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Bericht: Globale Emissionstrend 2012

Der weltweite Ausstoß des klimaschädlichen Gases Kohlenstoffdioxid erreichte 2011 Rekordniveau: Insgesamt 34 Milliarden Tonnen CO2 gelangten im Jahr 2011 in die Erdatmosphäre. Das geht aus dem am 18. Juli 2012 veröffentlichten Jahresbericht des European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) und des niederländischen Umweltforschungsinstituts PBL im italienischen Ispra hervor. Um drei Prozent ist der CO2-Ausstoß dem Bericht zufolge 2011 gestiegen. Dabei sank der Wert zwar in den Industrieländern der Europäischen Union um drei Prozent und in den USA sowie Japan um zwei Prozent. In China stieg der CO2-Ausstoß um neun Prozent und erreicht jetzt 7,2 Tonnen pro Kopf und Jahr.

Gründung des Clubs der Energiewende-Staaten

Am 1. Juni 2013 kam der "Club der Energiewende-Staaten" zu seinem Gründungstreffen in Berlin zusammen. Gründungsmitglieder sind China, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Indien, Marokko, Südafrika, Tonga, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, das Vereinigte Königreich sowie der Generaldirektor der IRENA, Adnan Amin. Gemeinsames Ziel ist, den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien weltweit voranzutreiben.

Messergebnisse zur Radioaktivität in: China OP Jin Jing Bio (17.07.2017)

Messdaten zur Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Umwelt, in Lebens- und Futtermitteln

Messergebnisse zur Radioaktivität in: China Sencha (27.04.2015)

Messdaten zur Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Umwelt, in Lebens- und Futtermitteln


Systemraum: Gewinnung als Nebenprodukt bei der Kupfergewinnung bis Rohmetall Geographischer Bezug: Weltmix Zeitlicher Bezug: 2004 Weitere Informationen: Fällt als Nebenprodukt bei der Gewinnung von Kupfer an. Ausnahme: China Die Bereitstellung von Investionsgütern wird in dem Datensatz nicht berücksichtigt. Allgemeine Informationen zur Förderung und Herstellung: Art der Förderung: Gewinnung aus Anodenschlamm Roherz-Förderung: USA 7,9% Australien 5,7% Chile 35,5% China 5,9% Indonesien 5,4% Peru 6,9% Kupfererz im Jahr 2006 Rohmetall-Herstellung (As2O3): China 50,2% Chile 19,7% Marokko 11,5% Peru 5,9% Abraum: k.A. Produktionsmenge: 59800t As2O3 Reserven: 1196000t As2O3 Statische Reichweite: 20a


Veredlung von Baumwollmaschenwaren in China konventionelle Baumwolle aus den USA Veredlungsschritte sind Bleichen, Färben, Waschen und Trocknen Wasserverbrauch [l/kg] 120 (durchschnittlich) Schmidt, 1999 56 (T-Shirt) Pulli, 1997 80-200 (durschschnittlich) Cognis, 1995 114 (Bsp. 1 ) Schönberger, 1998 258 (Bsp. 2 ) Schönberger, 1998 138 Mittelwert Mit dem Wasserbedarf hängt der Energieverbrauch eng zusammen(Heizen der Textilbäder) Ein weiterer Posten beim Energieverbrauch in der Veredlung ist das anschließende Trocknen der Ware. Gesamtenergieverbrauch Veredlung Energieverbrauch [MJ/kg] 18-43 Schmidt, 1999 27,84 Pulli, 1997 20-110 Cognis, 1995 35,64 Schönberger, 1998 25 Altenfelder, 1996 39,93 Mittelwert Der Großteil der Energie ist Prozesswärme, der kleinere elektrische Energie für die Bewegungen der Maschinen. Split zwischen direkt eingesetzter Wärme und elektrischer Energie von Baumwollmaschenware: Wärme elektrische Energie 95 % 5 % Pulli, 1997 85 % 15 % Midtjydsk, 1998 90 % 10 % Mittelwert Einsatz von Textilhilfsmitteln und Salz [SSI, 1994]: 547 g/kg Steinsalz 165 g/kg Textilhilfsmittel, über die jedoch keine detaillierten und verallgemeinerbaren Informationen vorliegen. Auslastung: 1500h/a Brenn-/Einsatzstoff: Textilien gesicherte Leistung: 100% Jahr: 2000 Lebensdauer: 15a Leistung: 1t/h Nutzungsgrad: 100% Produkt: Textilien


