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Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen

Das Projekt "Verbrennung von Kohle fuer das Brennen von Ziegelsteinen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gebrüder Löhlein Ziegelwerke durchgeführt. Objective: To convert a brick kiln fired with heavy oil to coal firing and to examine the effects of the burning of coal on the specific heat consumption, the quality of the product and the occurring ashes. On the basis of preliminary examinations on other kilns, an energy saving of more than 55 per cent is anticipated compared with oil-firing. General Information: The brick tunnel kiln to be converted to coal firing is to be equipped with an intermittent coal firing facility and tested. For this purpose, the necessary coal preparation facilities (feed bunker, transport systems, hammer mill, daily bunker and coal stokers at the blowing in points) and the special burner systems are to be developed and adapted to suit the specified tunnel kiln. The overall system will then be tested and, if necessary, modified depending on the product quality. Finally, the operating efficiency of the coal firing facility is to be tested during a longer demonstration operation period. The concept for the coal firing facility was based on the use and testing or different types of coal with various grain sizes to be able to optimize the requirements on coal quality and grain size both for separation and charging. The driest possible fine coal with a grain size of 0 - 6 mm is necessary for the blowing device. The erected preparation facilities comprise a feed bunker, from which the rough coal is conveyed to the hammer mill via a dispatch belt. After being ground to the necessary grain size, the fine coal is transported by pipe chain conveyers to the dosing appliances on the tunnel kiln in the form of coal stockers. They intermittently charge a coal-air mixture into the combustion planes of the kiln through lateral slits via so-called guide tubes. The ends of the tubes, which are fitted with baffle plates, protrude into the combustion channel. They are incandescent (hot bulb ignition) and cause the ignition of the mixture. Charging is effected in a 30-second rhythm alternating with every fourth row of the burner tubes. In the cases of intermittent charging, the coal-air mixture is pressed against the baffle plate with a high pressure and passes into the furnace area via the lateral slits in the incandescent tubes. Combustion is almost explosive. The intermittent control of the air feed is effected by a central closed-loop control facility via solenoid valves. Achievements: In a 26 week operation period, a mean fuel consumption of 1500 kJ/kg of fired bricks including drying was achieved. This corresponds to an energy saving of about 42 per cent when compared to operation with heavy heating oil. Although the target was not achieved, a considerable saving quota was realized. In the meantime, the facility has been demonstrated to several hundred interested parties from the brick industry and has therefore made an important contribution to the necessary spread of the experience and information gained in the course of this project.

Einspritzung von H2O2 in das Abgasrohr und in den Brennraum

Das Projekt "Einspritzung von H2O2 in das Abgasrohr und in den Brennraum" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Duisburg, Fachbereich 7 Maschinenbau, Institut für Verbrennung und Gasdynamik durchgeführt. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen zur Regeneration dieselrussbeladener Partikelfilter mit H202 wurden die Arbeiten auf Untersuchungen zur radikalgestuetzen Oxidation von Russpartikeln, die im Abgasstrom oder im Brennraum gasgetragen existieren, ausgedehnt. Versuche zur direkten Einduesung des Oxidationsmittels in das Abgasrohr direkt hinter dem Auslassventil zeigten erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die fluessige Partikelphase und die Gasphase, aber nur marginalen Einfluss auf die festen Bestandteile. Mittlerweile ist eine Anlage in Betrieb genommen worden, bei der kurbelwinkelselektiv kleinste Mengen H2O2 ueber eine zweite Einspritzduese unmittelbar in den Brennraum eingespritzt werden koennen. Es ist zu erwarten, dass durch die Bereitstellung reaktiver OH-Radikale eine vollstaendigere Russoxidation bereits waehrend der Verbrennung bzw. unmittelbar im Anschluss daran noch im Brennraum erreicht werden kann. Die Entwicklung der zweiten Einspritzanlage erwies sich als aufwendig. Sie arbeitet nach einem dem Acommon Rail(at)Prinzip nachempfundenen Verfahren und kann elektronisch gesteuert kleinste Menge Fluessigkeit binnen weniger hundert Nanosekunden unter hohen Druecken in den Brennraum einspritzen. Die Experimente sind derzeit im Gange.

