Within the framework of the research project SINDBAD (Seismic and Geoacoustic Investigations Along the Sunda-Banda Arc Transition) marine geophysical investigations have been carried out with RV SONNE from October 9th, 2006, to November 9th, 2006, off the eastern Sunda Arc and at the transition to the Banda Arc in Indonesia. The research cruise SO190 Leg 1 started in Jakarta, Indonesia and ended in Darwin, Australia. During this cruise, multichannel seismics (MCS), magnetics (M), and gravimetry (G) measurements have been carried out. Simultaneously, SIMRAD (multibeam echosounder) and PARASOUND (sediment echosounder) data have been collected using RV SONNEs onboard systems. During the expedition, a total of 4,933 km of profiles with MCS, M, and G have been acquired. Six of the 20 profiles are long overview profiles perpendicular to the deformation front and cover the entire forearc from the forearc basin across the outer arc high, the deformation front onto the oceanic lithosphere. Additional profiles have been acquired along strike in the Lombok forearc basin and in the Savu Basin. The main goal of the project SINDBAD is to investigate the relation between the variability of the lower plate and the tectonic evolution of the overriding plate (formation of an outer arc high, development of forearc basins, and accretion and erosion processes of the overriding plate). The "raw materials" – seafloor sediments, oceanic crust (at the Banda Arc also continental crust) and mantle lithosphere – are carried into the subduction system at the trench. The influence of these "raw materials" on the overriding plate is controlled by a number of factors: e.g. the convergence rate, the obliqueness of convergence and the physical and chemical properties of the lower plate (e.g. its age, its sediment-cover and –thickness, its fluid content and the composition of the crust). Forearc basins are today attracting increased attention because of their hydrocarbon potential. The forearc basins of the eastern Sunda Arc are still frontier areas which are almost unexplored. An additional goal of this project is therefore the assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Lombok Basin. In contrast to the Sumatra subduction zone, only a small amount of pelagic sediment is carried into the subduction system offshore East Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa and Sumba. This results e.g. in a less pronounced development of the outer arc high, which is subaerial off Sumatra, but entirely below the sea surface in the eastern Sunda Arc. The Roo Rise, which is subducting off East Java, is a morphological high that lies about 1500 m higher than the Argo Abyssal Plain which is subducting further to the east. Despite of these pronounced differences, the deformation front in both areas shows similarities. While the foot of the slope shows lower dip than the upper slope, both areas are characterized by landward dipping thrust sheets. In both areas the outer arc high is characterized by active faults (the recent activity is indicated by deformed basin sediments on the outer arc high) and therefore no indications for a static backstop have been found. The accretionary character of the deformation front is clearly indicated in both areas, while subrosion in association with the subsidence of the Lombok Basin can not be excluded based on the preliminary interpretations. The trench in both areas is devoid of sediments, which indicates erosional processes caused by currents along the trench strike. However, a depocenter for these sediments could not be localized yet. While a forearc basin is not clearly developed off East Java, the Lombok forearc basin with water depths of more than 4000 m extends from off Bali to off Sumbawa. On the southern slope of the basin prograding sedimentary sequences indicate uplift, probably caused by the subducting Roo Rise or a growth of the outer arc high. Additionally, carbonate platforms on the acoustic basement indicate phases of rapid subsidence of the basin. The sediment thickness reaches a total of about 3.5 sec TWT. A few seismic "bright spots", but no bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) have been identified in the basin. The profiles striking along