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Found 10 results.

Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1g


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1h


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1a


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1i


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB main hole HB1d


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB pilot hole VB1b


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB pilot hole VB!


Gas chromatography of gas samples of the KTB pilot hole VB1a


Vertikale Verteilung von Primaergasen in der suedlichen Hemisphaere

Das Projekt "Vertikale Verteilung von Primaergasen in der suedlichen Hemisphaere" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie durchgeführt. Objective: To understand the global distribution of ozone and its changes due to anthropogenic emissions. General Information: Balloon flights will be made in Mendoza (Argentine) in order to measure the vertical distribution (up to about 35 km altitude) of source gases which are important for the photo-chemistry of ozone: H2, CH4, N2O, CH3Br, CF4, C2F6, CO, CFC13, CF2C12, CF3C1, CHF2C1, C2F3C13, C2F4C12, C2F5C1, CH3CC13, CF3Br, C2H6, C3H8. The results of these measurements will be interpreted using model computations.