Das Projekt "Implications and risks of engineering solar radiation to limit climate change (IMPLICC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. Objective: The overall goal of this project is to significantly increase the level of knowledge about the feasibility and implications of novel options (or geoengineering concepts ), proposed recently to limit climate change. Among these possibilities, a deliberate manipulation of the radiative budget of the Earth may allow a counterbalancing of the effects of continued greenhouse gas emissions on global temperature, but may also result in undesirable side effects for crucial parts of the Earth system and humankind. Three complex climate models will be used to quantify the effectiveness and side effects of such geoengineering concepts aiming at a reduction of the incoming solar radiation. Simulations of a climate modified through geoengineering will be performed based on IPCC type future emission scenarios. Economic modelling will be used to link benefits and side effects of the studied geoengineering concepts. The results of the study will be discussed with the scientific community, policy- and law-related communities and interested non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Das Projekt "Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Climate Change: Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change (CLIMATE FOR CULTURE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie durchgeführt. Das Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Mittel- und Osteuropa hat in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fraunhofer-Instituten für Bauphysik IBP und Silicatforschung ISC ein EU-finanziertes 5-Millionen-Euro-Projekt zum Schutz des Weltkulturerbes auf den Weg gebracht: CLIMATE FOR CULTURE ist ein Projekt im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union. Ziel der 30 Projektpartner aus 16 Ländern in Europa und Nordafrika ist es, den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und der Verantwortung für das kulturelle Erbe gerecht zu werden. Koordinator des Projektes ist die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren werden die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf ausgewählte Kulturerbestätten in Europa und Nordafrika untersucht. Veränderte klimatische Bedingungen können die (Bau-) Substanz der Kulturerbestätten nicht nur beschädigen, sondern auch zerstören. Im Rahmen von CLIMATE FOR CULTURE soll eine präzise und integrierte Bewertung der tatsächlichen Schäden des Kulturerbes durch den Einfluss des Klimawandels ermöglicht, nachhaltige und vorbeugende Strategien entwickelt und umgesetzt werden. Eine entscheidende Rolle spielt dabei die Frage: 'Wie hoch sind die (finanziellen) Vorteile eines proaktiven und präventiven Eingreifens gegenüber reaktiven Maßnahmen?' Mit Hilfe eines Gebäude-Simulations-Softwareprogramms, welches auf Basis umfangreicher Messergebnisse arbeitet, sollen individuell auf die jeweiligen Kulturerbestätten zugeschnittene Raumklimastrategien entwickelt werden.
Das Projekt "Prognostizierte Klimaänderungen, Auswirkungen des Klimawandels, Cross-cutting" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. Objective: The European integrating project COMBINE brings together research groups to advance Earth system models (ESMs) for more accurate climate projections and for reduced uncertainty in the prediction of climate and climate change in the next decades. COMBINE will contribute to better assessments of changes in the physical climate system and of their impacts in the societal and economic system. The proposed work will strengthen the scientific base for environmental policies of the EU for the climate negotiations, and will provide input to the IPCC/AR5 process. COMBINE proposes to improve ESMs by including key physical and biogeochemical processes to model more accurately the forcing mechanisms and the feedbacks determining the magnitude of climate change in the 21st century. For this purpose the project will incorporate carbon and nitrogen cycle, aerosols coupled to cloud microphysics and chemistry, proper stratospheric dynamics and increased resolution, ice sheets and permafrost in current Earth system models. COMBINE also proposes to improve initialization techniques to make the best possible use of observation based analyses of ocean and ice to benefit from the predictability of the climate system in predictions of the climate of the next few decades. Combining more realistic models and skilful initialization is expected to reduce the uncertainty in climate projections. Resulting effects will be investigated in the physical climate system and in impacts on water availability and agriculture, globally and in 3 regions under the influence of different climate feedback mechanisms. Results from the comprehensive ESMs will be used in an integrated assessment model to test the underlying assumptions in the scenarios, and hence to contribute to improved scenarios. COMBINE will make use of the experimental design and of the scenarios proposed for IPCC AR5.
Das Projekt "Acoustic technology for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean (ACOBAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftelsen Nansen Senter for Fjernmaaling, G.C. Rieber Climate Institute durchgeführt. Objective: ACOBAR will develop an observing system for the interior of the Arctic Ocean based on underwater acoustic methods including tomography, data transmission and communication to/from underwater platforms, and navigation of gliders. ACOBAR offers alternative methods to the ARGO system, which cannot be used in ice-covered seas, based on platforms located under the sea ice. Data collection and transmission from the water column, the seafloor and the subseafloor will be possible in ice-covered seas. ACOBAR will contribute to filling gaps in the global ocean observing system and thereby support the development of GEOSS. ACOBAR will implement field experiments with acoustic sources and receivers in the Fram Strait and the Arctic Ocean. Acoustic tomography will be used to obtain integrated 3-D fields of temperature, transports and heat fluxes. Long-range acoustic navigation commands will be tested to operate gliders. Data transmission from fixed moorings via acoustic modems to the surface for downloading from ships or for satellite transmission will be implemented. The existing array of acoustic sources from ice-tethered platforms in the Arctic Ocean will be tested for tomographic measurements of water mass properties. Data from tomography arrays and other underwater platforms will be disseminated to users with near real-time capability, including assimilation in ocean models. ACOBAR will extend and improve methods for underwater data collection that are presently tested in DAMOCLES IP. The acoustic technologies in ACOBAR aim to be used for transmission of multidisciplinary data from underwater observatories under development in ESONET NoE. Transfer of technology and know-how from USA to Europe will take place, with exchange of scientists, workshops and meetings between scientists, engineers and students. The consortium consists of 9 partners, of which three are SMEs and six are research and educational institutions.
