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CO2 storage potentials in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea - Results of the GEOSTOR-Project (WMS) (WMS)

Storage of CO2 in deep geological formations is one possibility of reducing CO2 emissions from industry that are difficult to avoid. High-quality geological models and capacity estimates are crucial for the successful planning and implementation of safe storage projects. This study analyses the storage potential of the Middle Buntssandstein (Lower Triassic) and Lower to Middle Jurassic within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea. Link https://geostor.cdrmare.de/

CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup - EEZ of the German North Sea

The CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea was analysed within the framework of the GEOSTOR-Project. A total of 71 potential storage sites were mapped based on existing 3D models, seismic and well data. Static CO2 capacities were calculated for each structure using Monte Carlo simulations with 10,000 iterations to account for uncertainties. All potential reservoirs were evaluated based on their static capacity, burial depth, top seal integrity and trap type. Analysis identified 38 potential storage sites with burial depths between 800 m and 4500 m, reservoir capacities (P50) above 5 Mt CO2 and suitable sealing units. The best storage conditions are expected on the West Schleswig Block where salt-controlled anticlines with moderate burial depths, large reservoir capacities and limited lateral flow barriers are the dominant trap types. Relatively poor storage conditions can be anticipated for small (P50 <5 Mt CO2), deeply buried (> 4500 m) and structurally complex potential storage sites in the Horn and Central Graben. For more detailed information on the methodology and findings, please refer to the full publication: Fuhrmann, A., Knopf, S., Thöle, H., Kästner, F., Ahlrichs, N., Stück, H. L., Schlieder-Kowitz, A. und Kuhlmann, G. (2024) CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup - German sector of the North Sea. Open Access International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 136 . Art.Nr. 104175. DOI 10.1016/j.ijggc.2024.104175

Reprocessed deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 1990-3B/MVE (West) across the Rhenohercynian and Saxothuringian zone of the state of Hesse, Germany


CO2 storage potentials in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea - Results of the GEOSTOR-Project

Storage of CO2 in deep geological formations is one possibility of reducing CO2 emissions from industry that are difficult to avoid. High-quality geological models and capacity estimates are crucial for the successful planning and implementation of safe storage projects. This study analyses the storage potential of the Middle Buntssandstein (Lower Triassic) and Lower to Middle Jurassic within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea. The dataset includes maps of potential storage sites and classifications. Link https://geostor.cdrmare.de/

Determination of plane discontinuities and borehole breakoutsin the crystalline and Bundsandstein in the exploratory hole soultz

Das Projekt "Determination of plane discontinuities and borehole breakoutsin the crystalline and Bundsandstein in the exploratory hole soultz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadt Bad Urach, Stadtwerke durchgeführt. Objective: Development and use of a high-temperature acoustic televiewer to detect fractures in boreholes used for geothermal hdr developments. General information: the works forms part of the Franco German collaborative hdr project (see also contract nos. G-0052d, g-0055d, g-0080d, g-0081d, ans g-0072f).the main development work will be undertaken in the Urach borehole, and the tool will be applied at Soultz. Opportunities may also be taken to work at other relevant sites in France or Germany. The work will involve testing of the sabis televiewer at temperatures up to 150 oc, and correlation of the fractures observed with fracture logs and other relevant data from the borehole. Once the development work is complete, the televiewer will be used to provide information on fracture structure in the Soultz borehole. Achievements: The European Geothermal Project involved teams from France and Germany who collaborated to test a site in the Upper Rhine Valley for its suitability for terrestrial heat mining (hot dry rock (HDR) energy production). Some British scientists participated in specific tasks. The site was chosen near Soulz-sous-Forets in Alsace at the location of the old oil field of Pechelbronn which was the first oil field exploited in Europe since the 18th century. It is situated on 1 of the summits of a very large thermic anomaly (200 km long and 20 km wide) where the mean geothermal gradient between the surface and 1500 m is known to be higher than 6.5 C/100 m. The programme began in July 1987 with a 2000 m deep borehole. Below at 1375 m thick sediment cover, the granitic basement was penetrated to a depth of 2000 m. The temperature at the bottom of the hole was 140 C. The geothermal gradient within the sediments was unusually high (10 C per 100 m) and diminished to a normal after a series of fractures inside the Buntsandstein producing some water at 116 C with a total salinity 98 g/l. At the depth of 1820 m, hydraulically active natural fissure was reached. The artesian outflow from this zone was 0.15 l/s, with well head pressure of 1.6 bars. The thermal water produced from the well had a high chloride contents and clearly had an identical origin with the fluid collected from the Buntsandstein just above the granite. During the water injection tests, a second active natural fissure was detected normally closed out but which seemed to aquire a noticeable permeability at a well head pressure of about 40 bars.