the basin axis indicate paleo-depocenters in the western part of the profile, while the recent depocenter is located in the eastern part of the basin. On the northern flank of the Lombok basin, indications for submarine volcanism (recent activity is unknown) are indicated by a seamount reaching above the seafloor associated with a clear magnetic anomaly. East of the Lombok Basin the island of Sumba is located, which is regarded as a microcontinent that has been attached to the island arc during the Late Oligocene. Sumbas geographical location in front of the island arc is usually characterized by the location of a forearc basin and correlates with the seaward displacement of the deformation front (Roti Basin) at the transition from ocean/island arc subduction of the Sunda Arc to continent/island arc collision of the Banda Arc. An uplift of about 0.5 cm/a is reported for Sumba, associated with the underplating of the continental Scott Plateau. The uplift is especially evident in the MCS data. To the east of the Lombok Basin depocenter, a transition zone with deep reaching faults is observed, associated with eastward dipping sedimentary and basement structures. This transition zone is also indicated by anomalies in the magnetic and gravity data, the latter indicating isostatic undercompensation. On the western flank of Sumba, deformed sedimentary sequences indicate gravitational gliding in association with the uplift of Sumba. East of Sumba, two profiles into the Savu Basin have been acquired. Here the uplift of Sumba is indicated by the erosion of sedimentary sequences which have been deposited in the basin followed by uplift and subsequent erosion. Further indications of "inversion structures" are given by a reactivated thrust fault that in the past has served as the southern boundary of the Savu Basin und indicates recent activity by associated deformed basin sediments. The oceanic crust of the Argo Abyssal Plain and the Roo Rise is characterized by thin sediments. On a connection profile between two long profiles on the Argo Abyssal Plain a basin with about 1.4 sec TWT of sediment has been observed, that, indicated by a magnetic anomaly, can be correlated with an age jump of about 15 Ma, thereby indicating a paleo plate boundary.
Einer US-Studie der Klimabehörde NOAA zufolge produziert die kommerzielle Schifffahrt halb soviel Feinstaub wie weltweit alle Autos zusammen. Die Schadstoffemissionen belasten das globale Klima und die Gesundheit der Küstenbewohner erheblich. Die Studie untersuchte den Ausstoß von 200 kommerziellen Schiffen und rechnete die Ergebnisse auf globale Werte hoch. Die Autoren schätzen, dass Schiffe knapp eine Millionen Tonnen Partikel jährlich ausstoßen. Die Studie ist am 25. Februar im "Journal of Geophysical Research" online erschienen. Lack, D. A., et al. (2009), Particulate emissions from commercial shipping: Chemical, physical, and optical properties, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D00F04, doi:10.1029/2008JD011300.
At the nanoscale level, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials differ in fundamental, and often valuable, ways from the properties of individual atoms and molecules, or bulk matter. Research and development in nanotechnology is directed towards creating im-proved materials, devices, and systems that exploit the new properties. The specific properties of nanoparticles proved to be very useful for an increasing number of commercial applications, such as protective coatings, light-weight materials or self-cleaning clothing, for example. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 29/2013.
Nanomaterials can have different or new properties in comparison with conventional chemicals and materials. Meanwhile the substance legislations was partially adapted by nano-specific provisions; for parts however adaptation needs still exist. As a result, specific environmental risks cannot be fully described and assessed as well as appropriate measures to minimize the risks cannot be taken. Emphasis of this paper is to outline the adopted as well as necessary further development of chemicals regulations for nanomaterials with regard to the environment from UBA´s perspective. Veröffentlicht in Hintergrundpapier.