Das Projekt "Biochar for Carbon sequestration and large-scale removal of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere (EUROCHAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche durchgeführt. In the context of climate change mitigation, technologies for removing the CO2 from the atmosphere are key challenges. The transfer of carbon from the atmosphere into useful carbon deposits is currently one promising option. Transferring biomass to carbon-rich materials with potential mega-scale application is an option to sequester carbon from plant material, taking it out of the short-term carbon cycle and therefore binding CO2 efficiently and even in a useful, productive, way into longer term non-atmospheric carbon pools. EuroChar will investigate carbon sequestration potentials that can be achieved by transforming plant biomass into charcoal (or Biochar) and add that to agricultural soils. Biochar production will be demonstrated using thermochemical (TC) or hydrothermal carbonization processes (HTC) that can produce energy and store 15 to 20Prozent of the Carbon originally contained in the biomass. Detailed ISO-accredited whole Life Cycle Assessment will be carried out according to the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook on LCA, for both TC and HTC production systems to evaluate the net Carbon sequestration capacity associated to Biochar production. Physico-chemical properties of Biochar will be analysed in a series of laboratory studies that will use standardized analytical protocols, and a specific phyto-toxicity test will be made using molecular approaches involving a model plant. Part of the study will also address the short versus long-term stability of Biochar using recently produced and aged charcoal samples coming from archaeological sites. Specific investigations will also be made to assess Biochar decomposition using CO2-efflux measurements from 13C labelled Biochar. Three large-scale field experiments will be made in Italy, France and UK to analyse 'realistic scale' application of Biochar. Up-scaling will be considered by scenario analyses that will both consider the potential C-sequestration actually achievable at the European scale and the climate warming balance associated to carbon sequestration and potential changes in the mean surface albedo, due to massive use of Biochar as soil amendant. A number of stakeholders will be involved to review project's activities. For this the EuroChar Stakeholder Committee will be created and met periodically during annual project meetings. Dissemination activities will be implemented to make project's results available to a wider audience and the media.
Das Projekt "Climate change - Learning from the past climate (Past4Future)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universitet Köbenhavn durchgeführt. Objective: Past4Future will combine multidisciplinary paleoclimate records from ice cores, marine cores, speleothems, pollen and other records, concentrating on a global distribution of the records, to reconstruct climate change and variability during the present interglacial (the Holocene) and the last interglacial (known as the Eemian in northwestern Europe and as marine isotope stage 5e in the marine sediment records). The records will be combined in integrated analyses aided by proxy modeling and assimilation, to gain understanding of the climate processes involved in the dynamics of interglacial climates. Earth system models (ESM) including physical and biogeochemical processes will be applied to simulate the past and present interglacial climate, and to confront and intercompare the simulations with climate changes as observed from the palaeodata; this will both advance the models and our understanding of the dynamics and predictability of the climate system. Focus will be on the most recent two interglacial periods, as these provide the highest-resolved most comprehensive data records. Moreover the last interglacial represents a situation where the mean state was warmer than at present in large regions due to orbital forcing, thereby allowing tests of climate system sensitivity to constrain projections of potential future ice sheet, sea-level, circulation and biogeochemical changes. The data and Earth system model results will be used improve our capabilities to project future global and regional warming from a better understanding of relevant paleoclimates, especially in relation to sea level changes, sea ice changes and thermohaline circulation changes. The Past4Future program will draw together a world leading team of European and international partners in a concerted effort to advance our knowledge on the causes, processes and risks of abrupt changes in warm periods, such as those projected for the current and the next century. The program will inform the international debate on climate system stability and the dissemination of results will be targeted to both citizens and governmental and non-governmental stakeholders. It will leave a legacy of improved understanding of past drivers of sea level changes, changes of sea ice, and of greenhouse gas concentrations, and it will train a new generation of young climate researchers to further advance research and improved future predictions for the benefit of society and our capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate changes.
Das Projekt "Integration and enhancement of key existing European deep-ocean observatories (EUROSITES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Natural Environment Research Council durchgeführt. Objective: At present there are a number of fixed point observatories that autonomously measure biological, chemical and physical variables in the oceans around Europe. These operate at various levels of sophistication but in a largely uncoordinated and fragmented manner. There is no agreed set of basic variables and common data protocols are not followed. EuroSITES has two main objectives: 1: To enhance the existing deep ocean observatories thus forming a coherent European network. This will then provide a clear and relevant description of the time varying properties of the ocean system. 2: To perform a small number of specific science missions that will, in the future, form the basis for greatly improved and novel monitoring capability. The work we propose addresses directly and explicitly the vision of GEOSS. We will address this in the context of the time changing properties of the ocean interior, seafloor and sub seafloor around Europe.