Veredlung von Baumwollmaschenwaren in China konventionelle Baumwolle aus China Veredlungsschritte sind Bleichen, Färben, Waschen und Trocknen Wasserverbrauch [l/kg] 120 (durchschnittlich) Schmidt, 1999 56 (T-Shirt) Pulli, 1997 80-200 (durschschnittlich) Cognis, 1995 114 (Bsp. 1 ) Schönberger, 1998 258 (Bsp. 2 ) Schönberger, 1998 138 Mittelwert Mit dem Wasserbedarf hängt der Energieverbrauch eng zusammen(Heizen der Textilbäder) Ein weiterer Posten beim Energieverbrauch in der Veredlung ist das anschließende Trocknen der Ware. Gesamtenergieverbrauch Veredlung Energieverbrauch [MJ/kg] 18-43 Schmidt, 1999 27,84 Pulli, 1997 20-110 Cognis, 1995 35,64 Schönberger, 1998 25 Altenfelder, 1996 39,93 Mittelwert Der Großteil der Energie ist Prozesswärme, der kleinere elektrische Energie für die Bewegungen der Maschinen. Split zwischen direkt eingesetzter Wärme und elektrischer Energie von Baumwollmaschenware: Wärme elektrische Energie 95 % 5 % Pulli, 1997 85 % 15 % Midtjydsk, 1998 90 % 10 % Mittelwert Einsatz von Textilhilfsmitteln und Salz [SSI, 1994]: 547 g/kg Steinsalz 165 g/kg Textilhilfsmittel, über die jedoch keine detaillierten und verallgemeinerbaren Informationen vorliegen. Auslastung: 1500h/a Brenn-/Einsatzstoff: Textilien gesicherte Leistung: 100% Jahr: 2000 Lebensdauer: 15a Leistung: 1t/h Nutzungsgrad: 100% Produkt: Textilien

Markt für Eisenerzkonzentrat

technologyComment of iron ore beneficiation (IN): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 65% . The process so developed basically involves crushing, classification, processing of lumps, fines and slimes separately to produce concentrate suitable as lump and sinter fines and for pellet making. The quality is essentially defined as Fe contents, Level of SiO2 and Al2O3 contamination. The process aims at maximizing Fe recovery by subjecting the rejects/tailings generated from coarser size processing to fine size reduction and subsequent processing to recover iron values. technologyComment of iron ore beneficiation (RoW): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 84%. technologyComment of iron ore mine operation and beneficiation (CA-QC): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 75%. Specific data were collected on one of the two production site in Quebec. According to the documentation available, the technologies of the 2 mines seems similar. Uncertainity has been adjusted accordingly. technologyComment of niobium mine operation and beneficiation, from pyrochlore ore (BR, RoW): Open-pit mining is applied and hydraulic excavators are used to extract the ore with different grades, which is transported to stockpiles awaiting homogenization through earth-moving equipment in order to attain the same concentration. Conveyor belts (3.5 km) are utilized to transport the homogenized ore to the concentration unit. Initially, the ore passes through a jaw crusher and moves to the ball mills, where the pyrochlore grains (1 mm average diameter) are reduced to diameters less than 0.104 mm. In the ball mills, recycled water is added in order to i) granulate the concentrate and ii) remove the gas from the sintering unit. The granulated ore undergoes i) magnetic separation, where magnetite is removed and is sold as a coproduct and ii) desliming in order to remove fractions smaller than 5μm by utilizing cyclones. Then the ore enters the flotation process - last stage of the beneficiation process – where the pyrochlore particles come into contact with flotation chemicals (hydrochloric & fluorosilic acid, triethylamene and lime), thereby removing the solid fractions and producing pyrochlore concentrate and barite as a coproduct which is also sold. The produced concentrate contains 55% Nb2O5 and 11% water and moves to the sintering unit, via tubes or is transported in bags while the separated and unused minerals enter the tailings dam. In the sintering unit, the pyrochlore concentrate undergoes pelletizing, sintering, crushing and classification. These units not only accumulate the material but are also responsible for removing sulfur and water from the concentrate. Then the concentrate enters the dephosphorization unit, where phosphorus and lead are removed from the concentrate. The removal of sulphur and phosphorus have to be executed because of the local pyrochlore ore composition. Then the concentrate undergoes a carbothermic reduction by using charcoal and petroleum coke, producing a refined concentrate, 63% Nb2O5 and tailings with high lead content that are disposed in the tailings dam again. technologyComment of rare earth element mine operation and beneficiation, bastnaesite and monazite ore (CN-NM): Firstly, open pit, mining (drilling and blasting) is performed in order to obtain the iron ore and a minor quantity of rare earth ores (5−6 % rare earth oxide equivalent). Then, a two-step beneficiation process is applied to produce the REO concentrate. In the first step, ball milling and magnetic separation is used for the isolation of the iron ore. In the second step, the resulting REO tailing (containing monazite and bastnasite), is processed to get a 50% REO equivalent concentrate via flotation. technologyComment of rare earth oxides production, from rare earth oxide concentrate, 70% REO (CN-SC): This dataset refers to the separation (hydrochloric acid leaching) and refining (metallothermic reduction) process used in order to produce high-purity rare earth oxides (REO) from REO concentrate, 70% beneficiated. ''The concentrate is calcined at temperatures up to 600ºC to oxidize carbonaceous material. Then HCl leaching, alkaline treatment, and second HCl leaching is performed to produce a relatively pure rare earth chloride (95% REO). Hydrochloric acid leaching in Sichuan is capable of separating and recovering the majority of cerium oxide (CeO) in a short process. For this dataset, the entire quantity of Ce (50% cerium dioxide [CeO2]/REO) is assumed to be produced here as CeO2 with a grade of 98% REO. Foreground carbon dioxide CO2 emissions were calculated from chemical reactions of calcining beneficiated ores. Then metallothermic reduction produces the purest rare earth metals (99.99%) and is most common for heavy rare earths. The metals volatilize, are collected, and then condensed at temperatures of 300 to 400°C (Chinese Ministryof Environmental Protection 2009).'' Source: Lee, J. C. K., & Wen, Z. (2017). Rare Earths from Mines to Metals: Comparing Environmental Impacts from China's Main Production Pathways. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(5), 1277-1290. doi:10.1111/jiec.12491 technologyComment of scandium oxide production, from rare earth tailings (CN-NM): See general comment. technologyComment of vanadium-titanomagnetite mine operation and beneficiation (CN): Natural rutile resources are scarce in China. For that reason, the production of titanium stems from high-grade titanium slag, the production of which includes 2 processes: i) ore mining & dressing process and ii) titanium slag smelting process. During the ore mining and dressing process, ilmenite concentrate (47.82% TiO2) is produced through high-intensity magnetic separation of the middling ore, which is previously produced as a byproduct during the magnetic separation sub-process of the vanadium titano-magnetite ore. During the titanium slag smelting process, the produced ilmenite concentrate from the ore mining & dressing process is mixed with petroleum coke as the reducing agent and pitch as the bonding agent. Afterwards it enters the electric arc furnace, where it is smelted, separating iron from the ilmenite concentrate and obtaining high-grade titanium slag.