Chemicals with a specific combination of intrinsic substance properties pose a hazard to the sources of our drinking water, including substances that are very persistent (vP) in the environment and very mobile (vM) in the aquatic environment as well as substances that are persistent (P), mobile (M), and toxic (T). This publication presents the result of the scientific and technical development of the PMT/vPvM criteria under EU REACHRegulation (EC) No 1907/2006. The scientific and regulatory considerations include (1) monitoring data, (2) simulation and model studies and (3) impact considerations. This can be considered a ready-to-use tool for industry to identify PMT/vPvM substances. Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/
In assessing the effects of plant protection products (PPP) on organisms in soil it is crucial to predict accurately the environmental concentration (PECsoil) which organisms are exposed to. The PECsoil is depending on the spatial and temporal distribution of the PPP, arising from characteristics of the chemical (e.g. Kow, water solubility, degradability) and from soil parameters (e.g. pH value, TOC, texture). The potential effects of PPP on soil organisms depend -besides the concentration of the chemical in the soil matrix- on the spatial and temporal distribution of the animals, i.e., their exposure as well as their specific sensitivity to the chemical. A new approach for deriving environmental concentrations in soil is currently under discussion, taking the preferred soil depth of the organisms into account. We conducted two different outdoor studies in Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs) to monitor (1) the movement of pesticides in soil over time and (2) the exposure and effects on soil organisms during the same time. Additionally, an indoor TME study was conducted to measure the fate of the radiolabelled pesticides and the formation of non-extractable resi-dues in soil. In study [1] (outdoor) and [2] (indoor) Lindane (log Kow > 3) and Imidacloprid (log Kow < 1) were applied, two pesticides with different physico-chemical properties. In study [3] (outdoor), we investigated the effects of Carbendazim, a pesticide which is known as to be toxic for earthworms at certain concentrations. The effect analysis was conducted by means of different multivariate and univariate statistical methods. The synergistic conclusions based on the project results are proposed as recommendations for risk assessment concerning exposure and risk of soil organisms exposed to PPP under realistic conditions. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
technologyComment of epoxy resin production, liquid (RER): Commercial epoxy resin can be produced by reacting bisphenol-A and epichlorohydrin in presence of a base catalyst (here represented by sodium hydroxide) (Guichon Valves n.d. and Pham and Marks 2005). Epoxy resins are in liquid form if n is from 0 to 1. When n is larger than 1 the resin in solid (Licare and Swanson, 2011). As the product here representes epoxy resin in liquid form, n is set to 1. 2C15H16O2 + 3C3H5ClO + 3NaOH -> C39H44O7 + 3Na+ + 3Cl- + 3H2O Pham, H.Q. and Marks, M.J. 2005. Epoxy Resins. In Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Electronic Release, Vol.13, pp.155-244. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. Guichon Valves, n.d. Epoxy resins – Manufacturing process of Epoxy resins. Retrieved from: http://guichon-valves.com/faqs/epoxy-resins-manufacturing-process-of-epoxy-resins/, accessed 13th February 2017 For more information on the model please refer to the dedicate ecoinvent report, access it in the Report section of ecoQuery (http://www.ecoinvent.org/login-databases.html) The process is carried out in a reactor where a solution of sodium hydroxide is added (20 to 40% concentration). The product is brought to boiling temperature and a solvent is added. Solvents are not included in the inventory as it is assumed that solvents are closed-loop recycled. The unreacted epichlorohydrin is collected and recycled back into the system. The epoxy resin in then washed; this gives the final product in liquid form. Epoxy resin can also be produced in solid form. To do so, curing with, for example secondary amines, is necessary. Epoxy resins can have different characteristics, these depend on additional products that can be added to the liquid resin. The required characteristics depend on the final use of the product (Guichon Valves n.d.) This inventory representing production of a particular chemical compound is at least partially based on a generic model on the production of chemicals. The data generated by this model have been improved by compound-specific data when available. The model on production of chemicals is using specific industry or literature data wherever possible and more generic data on chemical production processes to fill compound-specific data gaps when necessary. The basic principles of the model have been published in literature (Hischier 2005, Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability). The model has been updated and extended with newly available data from the chemical industry. In the model, unreacted fractions are treated in a waste treatment process, and emissions reported are after a waste treatment process that is included in the scope of this dataset. For volatile reactants, a small level of evaporation is assumed. Solvents and catalysts are mostly recycled in closed-loop systems within the scope of the dataset and reported flows are for losses from this system. The main source of information for the values for heat, electricity, water (process and cooling), nitrogen, chemical factory is industry data from Gendorf. The values are a 5-year average of data (2011 - 2015) published by the Gendorf factory (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de), (Gendorf, 2015, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de), (Gendorf, 2014, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de). The Gendorf factory is based in Germany, it produces a wide range of chemical substances. The factory produced 1657400 tonnes of chemical substances in the year 2015 (Gendorf, 2016, Umwelterklärung, www.gendorf.de) and 740000 tonnes of intermediate products. Reference(s): Hischier, R. (2005) Establishing Life Cycle Inventories of Chemicals Based on Differing Data Availability (9 pp). The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 59–67. 