Bildung und Abbau von Schadstoffen in der Naehe einer kalten Wand waehrend eines Verbrennungsprozesses

Das Projekt "Bildung und Abbau von Schadstoffen in der Naehe einer kalten Wand waehrend eines Verbrennungsprozesses" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachgebiet Thermische Turbomaschinen und Anlagen durchgeführt. Die Schadstoffentstehung von NO und CO im Bereich der kalten Zylinderwand waehrend der Expansion in einem Kolbenmotor soll durch Simulation des Verbrennungsprozesses in einem Stosswellenrohr untersucht werden. Die Wand des Hubraumes wird durch die Rueckwand des Stossrohres dargestellt. Der an der Rueckwand des Stossrohres reflektierte Stoss zuendet ein Gasgemisch, das O2, N2, CH4 im Argonbad enthaelt. Ein fuer optische Untersuchungen an der Rueckwand geeignetes Stosswellenrohr wurde aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen. Interferometrische Messungen (raeumlich und zeitlich aufgeloest) des Brechungsindexes in wandparallelen Schichten im Bereich der kalten Wand mittels Laserstrahlen und Messungen des Waermestromes in die Rueckwand des Stossrohres bei zuendfaehigen Gasgemischen wurden abgeschlossen. Die experimentellen Daten dienen zur Ueberpruefung des theoretischen Modells im Bereich der Wand (s. Projekt 16/9/9). Geplant sind zeitlich und raeumlich aufgeloeste Absorptionsmessungen von NO, OH im UV-Bereich. Weiter soll im IR-Bereich die Emission von CO2, CO und H2O gemessen werden. Ausserdem soll die Intensitaet der Reaktionskontinua (CO + O = CO2, NO + O = NO2) bestimmt werden.

Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace

Das Projekt "Gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gaswärme-Institut e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the feasibility of reducing energy consumption in the reheating of forgings and to improve forging quality by the replacement of electric and conventional gas-fired furnaces, by a new gas-fuelled rapid heating furnace incorporating and combining known technical features: these will considerably reduce energy consumption and advance the engineering design of conventional gas-fired reheating furnaces. General Information: Rapid heating furnaces are often installed in forging shops to treat small forgings. It is important to heat the forging rapidly and evenly and to minimize scale formation. The object of this research is to produce a micro-structure to eliminate the need for further heat treatment. The advantage of an inductive, over a conventional gas-fuelled furnace is the low level of scale formation due to the brief furnace dwell time. On the other hand, inductive furnaces are operated by a secondary source of energy (electricity) and are therefore expensive to operate. In addition, temperature distribution in a charge heated by a conventional furnace is unsatisfactory. The furnace to be designed, installed and operated for the project is a gas fuelled rapid heating installation using natural gas as the primary energy source. Charge heating will be in 3 zones (soaking, heating-up and preheating) to reheat the charge. As in the case of pusher type furnaces, charge and atmosphere movement will be counter current. In order to minimize scale formation, the soaking zone will be fired in the fuel-rich mode, while the heating-up zone will be fuelled by a fuel-lean gas and air mixture, burning uncombusted gases from the soaking zone. Staged combustion minimizes NO output and environmental impact. Fuel-rich soaking zone operation necessitates tests to establish combustion air preheat temperature, the acceptability of the fuel/air system with respect to sooting and safety aspects associated with CO formation. Forgings will be charged in transverse mode and a recuperator incorporated in the furnace for combustion air preheating: the furnace control system will feature high precision fuel/air ration controllers for heating-up and soaking zones. Each controller is capable of maintaining an air factor of between 0.5 and 1.5 to allow exact adjustment of the fuel/air ratio and to minimize scaling. An optical control system monitors the temperature of the charge leaving the furnace. Fuel gas flow is adjusted by temperature controller as a function of the difference between temperature as measured by the optical system and set point temperature. When fuel gas flow is adjusted, combustion air flow will also be adjusted by the fuel/air ratio control system. A shop function is also incorporated in the furnace control system: this is capable of lowering gas flow to between to 10-30 per cent of rated flow. For this purpose the control system will immediately reduce gas flow if furnace operation is switched to idle mode. Simultaneously...