Determination of physical properties on the core material of the borehole soultz sous foret (Soultz Project)

Das Projekt "Determination of physical properties on the core material of the borehole soultz sous foret (Soultz Project)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Geowissenschaften, Institut für Geophysik durchgeführt. Objective: Aim: to determine the physical properties of the granitic basement in the soultz hdr borehole. General information: description: the core samples obtained from the granite section of the soultz gpk-1 borehole will be analysed to determine the properties of the granite such as strength and fracture toughness, thermal parameters, heat production (radiogenic content), and acoustic, electrical and magnetic properties. Achievements: The results of studies carried out on cores and cutting materials of three boreholes to a depth of 3.6 km are summarised. The physical property programme included measurements of density, ultrasonic velocities, seismic anisotropy, elasticity, fracture behaviour, electric and magnetic parameters, thermal properties including radioactive heat production, and radioactive age dating. Heat production in the Soultz granite is 2 to 3 times greater than that in other granites at the surface, although all surface granites in the vicinity show the same intrusion age. The physical property measurement programme has demonstrated that continuous measurements on cores and cuttings are essential for both operational drilling procedures and down hole condition assessment in crystalline rock formations. The European Geothermal Project involved teams from France and Germany who collaborated to test a site in the Upper Rhine Valley for its suitability for terrestrial heat mining (hot dry rock (HDR) energy production). Some British scientists participated in specific tasks. The site was chosen near Soulz-sous-Forets in Alsace at the location of the old oil field of Pechelbronn which was the first oil field exploited in Europe since the 18th century. It is situated on 1 of the summits of a very large thermic anomaly (200 km long and 20 km wide) where the mean geothermal gradient between the surface and 1500 m is known to be higher than 6.5 C/100 m. The programme began in July 1987 with a 2000 m deep borehole. Below at 1375 m thick sediment cover, the granitic basement was penetrated to a depth of 2000 m. The temperature at the bottom of the hole was 140 C. The geothermal gradient within the sediments was unusually high (10 C per 100 m) and diminished to a normal after a series of fractures inside the Buntsandstein producing some water at 116 C with a total salinity 98 g/l. At the depth of 1820 m, hydraulically active natural fissure was reached. The artesian outflow from this zone was 0.15 l/s, with well head pressure of 1.6 bars. The thermal water produced from the well had a high chloride contents and clearly had an identical origin with the fluid collected from the Buntsandstein just above the granite. During the water injection tests, a second active natural fissure was detected normally closed out but which seemed to aquire a noticeable permeability at a well head pressure of about 40 bars.

Cost-profit-model for energy production from HDR-reservoirs with application at the conditions in the upper rhine valley

