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Using environmental monitoring data from apex predators for chemicals management: towards better use of monitoring data from apex predators in support of prioritisation and risk assessment of chemicals in Europe

A large number of apex predator samples are available in European research collections, environmental specimen banks and natural history museums that could be used in chemical monitoring and regulation. Apex predators bioaccumulate pollutants and integrate contaminant exposure over large spatial and temporal scales, thus providing key information for risk assessments. Still, present assessment practices under the different European chemical legislations hardly use existing chemical monitoring data from top predators. Reasons include the lack of user-specific guidance and the fragmentation of data across time and space. The European LIFE APEX project used existing sample collections and applied state-of-the-art target and non-target screening methods, resulting in the detection of>4,560 pollutants including legacy compounds. We recommend establishing infrastructures that include apex predators as an early warning system in Europe. Chemical data of apex species from freshwater, marine and terrestrial compartments should become an essential component in future chemical assessment and management across regulations, with the purpose to (1) validate registration data with ââą Ìreal worldââą Ì measurements and evaluate the predictability of current models; (2) identify and prioritise hazardous chemicals for further assessment; (3) use data on food web magnification as one line of evidence to assess biomagnification; (4) determine the presence of (bio)transformations products and typical chemical mixtures, and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of risk management measures by trend analysis. We highlight the achievements of LIFE APEX with regard to novel trend and mixture analysis tools and prioritisation schemes. The proposed advancements complement current premarketing regulatory assessments and will allow the detection of contaminants of emerging concern at an early stage, trigger risk management measures and evaluations of their effects with the ultimate goal to protect humans and the environment. This is the second policy brief of the LIFE APEX project. © The Author(s) 2022

Bewertung wassergefährdender Stoffe - Datenbank RIGOLETTO

In der Datenbank Rigoletto werden Chemikalien nach ihrem Gefährdungspotential für die aquatische Umwelt und die Gesundheit des Menschen in drei Wassergefährdungsklassen (WGK 1 bis 3) sowie in die Gruppe der nicht wassergefährdenden (nwg) Stoffe eingestuft, Hintergrundinformationen zu den einzelnen Stoffen angeboten und CAS- und EG-Nummern (CAS = Chemical Abstract Services, EG = Europäische Gemeinschaft z. B. EINECS-Nr. = European Inventory of Existing Chemicals) aufgeführt. Die Bewertung der Chemikalien erfolgt durch Selbsteinstufung durch die Hersteller und Inverkehrbringer entsprechend den Maßgaben der Verwaltungsvorschrift wassergefährdender Stoffe (VwVwS) vom 17. 05. 1999 und in Einzelfällen durch die "Kommission Bewertung wassergefährdender Stoffe (KBwS)". Im wasserrechtlichen Vollzug der Bundesländer dienen die Wassergefährdungsklassen dazu, Anforderungen an die technische und logistische Sicherheit bei Industrieanlagen und Lagern festzulegen. Die Daten können mit Hilfe einer komfortablen Suchmaschine über Teile der Stoffbezeichnung, CAS-/ EG-Nummern, oder Synonyme recherchiert werden. Folgende Aufgaben werden mit Hilfe der Datenbank Rigoletto gelöst: · Verwalten der nach Anhang 3 der VwVwS vom 17. 05. 1999 durch Hersteller und Inverkehrbringer dokumentierten Stoffe, · Erstellung von umfassenden Stoffdatensätzen, die einstufungsrelevante Daten zur Identifikation, Toxizität, Ökotoxizität, Verhalten in der Umwelt und zu Klassifizierungen umfassen, · Dokumentation der Stoffinformationen und Ausgabe der Datensätze in Form eines Datenblattes, das als Layout-Vorlage zur Vervielfältigung verwendbar ist, · Verwaltung und Dokumentation der Literaturquellen, · regelmäßige Weitergabe der Daten für die Veröffentlichung der Einstufungen im Internet, · Erstellung des Katalogs wassergefährdender Stoffe sowie der VwVwS in Form layoutfähiger Vorlagen.

Using environmental monitoring data from apex predators for chemicals management: towards better use of monitoring data from apex predators in support of prioritisation and risk assessment of chemicals in Europe