Neue Brennhilfsmittel zur Senkung des Energiebedarfs beim Brand von Dachziegeln

Das Projekt "Neue Brennhilfsmittel zur Senkung des Energiebedarfs beim Brand von Dachziegeln" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Robert Thomas Metall- und Elektrowerke GmbH & Co. KG durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Projektes ist eine Reduzierung des Energieverbrauches bei der Herstellung von Dachziegeln. Das Ziel wird durch Entwicklung einer neuen Generation von keramischen Brennhilfsmitteln für den Brennprozess erreicht. Durch eine neue Herstellungstechnologie soll das Gewicht der Brenngestelle deutlich reduziert werden. Dies führt zu wesentlich kleineren aufzuheizenden Massen. Daraus ergibt sich ein Einsparpotential für die Energiekosten von bis zu 50 Prozent. Die Arbeitsschritte des Projektes sind wie folgt definiert: Technologieentwicklung, Entwickeln des Verbindungssystems, Bau und Prüfung von Prototypen, Anpassung der vorhandenen Anlagentechnik in der Ziegelei, Durchführung von Industrieversuchen. Die Projektergebnisse sollen zuerst in der Dachziegelindustrie umgesetzt werden. Langfristig ist die Umsetzung der neuen Technologie zur Herstellung von leichten Keramikkomponenten in anderen Industriebranchen, wie z.B. Ofenbau, Keramikindustrie, Technische Keramik usw., geplant. Die industrielle Einführung der neuen Brenngestelle wird zur Reduzierung der Brennenergie, Schonung der natürlichen Rohstoffe und Umweltentlastung beitragen.

Umruestung eines oelbeheizten Kessels auf Kohlestaub

Das Projekt "Umruestung eines oelbeheizten Kessels auf Kohlestaub" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Pfleiderer Teisnach GmbH & Co. KG durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the technical feasibility of converting small industrial water tube steam boilers, ranging in steam production from + 10 T/h to 100-150 T/h (that is from the upper limit of shell boilers to the lower limit of power plant boilers) from oil or gas to pulverized coal firing. This is to be achieved by use of a new type of pulverized coal combustor generating a burning flame jet of 100 to 150 M/s flame velocity. General Information: Pulverized coal firing of power plant boilers is a proven technology but no such technology exists for conversion of smaller boilers, since pulverized coal requires two/three times more combustion space than oil or gas. In oil or gas fired boilers combustion space is too small for total pulverized coal combustion. The new technology is intented to solve the problem in a general way, enabling almost any industrial water tube boiler to be converted to pulverized coal. The technology is a new type of pulverized coal combustor generating a jet of 100 to 150 M/s flame velocity and burning 6 to 8 times more pulverized coal than any other design, achieved by increasing turbulant frequency range, which in turn increases mixing efficiency and combustion rate. The result is that + 60 per cent of fuel is burned in the combustors which represent, in volume 5-8 per cent of combustion chamber volume. Hot flue gas is recirculated rapidly in the combustion chamber by the flame jet, generating heat transfer byconvection and flame radiation. This increased heat transfer decreases flue gas temperature at the superheater intake. Four of the pulverized coal combustors were designed and fitted to a 1962 water tube boiler with vertical combustion chamber and two vertical flues producing 40 T/h steam at 75 Bar-520 C, operating at 4,700 h/y with a heavy fuel intake of 13,000 T/y and modified to permit ash removal. Combustor specification is: - fuel - pulverized lignite - capacity 10. 10 Kcal/h (11. 6 MW) each - combustion air 14,000 m3/h 190 C p=Mbar - coal conveying air 330 m3/h, 20 C - turn down ratio 1:20 - flame jet velocity at 100 per cent load - 125 m/s - make - Dr. Schoppe Anlagenbau Additional equipment includes pulverized coal silos of 120 m3 capacity, pulverized coal feeders (fluidized bed rotary pumps), flue gas filter and a 100 m3 ash silo with out loading equipment. Total project cost is DM 5,043 297 including commissioning and test runs. Fuel cost savings of + DM 784,000 represent 2.5 per cent of the annual turnover of the company owning and operating the boiler. Total conversion costs of a standard 40 T/h boiler are estimated at DM 4,650,000. Payback on the project is 3.93 years. Achievements: Boiler modification and installation of the pulverized coal equipment was completed at 28. 09. 84. After two weeks for calibration and control adjustment the boiler arrived at its design specification of 40 T/h steam production at 74 Bar-500 C. After the first weeks of operation the following problems were:::

