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INSPIRE Boden (Übersichtskarte Bodengeologie 1:500.000) für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Inhalt: Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung der Bodenformen

MV Bodengeologie WFS

Informationen der staatlichen Umweltverwaltung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Karten zum vorsorgenden Bodenschutz (Bodenfunktionsbereiche, Feldkapazitaet, nutzbare Feldkapazitaet, Luftkapazitaet, effektive Durchwurzelungstiefe, potentielle Nitratauswaschung) und zu den Mooren lt. KBK25

MV Bodengeologie WMS

Informationen der staatlichen Umweltverwaltung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: Karten zum vorsorgenden Bodenschutz (Bodenfunktionsbereiche, Feldkapazitaet, nutzbare Feldkapazitaet, Luftkapazitaet, effektive Durchwurzelungstiefe, potentielle Nitratauswaschung) und zu den Mooren lt. KBK25

Übersichtskarte Bodengeologie Maßstab 1:500.000

Inhalt: Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung der Bodenformen


Karten aus dem Bereich Bodengeologie / Bodenparametersammlung

Karten / Auswertungen

Karten und Auswertungen aus dem Bereich Bodengeologie - vorsorgender Bodenschutz

Dezernat 370 Bodengeologie und Bodenschutz

- wissenschaftliche Information, Beratung und Bearbeitung bodenkundlicher Fragestellungen - Interpretation und Dokumentation bodenkundlicher Befunde - Aufbau und Betreuung des FIS Boden und der Bodenprobenbank - Planung und Durchführung von Aufgaben des vorsorgenden Bodenschutzes - Mitwirkung beim technischen Bodenschutz - Erstellung bodenkundlicher Karten - nachsorgender Bodenschutz - Führung Bodenschutz- und Altlastenkataster (dBAK)


Methodische Auswertungen aus dem Bereich Bodengeologie Anwendung der Methodendokumentation Bodenkunde

Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology - Tasks and Targets

The Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology (HLNUG) was founded in the year 2000 through the fusion of the Hessian Agency for Soil Research (state geological service) and the Hessian Agency for Environment. The agency is located in Wiesbaden and has branches in Kassel and Darmstadt. Furthermore, it maintains two drill core storages in Limbach and Villmar-Aumenau as well as the collection point for low level radioactive waste in Ebsdorfergrund. The fusion of both predecessor organizations concentrated the professional expertise for the three environmental media water, soil and air under one roof. Since its foundation, the agency had not only to integrate two independent organizations but also to deal with several structural changes and considerable personal reductions. Today, the HLNUG employs around 350 people. In comparison to the year of foundation, this means 25% less staff, although the main tasks didn't change since then. Despite these partly distressing changes, the Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology is acknowledged as reliable and competent partner, also beyond Hesse, thanks to its highly qualified and motivated staff. As a technical and scientific authority within the Hessian environmental administration, the HLNUG is in charge of environmental monitoring. It advises ministries and other authorities in a scientific, specialized and practical orientated manner. Therefore, it cooperates with several universities. Regarding environmental questions, it serves as contact for companies and public. Because a closer description of the varied tasks of the agency would go beyond the scope of this article, we will focus on the main categories of tasks. Information - the basic (part 2) Concepts, cooperation and communication (part 3) Text published in Water AND Waste 2012 Springer Vieweg Verlag Wiesbaden Words of welcome from Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmid, president of the HLNUG read more

Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas (HERMES)

Das Projekt "Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas (HERMES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften durchgeführt. HERMES is designed to gain new insights into the biodiversity, structure, function and dynamics of ecosystems along Europe's deep-ocean margin. It represents the first major attempt to understand European deep-water ecosystems and their environment in an integrated way by bringing together expertise in biodiversity, geology, sedimentology, physical oceanography, microbiology and biogeochemistry, so that the generic relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning can be understood. Study sites will extend from the Arctic to the Black Sea and include open slopes, where landslides and deep-ocean circulation affect ecosystem development, and biodiversity hotspots, such as cold seeps, coldwater coral mounds, canyons and anoxic environments, where the geosphere and hydrosphere influence the biosphere through escape of fluids, presence of gas hydrates and deep-water currents. These important systems require urgent study because of their possible biological fragility, unique genetic resources, global relevance to carbon cycling and possible susceptibility to global change and man-made disturbances. Past changes, including catastrophic events, will be assessed using sediment archives. We will make estimates of the flow rates of methane from the geosphere and calculate how much is utilised by benthic communities, leaving the residual contribution to reach the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. HERMES will enable forecasting of biodiversity change in relation to natural and man-made environmental changes by developing the first comprehensive pan-European margin Geographic Information System. This will provide a framework for integrating science, environmental modelling and socio-economic indicators in ecosystem management. The results will underpin the development of a comprehensive European Ocean and Seas Integrated Governance Policy enabling risk assessment, management, conservation and rehabilitation options for margin ecosystems. Prime Contractor: Natural Environment Research Council; Athens; United Kingdom.

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