Treu, Gabriele; Slobodník, Jaroslav; Alygizakis, Nikiforos; Badry, Alexander; Bunke, Dirk; Cincinelli, Alessandra; Claßen, Daniela; Dekker, R.; Göckener, Bernd; Gkotsis, Georgios; Hanke, Georg; Duke, Guy; Jartun, Morten; Movalli, Paola; Nika, Maria Christina; Rüdel, Heinz; Tarazona, Jose; Thomaidis, Nikolaos; Tornero, Victoria; Dulio, Valeria Environ Sci Eur , 34 (2022), online 2. September 2022 A large number of apex predator samples are available in European research collections, environmental specimen banks and natural history museums that could be used in chemical monitoring and regulation. Apex predators bioaccumulate pollutants and integrate contaminant exposure over large spatial and temporal scales, thus providing key information for risk assessments. Still, present assessment practices under the different European chemical legislations hardly use existing chemical monitoring data from top predators. Reasons include the lack of user-specific guidance and the fragmentation of data across time and space. The European LIFE APEX project used existing sample collections and applied state-of-the-art target and non-target screening methods, resulting in the detection of > 4,560 pollutants including legacy compounds. We recommend establishing infrastructures that include apex predators as an early warning system in Europe. Chemical data of apex species from freshwater, marine and terrestrial compartments should become an essential component in future chemical assessment and management across regulations, with the purpose to (1) validate registration data with ‘real world’ measurements and evaluate the predictability of current models; (2) identify and prioritise hazardous chemicals for further assessment; (3) use data on food web magnification as one line of evidence to assess biomagnification; (4) determine the presence of (bio)transformations products and typical chemical mixtures, and (5) evaluate the effectiveness of risk management measures by trend analysis. We highlight the achievements of LIFE APEX with regard to novel trend and mixture analysis tools and prioritisation schemes. The proposed advancements complement current premarketing regulatory assessments and will allow the detection of contaminants of emerging concern at an early stage, trigger risk management measures and evaluations of their effects with the ultimate goal to protect humans and the environment. This is the second policy brief of the LIFE APEX project. doi: 10.1186/s12302-022-00665-5

Erkennung und Ersetzung von mutagenen Farbstoffen bei der Textil-Appretur

Das Projekt "Erkennung und Ersetzung von mutagenen Farbstoffen bei der Textil-Appretur" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Carl Meiser GmbH & Co. KG durchgeführt. General Information: Numerous reports regarding mutagenic and carcinogenic substances in textiles in recent years have made consumers become unsure. The majority of textile processing chemicals are existing substances ('Altstoffe') and are therefore often insufficiently research and tested. Although test methods for mutagenicity are available, this problem has not yet been targeted. Therefore, this proposal is going to identify mutagenic textile dyes with the aim to eliminate them from textile dyeing processes. This work shall be done in close cooperation with the involved industry. The waste water streams of the finishing textile process, dyes and textiles will be examined for mutagenicity and the sources for these mutagenic effects will be identified. The elimination of these hazardous substances lead to considerable improvements in industrial health and safety standards during the dyeing process, improvement in the waste water quality and especially to better consumer protection. SMEs in the area of textile refining from various EU countries will take part in this project. This will guarantee that the different types of textile dyes and the legal backgrounds from the various EU countries will be taken into account. The project will result in an increased confidence in the ecological quality of European textile products, which will lead to a competitive advantage in the world wide textile market.

Einfluss der Kraftstoffzusammensetzung auf die Partikelbildung im Dieselmotor

Das Projekt "Einfluss der Kraftstoffzusammensetzung auf die Partikelbildung im Dieselmotor" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Thermodynamik und Institut für Thermodynamik durchgeführt. This project brings together two major-oil-companies, one of Europe's largest vehicle manufacturers, a research institute and four academic laboratories in an innovative and tightly focussed programme to investigate the effects of fuel density and composition on diesel soot and particulate emissions. The interplay between refinery costs, fuel economy, and environmental legislation makes this one of the most important topics in future road transport strategy. The engine and fuel aspects of overall diesel performance, including the formation of pollutants, interact strongly but are generally studied separately. As a result, the interactions are poorly understood and the limited data available are not consistent. The participants in this group combine expertise on commercial diesel fuels, leading edge technology in production engine design, and the range of research skills to bring new insights to the problem and transfer those insights for industrial implementation. The technical objectives are to establish the effect of fuel composition on the production of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and soot emissions from diesel engines by a carefully planned, progressive, programme of measurements and chemical modelling. Investigations of a soot suppressing additive are included. The experimental work comprises basic flame measurements, in cylinder engine sampling and tail-pipe emissions studies in a single-cylinder research engine and both passengercar and truck engines. The results will be used to validate and test an existing chemical modelling code and extend its application to engine performance. These closely-linked theoretical and modelling studies will improve the understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena involved in pollutant production, particularly the formation of soot. The programme will establish how far fuel based approaches can contribute to future EC directives on diesel emissions without the need for exhaust clean-up. It will also provide valuable technical data for the discussion on standards for European diesel fuel, related repercussions on refinery economics and fuel availability.

Konzeption fuer die Bewertung der Umweltgefaehrlichkeit von Altstoffen

Das Projekt "Konzeption fuer die Bewertung der Umweltgefaehrlichkeit von Altstoffen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Strahlen- und Umweltforschung durchgeführt. Als ein Werkzeug zur Bearbeitung des Altstoffproblems wurde eine Zusammenstellung von Datenquellen von alten Stoffen erstellt. Dieser Bericht enthaelt bibliographische und inhaltliche Angaben ueber 689 Datenquellen (230 Handbuecher und Tabellen, 401 Monographien und Reports, sowie 58 Datenbasen). Der Bericht wurde in der OECD im Existing Chemicals Programme (Altstoffprogramm) vorgestellt und in den Endbericht des Projektes IV Chemicals on which Data are Currently Inadequate: Selection Criteria for Health and Environmental Purposes inkorporiert.