Ersatz eines Kalkbrenners mit zentralem Brennofen durch ein drei Ringe umfassendes Verteilersystem fuer die Brennstoff- und Luftzufuhr

Das Projekt "Ersatz eines Kalkbrenners mit zentralem Brennofen durch ein drei Ringe umfassendes Verteilersystem fuer die Brennstoff- und Luftzufuhr" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sauerländische Kalkindustrie GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Using a new type of method for the peripheral heating of shaft furnaces, the energy consumption of a lime shaft furnace is to be significantly reduced. At the same time, an attempt will be made to increase the furnace throughput capacity with this method and to extend the range of products to cover better lime qualities. On achieving the target values, an annual energy saving of about 900 TOE is to be expected for the planned type of furnace. General Information: In 1979 a lime shaft furnace was equipped with a new type of fuel ring distributor system and tested. Thereby the ring distributor system replaces conventional heating via a central lance. The first promising tests were performed with a 2-level ring distributor system. Within the scope of this project, the ring distributor system is to be extended to 3 levels, in order to further reduce the fuel consumption and to permit greater variation of the burning degree of the lime between soft burning and hard burning. The ring distributor systems are installed in the brick-work of the furnace at a given height. They consist of several segments. The gas and air supply to each segment can be separately controlled to permit optimum adaption of the thermal output to the shaft cross section. Uniform distribution of air and gas is of particular importance to achieve uniform burning quality, whereby the CO2 content of the burnt lime determines the quality of the lime. Following the reconstruction of the shaft furnace to the 3-level ring distributor system, its performance is to be demonstrated in the course of an extensive test programme. Achievements: The multi level ring distributor system has been taken out of order ever since 1983 and has been replaced by a specially designed central burner system, for which a patent was granted in 1988. The project mentioned above is therefore unsuccessfully completed and non further information is available.

Energy saving processes for production of structure porous foamed ceramics for high and low temperature insulation

Das Projekt "Energy saving processes for production of structure porous foamed ceramics for high and low temperature insulation" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ströher GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is the construction of a demonstration plant for the economical manufacture of foamed ceramic products of porous structure. The innovation consists in a new type of process for the manufacture of foamed ceramic products of porous structure, which considerably reduces the energy and manufacturing costs of this product and thus enables the inexpensive use of this material for insulating purposes in the low temperature range (external insulation for buildings) and the high temperature range (e.g. refractory insulation for firing systems). General Information: The new manufacturing process features two essential improvements. In the traditional process the foamed formation of the ceramic body is achieved by the addition of combustible materials (e.g. carbon sawdust) in conjuction with a firing operation. The new process employs a highly reactive foaming agent as the additive in a temperature and pressure controlled shaping plant. This means that not only is foam formation achieved without firing, but at the same time a solid surface is obtained with a porous and lightweight interior. Two firing process needed hitherto for the production of foamed ceramic materials are reduced to a single process. The second improvement is that the kilns normally employed, in which as well as the ware the same mass of kiln furniture had also to be heated up, have been replaced by a roller kiln, in which no kilm furniture is required. The use of this kiln for the new process, apart from the energy saving by having only a single firing, also achieves further energy conservation because kiln furniture of altogether 18.6 CJ/t to 7 - 8 CJ/t is not necessary. By the production of foamed ceramic material of porous structure, making allowance for the attainable market potential, a saving of 760,000 t ROE per annum is obtained compared with conventional insulating materials. The potential saving to be achieved by the improvement is an attractive economic proposition for refurbishment, may be estimated at approximately 946,000 t ROE per annum as secondary saving. The total saving potential amounts to appro. 1.71 million ROE per annum. Achievements: The trial run showed that after considerable 'teething troubles' it was possible to achieve the objective, although with some modification. The main problems consist in the mixing process of the raw material and in the shaping area. A solution was attempted by means of additional operations with a return to smaller batches. This means that more time and additional financial outlay may be expected. The target field of application specified in the Project, owing to strong interest in the Project, has been extended to include other potential applications. It will eventually be possible to transfer it easily to other interest parties; modifications may be expected due to specific operating conditions e.g. raw materials bases. The product is not yet available as a market commodity.