Processed seismic data of Cruise SO23 1982

In the framework of the IDOE-SEATAR (International Decade of Ocean Exploration - Studies of East Asia Tectonics and Resources) Program, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources carried out a geophysical survey in the Sulu Sea during the period from March 11, 1982 to April 15, 1982 using the German research vessel R/V SONNE. The SONNE cruise no. SO-23 continued SEATAR-related studies of BGR which have been carried out during the Southeast Asian Cruise of the VALDIVIA (VA-16) in 1977. During SONNE cruise no. SO-23, multi-channel reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 21 lines with a total length of 3,300 km in the Sulu Sea. In the NW Sulu Basin, situated between the shelf of East Palawan in the north and the volcanic Cagayan Ridge in the south, a 50 - 100 km wide graben-like basin exists which is filled with thick Neogene and pre-Middle Miocene sediments. The basin trends east-northeast. At longitude 119°E it bends to a north-south direction. The dominating structural element within the sedimentary graben-like basin is a diapiric-chaotic zone about 25 km wide, which was only detectable west of longitude 120°E. The base of the elongated diapiric-chaotic zone, which might represent a tectonically mobilized equivalent of the Crocker Formation (Middle Miocene - Lower Oligocene) is difficult to define in the seismic monitor records. The configuration and the internal structural style of individual structures of the diapiric-chaotic zone, which can be followed over length of about 150 km, seem to resemble those of the oil-bearing province offshore western Sabah. In the eastern part of the NW-Sulu Basin east of longitude 119°E, several north-trending anticlines of presumably Middle Miocene age and locally volcanic intrusions of presumably Plio-Pleistocene age have been observed. During the second leg of the cruise SO-23 in the southeastern part of the South China Sea (April 16, 1982, to May 9, 1982) multi-channel seismic reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, and sea-beam measurements on 19 lines with a total length of 3,570 km in the southeastern part of the South China Sea, including the area of the Dangerous Grounds. In addition, 2,280 km of profile was surveyed with only magnetics, gravity, and sea-beam measurements. A complex structural style was observed in the investigated part of the Dangerous Grounds, South China Sea, which is believed to be part of a microcontinental block which rifted from the continental margin of Asia in the Early Paleogene/Late Mesozoic time. There are prospective depocenters and structures trending NE-SW, E-W, and N-S in the southwestern part, i.e. the area west of longitude 117.5°E (units 2, 3, 4). Unit 4 contains a series of half-grabens with thick sedimentary infill. An imbricated melange of pre-Middle Miocene age seems to exist only off southern Palawan. The dominating structural trend in the area northeast of Reed Bank is NW-SE. Oceanic crust characterized by NW-trending magnetic lineations (anomalies 8 to 12 ?) was observed north of latitude 12°N and between longitude 118°E and the Manila Trench.