Das Projekt "Cost-profit-model for energy production from HDR-reservoirs with application at the conditions in the upper rhine valley" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Geothermik Consult Kappelmeyer Karlsruhe durchgeführt. Other Indexes: Energy (physics); geothermal energy; power generation; economic models; thermal energy objective: to construct and apply an economic model for hdr systems in the upper Rhine valley, and to co-ordinate the German hdr effort. General information: a microcomputer model will be developed to evaluate the likely economics of heat production from possible geothermal hdr developments at sites typical of those to be found in the upper Rhine valley. The model will take account of previous modelling in other countries, notably USA and UK, and will assist in determining research priorities for field developments in the region. This contract also provides for overall co-ordination of the German side of the Franco German hdr project at soultz (see also contract noS. G0055D, G0080D, G0081D, G0082D AND G0072F). Achievements: The European Geothermal Project involved teams from France and Germany who collaborated to test a site in the Upper Rhine Valley for its suitability for terrestrial heat mining (hot dry rock (HDR) energy production). Some British scientists participated in specific tasks. The site was chosen near Soulz-sous-Forets in Alsace at the location of the old oil field of Pechelbronn which was the first oil field exploited in Europe since the 18th century. It is situated on 1 of the summits of a very large thermic anomaly (200 km long and 20 km wide) where the mean geothermal gradient between the surface and 1500 m is known to be higher than 6.5 C/100 m. The programme began in July 1987 with a 2000 m deep borehole. Below at 1375 m thick sediment cover, the granitic basement was penetrated to a depth of 2000 m. The temperature at the bottom of the hole was 140 C. The geothermal gradient within the sediments was unusually high (10 C per 100 m) and diminished to a normal after a series of fractures inside the Buntsandstein producing some water at 116 C with a total salinity 98 g/l. At the depth of 1820 m, hydraulically active natural fissure was reached. The artesian outflow from this zone was 0.15 l/s, with well head pressure of 1.6 bars. The thermal water produced from the well had a high chloride contents and clearly had an identical origin with the fluid collected from the Buntsandstein just above the granite. During the water injection tests, a second active natural fissure was detected normally closed out but which seemed to aquire a noticeable permeability at a well head pressure of about 40 bars. In a cost benefit model the costs for the construction and operation of an hot dry rock (HDR) plant were considered with respect to the value for the produced electricity (or space heat). The major components of the plant (a doublet of deep boreholes, the stimulated HDR reservoir and the surface installations including pumps for water circulation and the power station) were defined and compiled into a structure diagram which revealed the mutual interactions between the various cost determining factors. Heat extraction from impermeable ...

Petrographische Untersuchung des Buntsandsteins der Turnseeschule in Freiburg im Breisgau und seiner Verwitterung

Das Projekt "Petrographische Untersuchung des Buntsandsteins der Turnseeschule in Freiburg im Breisgau und seiner Verwitterung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut durchgeführt. Es wird untersucht, ob die am Buntsandstein der Turnseeschule sichtbaren Schaeden reine Verwitterungsschaeden sind oder ob sie auf falsche Steinauswahl bzw. durch statische Ueberlastung durch spaetere Umbauten und Reparaturen zurueckzufuehren sind. Gleichzeitig soll geeignetes verwitterungsresistentes Ersatzmaterial gefunden werden.

