Walking is the healthiest, cheapest and most environmentally friendly means of transport. Furthermore, active mobility, such as walking and cycling, is an essential element in successfully transforming the transport sector and achieving sustainable urban mobility. Despite this walking is still a niche topic in Germany. Cities, towns and communities who are responsible for walking are calling for a clear commitment from the German government to promote and support walking. This English short version shows how a National Walking Strategy could contribute to strengthening walking. It sets out which shortcomings need removing, pinpoints possible targets and respective areas for action. The intention of the brochure is to make the general guidelines for a national walking strategy for Germany accessible to as many decision-makers as possible beyond the country’s borders. Presented is a selection of chapters from the original German document which we consider to be of particular relevance for those outside Germany with an interest in this topic. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 177/2020.
The rapid climate changes in the Arctic are no longer just the domain of scientists. To be able to offer direct scientific advice to decision-makers, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research has now set up an office for Arctic affairs at its Potsdam site. The German Arctic Office officially commenced work on 1 January 2017 and draws its expertise from a network of scientists from all German research institutes working on Arctic topics. Although Germany is not an Arctic country, it is one of the leading Arctic research nations. It is the aim of the German government to strengthen Germany's role in Arctic affairs. The German Arctic Office was initiated by the German Foreign Office, which represents Germany as an observer in the Arctic Council, and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which promotes Arctic research in Germany.
The Federal Environment Agency’s mission is to provide sciencebased advice to the German Government. The Agency’s core activities include early identification of problems, identifying current or foreseeable environmental impacts as well as potential environmental issues and develop solutions to face these hazards. - Why Environmental Protection is a Global Concern - Water – Ecologically Sound Handling of a Precious Resource - Ambitious Environmental Policy Equals Sustainable Health Protection. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
Carbon dioxide emissions decrease almost continuously. The reductions are in equal parts due to economic restructuring in the new Federal States followed by a decrease in lignite use, and the active climate protection policy of the Federal Government. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
Am 18. November 2017 beschloss das Bundeskabinett den Entwurf des Antarktis-Haftungsgesetzes. Mit diesem Gesetz setzt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland den sogenannten Haftungsannex zum internationalen Antarktis-Umweltschutzprotokoll in innerstaatliches Recht um. In Kraft treten werden die Regel in Deutschlandaber erst, wenn alle beteiligten Staaten den Beschluss ratifiziert haben. Mit dem Antarktis-Haftungsgesetz sollen Notfälle vermieden werden, die die Umwelt in der Antarktis gefährden beziehungsweise sollen die Auswirkungen solcher Notfälle auf die antarktische Umwelt beschränkt werden. Dieses Ziel wird durch Regelungen in drei Bereichen erreicht. Zum einen gibt es eine Art Pflichtenheft für in der Antarktis tätige Organisationen oder Unternehmen, um umweltgefährdende Notfälle zu vermeiden. Daneben gibt es nun die Pflicht, bei umweltgefährdenden Notfällen Gegenmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, um Umweltschäden zu verhindern oder einzudämmen. Schließlich regelt das Gesetz die Haftung für den Fall, dass eine Organisation oder ein Unternehmen keine Gegenmaßnahmen ergreift. Werden von dritter Seite Aufräumarbeiten durchgeführt, muss der Verursacher die hierfür entstandenen Kosten bis zu den gesetzlich normierten Höchstgrenzen ersetzen. Selbst wenn von niemandem Aufräumarbeiten durchgeführt werden, müssen fiktive Aufräumkosten an einen internationalen Fonds geleistet werden, der seinerseits Aufräumarbeiten in der Antarktis finanziert.
Study commissioned by the German government, through its Federal Environment Agency ( UBA ) with the aim to identify and describe the entities that may provide financial support to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in order to address their challenges with the sound management of chemicals and waste. The overview of the 47 entities identified by the study provides a fairly complete picture in terms of which entities may support countries and for what activities: the topics that may be funded, in which countries and regions, who is eligible for the funding and in which way the funding is provided. Other aspects of the entities are less well documented and it may be worthwhile to consider a follow-up phase in order to expand the number of possible funding sources, review the methodology and improve the quality of information of the funding sources. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 52/2023.
Within the framework of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change ( DAS ), the Federal Government is now presenting the second monitoring report in 2019. It informs the public and decision-makers in all areas of social life about the observed consequences of climate change. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
Within the framework of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change ( DAS ), the Federal government presents the 2023 (third) Monitoring Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. This report describes the impacts of climate change on the basis of solid scientific data, at the same time as providing the public as well as decision-makers in all sectors of society with information on tangible impacts of climate change. The risks associated with climatic changes affect all sectors of society and all ecosystems which make up the foundations of our life in all aspects of its diverse structures and services. Consequently, the organisation of risk provisioning and adaptation capacities is a task that concerns society as a whole. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
The federal government's first waste prevention program (WPP) with the participation of the federal states was passed in 2013 and continued in 2021. The WPP was accompanied by a dialogue process to strengthen communication and networking between those involved in the implementation process. For specific fields of action, suitable instruments for reducing barriers were developed and impulses were given that motivate the actors and decision-makers to pay more attention to waste prevention in the future and to better implement waste prevention measures. In addition, information bases and priorities for action were developed. Veröffentlicht in Dokumentationen | 05/2023.
The following policy recommendations for the Federal Government will secure the supply of gas for the winter of 2022 and beyond, without sacrificing climate protection goals. Key findings in the second chapter to make liquefied natural gas a transitional solution and to ensure that the supply of gas is as environmentally friendly as possible are to make more efficient use of the gas pipeline infrastructure in Europe, to make the LNG terminals compatible with hydrogen and to diversify by finding new supply countries in the most sustainable way possible. A rapid ramp-up of the use of hydrogen in the steel and chemical industries can safeguard Germany’s competitiveness. The third chapter discusses how the crisis can be overcome through savings in gas and energy consumption, for example through mandatory sector reduction targets and a targeted and tailored energy saving campaign. A few simple steps can also further accelerate the development of renewable energy sources and thus simultaneously mitigate the crisis and achieve the ambitious climate protection goals. The German Environment Agency ( UBA ) has also identified major potential savings for industry if gas-intensive products are made more recyclable. The focus of the fourth chapter turns to supplier countries and Germany’s role in the international energy crisis. Proposals are made on how fossil fuel lock-ins in industrialised and developing countries can be avoided, e.g. through climate clubs, and how global carbon neutrality can be achieved through sinks and negative emissions. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 162/2022.
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Wasser | 345 |
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