Processed seismic data of Cruise SO27 1983

As recommended by the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies on East Asia Tectonics and Resources and the proposal of the Bureau of Mines and Geosciences of the Philippines to extend the research of the previous R/V SONNE survey SO-23, the Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) carried out a geophysical survey in the southeastern part of the South China Sea (Dangerous Grounds) and in the northwestern part of the Sulu Sea in two legs from 29th April to 29th June 1983 on SONNE cruise SO-27. Multichannel reflection seismic measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, Sea-Beam, and 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler measurements on 34 lines with a total length of 7,204 km. In addition, 26 lines with a total length of 2,800 km were surveyed with only the last four named methods. SONNE cruise SO-27 was financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT). Six seismic sequences (DG-1 to DG-6) (DG = Dangerous Grounds) could be distinguished in the surveyed part of the South China Sea. The oldest recognizable sequence is the sequence DG-6, an equivalent of the Pre-Nido Formation of the northwest shelf of Palawan. Seismic unconformity Violet marks the top of the DG-6 sequence, which consists of a complex system of tilted horsts and half-grabens. The half-grabens are presumably filled with clastic sediments of Eocene age (seismic sequence DG-5). The top of seismic sequence DG-5 is bounded by unconformity Blue, which is interpreted as representing the end of the rift phase and the onset of seafloor spreading in the South China Sea about 32 m.y. ago. The overlying seismic sequence DG-4 is characterized by an internal reflection pattern with low frequencies. Lithologically, this sequence consists of shallow-water carbonates with reef complexes of Oligocene to Early Miocene age and has to be regarded as equivalent to the oil-containing Nido Formation of the Palawan shelf. A rapid subsidence of large parts of the survey area during the late (?) Early Miocene ended the growth of the shallow water carbonate platform, indicated by the unconformity Blue. The overlying seismic sequence DG-3 is interpreted as consisting of a transitional facies between a shallow water and a bathyal depositional environment. The top of this sequence is marked by unconformity Red, which most probably represents the end of the drifting phase (seafloor spreading) in the South China Sea during the Middle Miocene. The most prominent structural feature of the shelf and slope of central and southern Palawan is a thick sedimentary wedge originally interpreted as a melange. Our data show that the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform of the Dangerous Grounds extends beneath the Palawan Trough, as well as beneath the central and southern Palawan shelf, underlying the melange. Based on the finding that i) Rhaeto-Liassic rocks are present in the Dangerous Grounds, ii) the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform continues from the Dangerous Grounds through the Palawan Trough to the central and southern Palawan shelf, and iii) there is thinned continental crust 20 km thick below the continental slope of southern Palawan, we believe the Dangerous Grounds, together with Palawan and the Caiman Islands belong to a uniform continental fragment which separated from the proto-chinese continental margin when the South China Sea opened during the Oligocene. Previously, the melange of central and southern Palawan, which contains ophiolites, was interpreted as being autochthonous. In our opinion, the melange is an allochthonous mass which has been overthrusted onto the eastern margin of the Dangerous Grounds-Palawan-Caiman microcontinent from the Northwest Sulu Basin. The Ulugan Bay fault is interpreted as the northeastern front of this allochthonous mass. The area of prospective carbonate plays is considerably enlarged by the discovery that the Oligocene to Early Miocene carbonate platform with Nido-type reef structures extends below the allochthonous sediments of central and southern Palawan. We expect that hydrocarbon-bearing structures of the Sabah-type, i. e. thick, folded Neogene sediments, will be found in the western part of the northwestern Sulu basin. If our interpretation is correct, a new chapter of hydrocarbon exploration may be about to begin around Palawan in the Philippines.

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