substances from the offshore oil and gas industry into the North Sea. Emissions from drilling fluids, cuttings piles, accidental spills, produced water and corrosion protection materials were investigated. The individual substances contained were evaluated according to their persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity and according to a number of international and national lists of contaminants for their hazardousness to the marine environment. Since information on the use of man-made chemicals in the offshore oil- and gas industry is not available, only production water could be assessed. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 153/2023.
The study investigates spatial and temporal trends of airborn deposition of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, vanadium and zinc in Germany using modelled and measured data, among these results of bioaccumulation surveys. A risk assessment is provided by comparing the results with environment quality targets and criteria from regulations. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 106/2018.
A test concept for bioconcentration tests with the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca (HYBIT) was recently described. It was shown that the Hyalella bioconcentration factors (BCFs) derived for compounds with different hydrophobic characteristics (log Kow 2.4 – 7.8) show a strong correlation to those from fish tests. This project was carried out to elucidate the suitability of the HYBIT test for testing an extended range of substance classes including difficult to test compounds and, if required, to further enhance the test concept. The bioaccumulation potential of highly lipophilic UV stabilisers and ionic organic PFAS as well as silver, titanium dioxide and gold nanomaterials were tested. The two possible set-ups to conduct bioconcentration studies with H. azteca using a semi-static test set-up or a flow-through approach were applied. The solvent-facilitated and solvent-free application of the hydrophobic test compounds were compared. Due to the difficulties regarding the aqueous exposure of nanomaterials, biomagnification studies were also carried out as part of this project. We could show that the HYBIT approach permits the application of difficult to test compounds and enables to derive bioaccumulation endpoints for regulatory assessment. Due to the shorter exposure periods required, and the smaller experimental units used, the HYBIT approach provides several advantages in comparison to the flow-through fish test. As a non-vertebrate test, the Hyalella bioconcentration (or biomagnification) test may help to further reduce the amount of fish required for the regulatory testing of chemicals. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 134/2022.
Many chemicals for which a PBT assessment is necessary are ionized in the environment. Therefore, the project aimed to find appropriate screening criteria for ionic organic chemicals (IOCs) to estimate their bioaccumulation potential. Twenty possible parameters were examined. The partitioning coefficient between water and fish calculated with COSMOmic showed the strongest correlation with experimental BMF data. The assumed high bioaccumulation potential was verified but not confirmed for six IOCs by conducting fish feeding studies ( OECD 305). Veröffentlicht in Texte | 108/2021.
Bioconcentration tests with the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca (HYBIT) have been proposed as alternatives to fish tests, and the respective experimental BCF values show promising correlations. It is still unclear whether the HYBIT test is also suitable for highly hydrophobic chemicals, such as the UV stabilizers UV-234 and UV-329. In order to estimate the range in which the uptake rate constant k1 would be expected for these substances, a prediction method for k1 in H. azteca was developed. As a result, experimental literature values appear plausible compared to the predicted values within the given uncertainties. The main uncertainties for the prediction are the uncertainty of the determination of the octanol/water partition coefficient and the chemical’s binding to organic matter in water (TOC). Compared to fish tests, HYBIT seems promising for superhydrophobic substances, not only because of the experimental advantages such as smaller experimental units. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 40/2023.
This study explores the intermediate uses of 53 petroleum and coal stream (PetCo) substances, focusing on 15 marker constituents with properties of concern such as carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reprotoxicity, persistence, bioaccumulation, and endocrine disruption. It investigates the potential for these constituents to transfer during intermediate use into the new substance or product and into the environment. Five approaches are employed, including reactivity assessment, literature review, consultation data integration, supply chain interaction analysis, and upstream literature review perspective, to evaluate the likelihood of conversion and assess the potential environmental emission of these constituents. The report presents comprehensive findings that would interest Industry as well as policy stakeholders dealing with PetCo substances, substance management and environmental impact assessment. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 18/2024.
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