Projektteil 3, Petrophysik

Das Projekt "Projektteil 3, Petrophysik" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Mineralogisch-Petrologisches Institut und Museum, Lehrstuhl für Mineralogie und Kristallographie durchgeführt. Ziel des Verbundvorhabens COMICOR ist es, die Änderung von Gesteinseigenschaften infolge intensiver Kohlendioxid-Einwirkung zu untersuchen. Die geplanten Untersuchungen sollen an Abfolgen des Buntsandsteins in der Hessischen Senke durchgeführt werden, wo vulkanisches Kohlendioxid eine Alteration der Gesteine hervorgerufen hat. Diese Abfolgen stellen somit ein natürliches Analogon für die Wechselwirkung zwischen Gesteinen und Fluiden dar, wie sie auch bei der geologischen Kohlendioxid-Speicherung zu erwarten sind. Der Verbund beabsichtigt, die Eigenschaften von Nebengesteinen in Störungszonen mit sedimentologischen, mineralogischen und strukturgeologischen Methoden zu untersuchen. Weiterhin sind Experimente bei definierten Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen geplant, um die Reaktivität der Gesteine mit Kohlendioxid zu bestimmen. Außerdem ist beabsichtigt, ein dreidimensionales Modell zur Nebengesteinsalteration und zur störungsabhängigen Ausbreitung der Fluide zu erstellen sowie die Bedingungen zu untersuchen, bei denen eine Reaktivierung bzw. Neubildung von Störungen wahrscheinlich ist. Die Zusammenfassung der experimentellen, geologischen und mineralogischen Daten in einem thermodynamischen Modell ermöglicht eine verbesserte Abschätzung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen kohlendioxidhaltigen Fluiden und dem Nebengestein. Hieraus lassen sich wiederum genauere Prognosen zur Eignung und Langzeitsicherheit potentieller Kohlendioxid-Speicherstandorte ableiten. An dem Verbund sind die Lehrstühle für Allgemeine Geologie und für Strukturgeologie der Universität Jena sowie das Mineralogische Institut der Universität Bonn beteiligt. Die Universität Jena (Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Geologie) ist für petrographische, sedimentologische, mineralogische sowie geo- und hydrochemische Analysen von Sand- und Tonsteinen aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet zuständig. Mit Hilfe dieser Untersuchungen soll geklärt werden, welchen Einfluss die Fluide auf die Zusammensetzung und die Porosität bzw. Permeabilität der Gesteine hatten. Weiterhin soll untersucht werden, woher die Fluide stammen, welche Zusammensetzung sie hatten, ob die Fluidmigration anhand der Mineralreaktionen nachvollzogen werden kann und unter welchen Druck- bzw. Temperaturbedingungen die Reaktionen abliefen. Das umfangreiche Analyseprogramm bildet die Grundlage für die geplante thermodynamische Reaktionsmodellierung von Mineralgleichgewichten und Transportprozessen. Die Universität Bonn ist für die Durchführung von Laborexperimenten an alterierten und nicht alterierten Proben aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet zuständig. Es ist geplant, petrophysikalische und thermodynamische Kennwerte zu ermitteln und die Geometrie des Porenraums zu analysieren. Mit den Experimenten sollen Fragestellungen zu Mineralreaktionen unter Kohlendioxid-Einfluss und deren Auswirkungen auf die Porosität bzw. Permeabilität der Gesteine geklärt werden. (Text gekürzt)

Multiskalige Analyse der Ortsteingenese am Beispiel der Bodengesellschaften des Buntsandstein-Schwarzwaldes

Das Projekt "Multiskalige Analyse der Ortsteingenese am Beispiel der Bodengesellschaften des Buntsandstein-Schwarzwaldes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Fakultät III Agrarwissenschaften I, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre, Fachgebiet Bodenbiologie durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens 'Multiskalige Analyse der Ortsteingenese am Beispiel der Bodengesellschaften des Buntsandstein-Schwarzwaldes' ist vorgesehen, Faktoren und Prozesse der Ortsteingenese am Beispiel des Untersuchungsgebietes aufzuklären. Hierfür wird ein paarweise Ansatz gewählt, d.h. verfestigte und unverfestigte Podsol B-Horizonte sollen miteinander verglichen werden. Dies soll über mehrere räumliche Skalenniveaus (Mikroskala, Mesoskala und Makroskala) geschehen, die anschließend integriert werden. Im mikroskaligen Bereich ist das Mikrogefüge von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Ortsteingenese. Es wird über Dünnschliffe und serielle Schnitte in zweidimensionaler und dreidimensionaler Geometrie untersucht. Mineral- und Stoffbestand geben Aufschluß übe die stofflichen Unterschiede und die Ursache der Verfestigung sowohl in der Mikro-, wie auch in der Mesoskala (Pedon, Horizonte). Im makroskaligen Bereich sollen Monitoringboxen in die Böden eingebaut werden, um die Stofflüsse qualitativ und quantitativ erfassen zu können. Dies ist notwendig, um die Herkunft der Zemente, die für das Prozeßverständnis notwendig ist, aufzuklären.

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