Das Projekt "Die Vollkosten des Klimawandels" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sei Oxford Office Limited - Stockholm Environment Institute Oxford Office Sei Ltd durchgeführt. Es existiert ein steigendes Interesse an der Ökonomik des Klimawandels, um Politikakteure über a) Langzeitziele, b) die Kosten der Untätigkeit und c) Kosten und Nutzen der Anpassung zu informieren. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, das Wissen über diese drei Felder zu voranzutreiben, d.h. die vollen ökonomischen Kosten des Klimawandels zu ermitteln. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels sind verschiedene Arbeitsschritte notwendig. Zuerst werden konsistente Klimawandel- und sozioökonomische Szenarien identifiziert und entwickelt. Zweitens werden die Kosten der Untätigkeit sowie die Kosten und Nutzen der Anpassung dieser Szenarien mittels einer disaggregierten Modellierung für die EU und andere bedeutende Länder, wie z.B. die USA und China, quantifiziert. Drittens werden die Kosten und Nutzen der Vermeidungsstrategien hinsichtlich der mittel- und langfristigen Reduktionsziele für Treibhausgasemissionen aktualisiert. Letztendlich werden als Zusammenführung der einzelnen Arbeitsschritte politikrelevante Ergebnisse, einschließlich Informationen über physische und ökonomische Effekte, bereitgestellt. Das ZEW wird im Rahmen des Projekts das rechenbare allgemeine Gleichgewichtsmodell PACE weiterentwickeln, um endogenen technischen Wandel in das Modell zu integrieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden Wissensströme identifiziert und bewertet. Endogener technologischer Wandel wird dann in das Modell einbezogen, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf Technologieexternalitäten gelegt wird.
Das Projekt "European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique durchgeführt. Objective: The overall goal of the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA) is to fill the numerous gaps in our understanding of the effects and implications of ocean acidification. EPOCA aims to document the changes in ocean chemistry and biogeography across space and time. Paleo-reconstruction methods will be used on several archives, including foraminifera and deep-sea corals, to determine past variability in ocean chemistry and to tie these to present-day chemical and biological observations. EPOCA will determine the sensitivity of marine organisms, communities and ecosystems to ocean acidification. Molecular to biochemical, physiological and ecological approaches will be combined with laboratory and field-based perturbation experiments to quantify biological responses to ocean acidification, assess the potential for adaptation, and determine the consequences for biogeochemical cycling. Laboratory experiments will focus on key organisms selected on the basis of their ecological, biogeochemical or socio-economic importance. Field studies will be carried out in systems deemed most sensitive to ocean acidification. Results on the chemical, biological and biogeochemical impacts of ocean acidification will be integrated in biogeochemical, sediment and coupled ocean-climate models to better understand and predict the responses of the Earth system to ocean acidification. Special attention will be paid to the potential feedbacks of the physiological changes in the carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and iron cycles. EPOCA will assess uncertainties, risks and thresholds ('tipping points') related to ocean acidification at scales ranging from sub-cellular, to ecosystem and from local to global. It will also assess pathways of CO2 emissions required to avoid these thresholds and describe the state change and the subsequent risk to the marine environment and Earth system should these emissions be exceeded.
Das Projekt "Ice2sea - estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise (ICE2SEA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Natural Environment Research Council durchgeführt. Objective: The melting of continental ice (glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets) is a substantial source of current sea-level rise, and one that is accelerating more rapidly than was predicted even a few years ago. Indeed, the most recent report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change highlighted that the uncertainty in projections of future sea-level rise is dominated by uncertainty concerning continental ice, and that understanding of the key processes that will lead to loss of continental ice must be improved before reliable projections of sea-level rise can be produced. The ice2sea programme will draw together European and international partners, to reduce these uncertainties. We will undertake targeted studies of key processes in mountain glacier systems and ice caps (e.g. Svalbard), and in ice sheets in both polar regions (Greenland and Antarctica) to improve understanding of how these systems will respond to future climate change. We will improve satellite determinations of continental ice mass, and provide much-needed datasets for testing glacier-response models. Using newly developed ice-sheet/glacier models, we will generate detailed projections of the contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise over the next 200 years, and identify thresholds that commit the planet to long-term sea-level rise. We will deliver these results in forms accessible to scientists, policy-makers and the general public, which will include clear presentations of the sources of uncertainty. The ice2sea programme will directly inform the ongoing international debate on climate-change mitigation, and European debates surrounding coastal adaptation and sea-defence planning. It will leave a legacy of improved understanding of key cryospheric processes affecting development of the Earth System and the predictive tools for glacier-response modelling, and it will train a new generation of young European researchers who can use those tools for the future benefit of society.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 12 |
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Förderprogramm | 12 |
License | Count |
offen | 12 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 12 |
Englisch | 12 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 5 |
Webseite | 7 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 12 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 12 |
Luft | 12 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 12 |
Wasser | 12 |
Weitere | 12 |