10.1065/lca2004.10.181.7 Gendorf (2016) Umwelterklärung 2015, Werk Gendorf Industriepark, www.gendorf.de Licari, J.J. and Swanson, D.W. 2011. Chemistry, Formulation, and Properties of Adhesives. In Adhesives Technology for Electronic Applications (Second Edition), 2011
The environmental fate of tire and road wear particles (TRWPs) receives increasing attention due to the per capita emission volumes of 0.2-5.5 kg/(cap year) and recent reports on the environmental hazard of TRWP constituents. It is expected that aging impacts TRWPs fate in the environment but detailed knowledge is quite limited, yet. Making use of information on tire aging, the available knowledge on environmental aging processes such as thermooxidation, photooxidation, ozonolysis, shear stress, biodegradation and leaching is reviewed here. Experimental techniques to simulate aging are addressed as are analytical techniques to determine aging induced changes of TRWPs, covering physical and chemical properties. The suitability of various tire wear test materials is discussed. Findings and methods from tire aging can be partially applied to study aging of TRWPs in the environment. There is a complex interplay between aging processes in the environment that needs to be considered in future aging studies. In addition to existing basic qualitative understanding of the aging processes, quantitative understanding of TRWP aging is largely lacking. Aging in the environment needs to consider the TRWPs as well as chemicals released. Next steps for filling the gaps in knowledge on aging of TRWPs in the environment are elaborated. © 2021 The Authors
NiOx films grown from 50 nm thick Ni on Si(111) were put in contact with oxygen and subsequently water vapor at elevated temperatures. Near ambient pressure (NAP)-XPS and -XAS reveal the formation of oxygen vacancies at elevated temperatures, followed by H2O dissociation and saturation of the oxygen vacancies with chemisorbing OH. Through repeated heating and cooling, OH-saturated oxygen vacancies act as precursors for the formation of thermally stable NiOOH on the sample surface. This is accompanied by a significant restructuring of the surface which increases the probability of NiOOH formation. Exposure of a thin NiOx film to H2O can lead to a partial reduction of NiOx to metallic Ni accompanied by a distinct shift of the NiOx spectra with respect to the Fermi edge. DFT calculations show that the formation of oxygen vacancies and subsequently Ni0 leads to a state within the band gap of NiO which pins the Fermi edge. © the Owner Societies 2023
7-Hydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-1-octanal, also known as 7-hydroxycitronellal (7-HC, CAS No. 107-75-5) is a synthetic fragrance widely used in cosmetic and hygiene products. Because of its wide spread use and its known sensitizing properties, 7-HC was selected as one of 50 chemicals within the frame of the cooperation project between the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) to develop a suitable human biomonitoring (HBM) method in order to assess the exposure of the general population in Germany. Within this scope, the recently published analytical method for urinary 7-hydroxycitronellylic acid (7-HCA), the major metabolite of 7-HC, was applied to 329 24h-urine samples of young adults (20 to 29 years) collected between 2000 and 2018 and stored in the Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). The widespread exposure to 7-HC as already observed in a pilot study with 40 volunteers could be confirmed with quantifiable concentrations of 7-HCA in all 329 study samples (mean: 14.9 ng/mL; median: 8.1 ng/mL). A significant, chronological decrease in 7-HCA levels was found for the monitored years (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2015, 2018). The most pronounced decline occurred between 2000 and 2004 (means: 34.37 versus 23.31, medians: 20.97 versus 12.49 ÎÌg/24h; p < 0.01). On average, females exhibited higher levels of urinary 7-HCA compared to males (29.34 versus 17.21 ÎÌg/24h, p < 0.05). Based on the urinary 7-HCA excretion, the daily intake (DI) of 7-HC normalized for body weight (bw) was estimated. Over all sampling years, average DI in females was significantly higher compared to males (0.99 versus 0.46 My g/kg bw/d). Assuming dermal exposure as the main route of 7-HC intake, the mean DIs correspond to <0.1% of the derived no effect level (DNEL) of 1,100 My g/kg bw/d defined by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA). The presented results for the exposure to the widely used fragrance 7-HC in Germany can be substantiated by applying the described methodology to the representative cohort of the launched German Environmental Survey in adults (GerES VI). © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
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