Collection of Information on Enzymes

Das Projekt "Collection of Information on Enzymes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Interuniversitäres Forschungszentrum für Technik, Arbeit und Kultur (IFZ) durchgeführt. Enzyme werden in vielerlei Bereichen eingesetzt: in Wasch- und Reinigungsmitteln, fuer das Erzielen des stone-washed Effects bei Jeans und in der Herstellung von so unterschiedlichen Dingen wie Antibiotika, Papier, Leder und Nahrungsmitteln. Enzyme, die für solcherart technische Zwecke verwendet werden und die nicht im EINECS (European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances) gelistet sind, fallen unter die chemikalienrechtlichen Bestimmungen der EU (Richtlinie 67/548/EWG). Kommerzielle Enzymprodukte enthalten nicht nur einen relativ geringen Anteil des aktiven Enzyms, sondern vielmehr einen beträchtlichen Anteil von Beiprodukten. Zusammensetzung und Anteil dieser Beiprodukte sind hoch variabel und abhängig vom Produktionsprozess und vom Produktionsorganismus. Die Anwendung von neuen Technologien, insbesondere der Gentechnologie, ermöglichte die Erzeugung von Enzymen, die zuvor nicht verfügbar waren, sowie die Entwicklung von neuen Enzymeigenschaften. In den letzten Jahren stellte sich immer dringender die Frage nach den Anmeldungserfordernissen von Enzymen und, in Zusammenhang damit, deren Identifizierung sowie nach der Unterscheidung zwischen 'neuen' und bereits angemeldeten Enzymen. Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden zu folgenden Aspekte umfangreiche Recherchen durchgeführt: Verwendung und Herstellung von Enzymen sowie die Charakterisierung von Enzym-Produkten; Regulierung und die Prüfung von Enzymen am EU-Markt (mit Verwendung in Lebensmittel, Futtermittel, Kosmetika, medizinische Prokukte und für technische Anwendungen); Enzyme am EU-Markt; Anmeldesysteme im Rahmen von Chemikalienregelungen in nicht EU-Ländern und relevante Richtlinien für Enzyme; Parameter und Methoden zur Charakterisierung von Enzymen und deren Beiprodukten; mögliche Gefahren, die von Enzymen ausgehen (für die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt) sowie Testmethoden, um diese Gefahren festzustellen. Darauf aufbauend wurden dann Empfehlungen zu einem möglichen zukünftigen Anmelde/Registrierungs-System für Enzyme in der EU formuliert. Der resultierende Bericht soll die Grundlage für eine geänderte Enzym-Anmeldung/Registrierung in der Europäischen Union bilden, die an die speziellen Anforderungen von Enzymen angepasst sein soll.

Technical viability of a novel device for automated high-volume screening of teratogens based on simultaneous quantitative computer-assisted microscopical evaluation of clonal cell cycle progression and differentiation state

Das Projekt "Technical viability of a novel device for automated high-volume screening of teratogens based on simultaneous quantitative computer-assisted microscopical evaluation of clonal cell cycle progression and differentiation state" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Institut für Lebensmitteltoxikologie und Chemische Analytik durchgeführt. The developmental toxicity studies required by the regulatory authorities for registration of new pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals require a large number of animals and considerable effort from skilled technical personnel. The cost of testing a single chemical substance are approximately 250kECU, a factor which severely limits the number of novel agents and process derived by-products which can be evaluated. As a consequence the large number of novel compounds produced in research laboratories and those intermediates of step-wise procedures in the chemical industry, will never be tested by these in vivo procedures. In vitro methods provide an alterative strategy for assessment of developmental toxicity however the most promising methods are time consuming, involve animal use and require skilled personnel. Development of a simple, reliable and rapid screening system is required to facilitate the pharmaceutical and agro-chemical industries in evaluating embryotoxic potential in the large number of existing substances and the new materials which are added to the list each year. EU Directive 86/609 dictates that animals must not be used for testing if a validated, non-animal test is available and the EU BIOTECH Programme has as a goal the development of such assays for the in-vitro detection of teratogens. Previously, members of this consortium have been contracted under the BIOTECH programme to identify in-vitro endpoints for the development of such tests (BIO2CT930471). As the most significant initial steps in the emergence of developmental toxicity is inhibition of cell division coupled with a premature differentiation, coincident evaluation of these endpoints was found to reliably discriminate known teratogens from non-teratogens in structurally related agents using single cells in-vitro. To determine change in differentiation state change in cell morphology was determined using an automated, computer assisted image analysis system which was developed specifically to allow unbiased estimations in large numbers of single cells. The aim of the present proposal is to modify this system in a manner which allows high volume, coincident analysis of proliferation rate and differentiation state; to develop a prototypic system with standard operating procedures; and to demonstrate the validity of the system for routine use in the public and industrial sectors. The proposal fits well with area 7.1.1 of the BIOTECH Work Programme and is within the remit of a Demonstration Project. Prime Contractor: National University of Ireland Dublin, Department of Pharmacology; Dublin; Eire/Ireland.