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Found 18 results.

Rhizosphere soil moisture dynamics and sap flow – determining root water uptake in a case study in the Attert catchment in Luxembourg


Stable isotope (2H and 18O) depth profiles of pore waters and inferred soil physical parameters in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg


CAOS rain rate and reflectivity data set of 6 disdrometres and 2 micro rain radars at 3 different heights at 6 stations in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg from Oct 2012 - Sept 2016


Time series of streamflow occurrence from 182 sites in ephemeral, intermittent and perennial streams in the Attert catchment, Luxembourg


Surface energy balance observations at a grassland site in Luxembourg


Surface energy balance at a grassland site in Luxembourg modelled by three structurally different evapotranspiration schemes


HydReSGeo: Field experiment dataset of surface-sub-surface infiltration dynamics acquired by hydrological, remote sensing, and geophysical measurement techniques


Spatiotemporal variability in infiltration through biopores: earthworms, macropores and infiltration patterns


SOS Pegel an oberirdischen Gewässern

Dieser Metadatensatz beschreibt den Sensor-Observation-Dienst "Pegel an oberirdischen Gewässern". Die Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde sammelt im Rahmen der Verwaltungsvereinbarung über den Datenaustausch im Umweltbereich, Ziffer 12.02. Oberirdische Binnengewässer des Anhangs I., Wasserstands-, Abfluss- und Stammdaten ausgewählter Pegel von den Ländern. Die Bereitstellung der o.g. Daten durch die Länder dient der Erfüllung der der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zufallenden Aufgaben aus supra- und internationalen Übereinkommen und Verpflichtungen. Darüber hinaus hat der Bund die Aufgabe, ein Gesamtbild zu wasserrelevanten Aspekten über die Ländergrenzen hinweg zu erstellen, um die Informationsbedürfnisse erfüllen zu können.

Conception and Implementation of an OGC-Compliant Sensor Observation Service for a Standardized Access to Raster Data

The target of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is interoperability of geographic information, which means creating opportunities to access geodata in a consistent, standardized way. In the domain of sensor data, the target will be picked up within the OGC Sensor Web Enablement Initiative and especially reached through the Sensor Observation Service (SOS) standard. This one defines a service for a standardized access to time series data and is usually used for in situ sensors (like discharge gauges and climate stations). Although the standard considers raster data, no implementation of the standard for raster data exists presently. In this paper an OGC-compliant Sensor Observation Service for a standardized access to raster data is described. A data model was developed that enables effective storage of the raster data with the corresponding metadata in a database, reading this data in an efficient way, and encoding it with result formats that the SOS-standard provides.

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