Verbrennung von Hausmuell

Das Projekt "Verbrennung von Hausmuell" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Laboratorium für Isotopentechnik durchgeführt. Die Entsorgung kommunaler Abfaelle erfordert die Weiterentwicklung des klassischen Muellverbrennungsprozesses mit dem Ziel einer Minderung der Freisetzung von Schadstoffen. Dazu sind umfassende Kenntnisse ueber die Entstehung und das Verhalten einzelner Schadstoffe notwendig. Entsprechende Untersuchungen werden an bestehenden Muellverbrennungsanlagen, insbesondere mit Hilfe der halbtechnischen Testanlage TAMARA des KfK durchgefuehrt. Sie betreffen folgende Problemkreise: 1) Bilanzierung und Verhalten von Schadstoffen mit dem Ziel einer Schadstoffbilanz in Muellverbrennungsanlagen mit unterschiedlichen Gasreinigungssystemen mittels Einsatz moderner Analyseverfahren. 2) Untersuchungen der Verbrennungsvorgaenge im Brennraum und in der Nachbrennkammer von Muellverbrennungsanlagen, insbesondere der Entstehung organischer Schadgase, des chemischen und thermischen Verhaltens von Schwermetallen und der Bildungs-, Emissions- und Zersetzungsmechanismen organischer Schadstoffe einschl. Entwicklung spezieller analytischer Verfahren. 3) Erprobung der Abscheidewirksamkeit verschiedener Entstaubungsverfahren wie Zyklone, Elektro- und Gewebefilter, in Kombination mit nasser Rauchgasbehandlung zur HCl-, Hg- und SO2-Abscheidung. 4) Methodische Entwicklungen zur Schwermetallaugung aus den Filterstaeuben mit der sauren Fluessigphase der Rauchgas-Waesche, zur Abscheidung und Konzentrierung dieser Metalle aus den resultierenden Waessern, mit Hilfe der Testanlagen DORA und KLARA sowie zur Rueckfuehrung der gelaugten Filterstaeube in den Verbrennungsraum, um anhaftende organische Schadstoffe zu zerstoeren (3R-Verfahren).

Entwicklung Heisskuehlung Dieselgasmotor 9L 20/27 DG

Das Projekt "Entwicklung Heisskuehlung Dieselgasmotor 9L 20/27 DG" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAN B&W Diesel AG durchgeführt. Entwicklung eines aufgeladenen, heissgekuehlten Dieselgasmotors 9L 20/27 DG fuer den wirtschaftlichen Antrieb von WP- und KWK-Anlagen mit hohem Temperaturniveau des Heizungssystems. Entwicklung eines Kuehlsystems fuer Temperaturen von mind. 115 Grad Celsius. Anpassung und Optimierung der von der Heisskuehlung betroffenen Brennraum- und Kuehlsystembauteile, wie Zylinderkopf, Zylinderbuechse, Kolben, Einspritzsystem, Abgasleitung und Aufladesystem, Kuehlwasserpumpe, Waermetauscher und Dichtungselemente. Grundsatzuntersuchungen am heissgekuehlten Dieselgasmotor im Hinblick auf maximale Motorleistung im Zweistoffbetrieb (Klopfgrenze, thermische Belastung), niedrigsten Kraftstoffverbrauch insgesamt und hinsichtlich Zuendoelanteil, geringstmoegliche Schadstoffemission.

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